New Content - Implemented Spacegate access badge


Staff member
This looks like it could be fantastic. Not that I've used mine, yet, but G_D discussion is enthusiastic.

(So far. I have not yet seen the inevitable whining that "this is not useful for speed runs".)

9404	Spacegate access badge	977103521	sgbadge.gif	usable	t	0
# Item Spacegate access badge: Unlocks billions of strange alien worlds
Item	Spacegate access badge	Free Pull
(So far. I have not yet seen the inevitable whining that "this is not useful for speed runs".)

Because it is useful for speed runs. The only question is how useful. Merely unlocking the once per day buffs is useful. (That's how easy it is to eliminate the whining.) Jury is still deliberating on the usefulness of planets.

The following items are not yet in KoLmafia v17.6 r17941
Spacegate Fabrication Facility	buy	1000	portable Spacegate	ROW947
9465	portable Spacegate	313840046	portablesg.gif	usable	t	0
# Item portable Spacegate: Provides one day's access to a random Spacegate planet
9406	exo-servo leg braces	857487934	radipants.gif	pants	q	0
exo-servo leg braces	10	none
# Item exo-servo leg braces: Allows you to move normally in high gravity environments
Item	exo-servo leg braces	Lasts Until Rollover
9411	alien rock sample	196471263	spelrock.gif	none	d	10	alien rock samples
# Item alien rock sample: Worth 3 pages of Spacegate Research
9416	alien plant fibers	876928996	plantfibers.gif	none	d	5
# Item alien plant fibers: Worth 1 page of Spacegate Research
9415	edible alien plant bit	306788819	plantbit.gif	food	t,d	4
edible alien plant bit	1	1	good	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item edible alien plant bit: Gives 5 Adventures of a random positive effect
9413	geological sample kit	512153322	briefcase.gif	offhand	q	0
geological sample kit	0	none
# Item geological sample kit: Increases the yield of Spacegate geology operations
Item	geological sample kit	Lasts Until Rollover
9414	botanical sample kit	216275865	briefcase.gif	offhand	q	0
botanical sample kit	0	none
# Item botanical sample kit: Increases the yield of Spacegate botany operations
Item	botanical sample kit	Lasts Until Rollover
9409	high-friction boots	294528920	wtbboots.gif	accessory	q	0
high-friction boots	0	none
# Item high-friction boots: Allows you to move normally on extremely windy planets
Item	high-friction boots	Single Equip, Lasts Until Rollover
9422	zoological sample kit	313682924	briefcase.gif	offhand	q	0
zoological sample kit	0	none
# Item zoological sample kit: Increases the yield of Spacegate zoology operations
Item	zoological sample kit	Lasts Until Rollover
9408	gate transceiver	900860541	sgcompass.gif	accessory	q	0
gate transceiver	0	none
# Item gate transceiver: Allows you to negotiate magnetic storms without losing your way
Item	gate transceiver	Single Equip, Lasts Until Rollover
9407	rad cloak	530478383	smokecloak.gif	container	q	0
rad cloak	0	none
# Item rad cloak: Protects against harmful radiation on alien worlds
Item	rad cloak	Lasts Until Rollover
9405	filter helmet	312851719	sghelmet.gif	hat	q	0
filter helmet	10	none
# Item filter helmet: Provides protection against toxic alien atmospheres
Item	filter helmet	Lasts Until Rollover
Unsurprisingly, there is a daypass, which we know about on day one, unlike Gingerbread City. Nice heads up that we need to have (at least) two preferences controlling whether you have access.

Since it gives access to "a random Spacegate planet", I wonder if you can use another one after using one day's worth of turns from the first one?
No, you cannot. The Spacegate Terminal readout says:

Spacegate Energy remaining: 0 Adventures

There's actual information on how many turns of adventuring remain! (And no way to reset it. You're just out of energy.)

