Sure. But a particular planet with spants or murderbots will be either all combat or all non-combat - and that is procedurally generated from the coordinates; if you find spant soldiers or drones, you will never see Here there be no Spants, or vice versa.
How many of which combat or non-combat a planet has is affected by the RNG. That's a whole different axis of spading.
Personally, I'd like to be able to say "I want hostile exotic plants, hostile exotic animals, peaceful aliens selling X for Y, and Space Pirate Ruin #3", for example.
hostile exotic plants
hostile exotic animals
peaceful aliens
alien ruins
- are all, probably, bit fields.
Space Pirate Choice #3, the trade good and its price are probably modulos of the configuration bits and therefore might not necessarily be possible, given other specified things.
And the hazards are likely not to be bitfields per se. Instead, a particular difficulty will have:
(5 take 1) = 5 environmental hazards
(5 take 2) = 10 possible pairs of environmental hazards
(5 take 3) = 10 possible triples of environmental hazards
depending on planet difficulty, and
0 elemental hazards
(5 take 1) = 5 elemental hazards
(5 take 2) = 10 possible pairs of elemental hazards
(5 take 3) = 10 possible triples of elemental hazards
which are likely modulos of configuration bits. Which is to say, which set of 2 elemental hazards - cold + hot, cold + sleaze, etc. - is determined by a (mod 10) somewhere.
But who knows what, exactly, Jick did. I am confident we will be able to reverse engineer it, eventually.