<Center><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Spacegate Terminal</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td>Current planet: Planet Name: Beta Brooks V<br>Coordinates: FELUDJW<br><p>Environmental Hazards:<Br>   high gravity<br>   nasty gasses<br>Plant Life: primitive<br>Animal Life: none detected<br>Intelligent Life: none detected<br><p>Spacegate Energy remaining: <b><font size=+2>0 </font></b>Adventures<p><Center>
Some more unknown items as of r17944

9423 alien meat 672000286 alienmeat.gif food t,d 8
alien meat 1 1 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item alien meat: Gives 5 Adventures of a random positive effect
9441 spant chitin 689199719 spantchitin.gif none t,d 3
# Item spant chitin
9442 spant tendon 684936831 string.gif none t,d 7
# Item spant tendon
9448 murderbot power cell 301843276 wbattery.gif none t,d 11
# Item murderbot power cell
9450 murderbot monofilament 431837846 string.gif none t,d 22
# Item murderbot monofilament
9449 murderbot component casing 785447051 clsheet.gif none t,d 15
# Item murderbot component casing
Some more after today's adventuring:

9454 murderbot spring injector 232320098 pill.gif usable t,d 40
Item murderbot spring injector Effect: "Spring Training", Effect Duration: 20
9447 spant spear 860697539 tinyspear.gif weapon d 120
spant spear 100 Mus: 20 1-handed spear
Item spant spear Muscle Percent: +10, Mysticality Percent: +10, Moxie Percent: +10, Weapon Damage Percent: +25
130 Spant Armor spantat.gif spant spear
Outfit Spant Armor Damage Absorption: +200
9474 alien sandwich 264675078 sammich.gif food t,d 44
alien sandwich 2 4 awesome 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item alien sandwich: Gives 10 Adventures of a random positive effect
2283 Spring Training spring.gif 6bde966f3414c20ad674c6caef5c85a4 use 1 murderbot spring injector
Effect Spring Training Initiative: +100
Some more found with r17944:

9420    alien plant goo    538908723    plantgoo.gif    spleen, usable    t,d    15
alien plant goo    1    1    crappy    0    0    0    0    Unspaded
Item    alien plant goo    Effect: "Celestial Mind", Effect Duration: 40
2279    Celestial Mind    realbrain.gif    f31647391d032e601aa31d5daa0ccae7    chew 1 alien plant goo
Effect    Celestial Mind    Spell Damage Percent: +100, Spell Critical Percent: +20
KoLmafia v17.6 r17944

9433	primitive alien salad	129944437	salad.gif	food	t,d	23
primitive alien salad	1	1	good	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item primitive alien salad
9423	alien meat	672000286	alienmeat.gif	food	t,d	8
alien meat	1	1	good	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item alien meat: Gives 5 Adventures of a random positive effect
9424	alien toenails	191705518	alientoenails.gif	none	d	5
# Item alien toenails: Worth 1 page of Spacegate Research
9420	alien plant goo	538908723	plantgoo.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	15
alien plant goo	1	1	crappy	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	alien plant goo	Effect: "Celestial Mind", Effect Duration: 40
2279	Celestial Mind	realbrain.gif	f31647391d032e601aa31d5daa0ccae7	chew 1 alien plant goo
Effect	Celestial Mind	Spell Damage Percent: +100, Spell Critical Percent: +20
9428	alien animal goo	432889167	blankoutglob.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	30
alien animal goo	1	1	crappy	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item alien animal goo
The following ash code dropped in choice.ash parses and tracks the various characteristic of your current planet. Posting here to hopefully save someone time building regexes. Haven't tested with multiple environmental hazards yet, or in the response right when you first choose the planet; will verify those tomorrow.

buffer spaceterminal(buffer page) {
	string trim( string text ) {
		while( text.starts_with(" ") ) text = text.substring(1);
		while( text.ends_with(" ") ) text = text.substring(0, text.length() - 1);
		return text;
	matcher m = "<td>Current planet: Planet Name: ([^<]+)<br>".create_matcher(page);
	if( m.find() ) {
		print("Planet name: " +;
	m = "<br>Coordinates: ([^<]+)<br>".create_matcher(page);
	if( m.find() ) {
		print("Coordinates: " +;
	m = "<br><p>Environmental Hazards:<Br>(.*)<br>Plant Life:".create_matcher(page);
	if( m.find() ) {
		string hazards =" ","").replace_string("<br>","|").trim();
		print("Hazards: " + hazards);
		set_property("_spacegateHazards", hazards);
	m = "<br>Plant Life: (<font color=\\w+>)?([^<]+)(</font>)?(<font color=\w+>(\\(hostile\\))</font>)?<br>".create_matcher(page);
	if( m.find() ) {
		if( != "" )
			set_property("_spacegatePlantLife", +;
		print("Plant Life: " + get_property("_spacegatePlantLife") );
	m = "<br>Animal Life: (<font color=\\w+>)?([^<]+)(</font>)?(<font color=\w+>(\\(hostile\\))</font>)?<br>".create_matcher(page);
	if( m.find() ) {
		if( != "" )
			set_property("_spacegateAnimalLife", +;
		print("Animal Life: " + get_property("_spacegateAnimalLife") );
	m = "<br>Intelligent Life: (<font color=\\w+>)?([^<]+)(</font>)?(<font color=\w+>(\\(hostile\\))</font>)?<br>".create_matcher(page);
	if( m.find() ) {
		if( != "" )
			set_property("_spacegateIntelligentLife", +;
		print("Intelligent Life: " + get_property("_spacegateIntelligentLife") );
	m = "<b>Spant</b>".create_matcher(page);
	if( m.find() ) {
		print("Spant chemical signature detected");
		set_property("_spacegateSpant", true);
	} else {
		print("No spant chemical signature detected");
		set_property("_spacegateSpant", false);
	m = "<b>Murderbot</b>".create_matcher(page);
	if( m.find() ) {
		print("Murderbot chemical signature detected");
		set_property("_spacegateMurderbot", true);
	} else {
		print("No Murderbot chemical signature detected");
		set_property("_spacegateMurderbot", false);
	m = "<br>ALERT: ANCIENT RUINS DETECTED<br>".create_matcher(page);
	if( m.find() ) {
		print("Ancient ruins detected");
		set_property("_spacegateRuins", true);
	} else {
		print("No ancient ruins detected");
		set_property("_spacegateRuins", false);
	m = "<p>Spacegate Energy remaining: <b><font size=\\+2>(\\d+) </font>".create_matcher(page);
	if( m.find() ) {
		print("Spacegate turns left: " +;
	} else {
		print("No spacegate turns left?");
		set_property("_spacegateTurnsLeft", "0");
	return page;

edit: Prior regexes didn't account for (hostile) entities as I hadn't seen them yet, fixed now.

edit 2: Prior regexes didn't work for the different font coloring for "anomalous", fixed now.. again..
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I very much like that - except I want it in KoLmafia itself, printing to the gCLI and session log, as well as setting _ properties, as you did.

I still have not yet used my IOTM - do we track permanent/one-day availability yet? - but I will tomorrow. After looking at all the data people were putting in the G_D thread, I thought "I want that data saved in my session log."
Select planet using dials:


Select planet using word:


Select random planet:

KoLmafia v17.6 r17954

Unknown item found: complex alien plant sample (9418, 754099238)
9418    complex alien plant sample      754099238       dna.gif none    d       25
# Item complex alien plant sample: Worth 10 pages of Spacegate Research
Unexpected plural of 'alien meat' found: pieces of alien meat
Unexpected plural of 'alien animal goo' found: globs of alien animal goo
Unexpected plural of 'alien plant goo' found: globs of alien plant goo
Unexpected plural of 'alien sandwich' found: alien sandwiches

9417	alien plant sample	662601741	dna.gif	none	d	10
# Item alien plant sample: Worth 3 pages of Spacegate Research
9427	fascinating alien zoological sample	326307398	dna.gif	none	d	50
# Item fascinating alien zoological sample: Worth 20 pages of Spacegate Research
chew 1 alien animal goo
2280	Celestial Body	strboost.gif	ff81117c5e5caf9da4169bf930c1de48
Effect	Celestial Body	Weapon Damage Percent: +100, Critical Hit Percent: +20
New monster #2016 found in Manuel with name 'small hostile animal' image 'sganimala19.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: -10000 P: beast'
New monster #2018 found in Manuel with name 'exotic hostile animal' image 'sganimalc3.gif' attributes ='Scale: ? Cap: ? Floor: ? Init: -10000 P: beast'
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Revision 17969/17970 adds the "spacegate" command.

spacegate vaccine X

(where X is 1, 2, or 3) will visit the Spacegate Vaccinator to get the appropriate vaccine.

spacegateVaccine1, spacegateVaccine2, spacegateVaccine3 are true if you have unlocked the particular vaccine. We will figure this out every time you visit the vaccinator by seeing whether you are offered a vaccine or the chance to unlock it.

_spacegateVaccine is true if you've been vaccinated today.

statuseffects.txt knows about this command. Presumably the maximizer sees that, but there is no support in it yet to look at the settings and filter if not avalable.
Initial info about the choice adventure, based on my own adventuring, with comments from the G-D thread(s) and the Wiki. Also some deduction: each of the three languages has three succisive choice adventures to advance the quest, for example.

We'll need this in order to track Meat (Alien Trade) and Language Proficiencies (various).

Space Cave - choice 1236
  1: Gather some rock samples -> alien rock sample(s)
  2: Drill out a core sample ->  alien rock sample(s)
  6: Just Leave

A Simple Plant - choice 1237
  1: Grab an edible bit -> edible alien plant bit
  2: Take a big chunk of it -> alien plant fibers
  6: Leave it alone
Complex Plant - (choice 1238)
  1: Grab some edible bits -> edible alien plant bit(s)
  2: Hack off a big chunk -> alien plant fibers(s)
  6: Leave it alone

(Anomalous Plant - choice 1239)

The Animals - choice 1240
  1: Chop off a chunk -> alien meat
  2: Clip off a toenail -> alien toenails
  6: Leave it alone

Buffalo-Like Animal, Won't You Come Out Tonight - (choice 1241)
  1: Slice off some meat -> alien meat
  2: Gather some samples -> alien toenails
  6: Leave it alone

(Anomalous Animal - choice 1242)

Interstellar Trade - choice 1243
  1: Buy the thing -> gives (something) costs (some) Meat
  2: Don't buy the thing

Here There Be No Spants - choice 1244
  1: Explore the hive -> spant egg casing
  6: Leave

Recovering the Satellite - choice 1245
  1: Extract its data core -> murderbot data core
  6: Leave

Land Ho - choice 1246
  1: Study the scrolls -> gain +10 Space Pirate Language Proficiency
  6: Leave

Half the Ship it used to Be - choice 1247
  1: Explore the ship -> either gain +5 Space Pirate Language Proficiency or lose proficiency & gain space pirate treasure map
  6: Leave

Paradise Under a Strange Sun - choice 1248
  2: Work on your Tan -> Moxie (or trade space pirate treasure map for ???)
  6: Leave

That's No Monolith, it's a Monolith - choice 1249
  1: Try inserting the Muderbot Cube -> gain +20 Procrastinator Language Proficiency
  6: Leave

I'm Afraid It's Terminal - (choice 1250)
  1: Use the machine -> lose proficiency, gain Procrastinator Locker Key
  6: Leave

(Curses, A Hex - choice 1251)
  1: xxx -> trade Procrastinator Locker Key for ???
  6: Leave

Time Enough at Last - choice 1252
  1: Grab a book -> Space Baby children's book (+10 Space Baby Language Proficiency)
  6: Leave

Mother May I - choice 1253
  1: -> lose proficiency, gain Space Baby bawbaw
  6: Leave

Please Baby Baby Please - choice 1254
  1: -> trade bawbaw for Peek-a-Boo!
  6: Leave

Cool Space Rocks - choice 1255
  1: Grab some of the rocks -> alien rock sample (s)
  2: Take a core sample -> alien rock sample(s)

Wide-Open Spaces - choice 1256
  1: Break off some bits -> alien rock sample(s)
  2: Take a core sample -> alien rock sample(s) and/or alien gemstone
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Does anyone know how or where to encounter Exotic Animals or Plants? Is there a trick to it? My factoid gathering is hitting a wall.
There were reports of anomalous plants or animals before they reset the coordinates.
The Wiki has an exotic animal on it.

There are unassigned monster numbers following simple and advanced plants and similarly following simple and advanced animals. And, sure enough, there are three different images for exotic plants and for exotic animals.

There are unassigned choice numbers following simple and complex plant choices and similarly following small and large animals.

In both cases, I extrapolated.

I expect that anomalous plants or animals are just a much lower probability than simple or advanced ones, when generating the planets. If we succeed in cracking the code defining which hazards and features are generated, I expect we'll be able to understand that - and we'll be able to just say "I want a planet with these features and this difficulty" and crank out suitable coordinates.

Somebody may know planets with the exotic critters on them, but there are quite a few people who are not sharing everything they've discovered. Some of that, I am sure, is for monetary reasons; if you are the only one who knows how to get such-and-such a skill book,for example, you have an edge here in the early days of the market.

It will all become public, eventually.
Thank you! It is reassuring that I just need the coordinates of an exotic planet. I wasn't sure if I needed to do something special.
Speaking of Manuel, if you have the Spant soldier, I'd like to see what Manuel says about it. I assume it is monster 2020, but I don't know what its image is.