Edscension - Your #1 Karma Farming Script

Finished Day 3 at level 13 + 2.3k substat, having killed big lewinski and only having the level 13 quest to go.

On retrospect should have stopped manual powerlevelling at pirates on hitting level 9 instead of 10, would have probably been able to do a 3 day run.

Next time.
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The script work OK without any IOTMs, and won't actually take advantage of Deck or Chateau yet, as far as I'm aware. You'll probably have some early interrupts on day 1 at the very least, but after that it is fairly smooth sailing.
so does this script work fully autonomously? I used to love my Ed runs but just don't have the time any more so automating the process would really really help :)

I only have Deck and Chateau ITOMS

I'd say not yet, but there are a bunch of users who want it to and so are running it, reporting concerns and waiting patiently for fixes and updates. Specifically I have found the biggest barriers to automation occur at lower levels.
Well behaved today (ending up level ~12.5). It stopped when the lobsterfrogman knocked me to exactly zero but that is a known issue. If I did not mention it already if it could also restore a CCS when it ends that would be awesome. Since I know it will stop to let me eat and drink, I have been doing so and then pulling 15 random cards just because. When those generate combats the Ed CCS does nothing useful and I have to finish the fight manually and then remember to (re)set my CCS. Thanks.
Finished run at 3 days + 17 adventures (4 day run)

Getting close.

Edit: nope accidentally got to 0 adventures without buying consumables on the next run due to manual adventuring at Dinseyland. Looks like another 4-day for me.
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Got to level 13. Stopped. When checking quests I realized the script had not used the Frat House Blueprints. I manually got one more hot wing, used them, won at insults, and got the fledges. It couldn't figure out that it needed the fledges but once I got them manually it ran again and finished. 5 Day/925.

Off to do it again.
new run. adventure counter not changing.

About to start a combat indirectly at Guano Junction...
Unknown Adventure #31 = adventure.php?snarfblat=31&confirm=on

Edit: Got it. Bat Hole not available yet. Script could check that before trying :-)
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Previous ed ascensions:2

Ran out of undyings on The Boss Bat? so I had to finish him off manually. Ran ed_ascend.ash again afterwards, and it kept wasting clovers and turns at the Bat Cave. Got baseballs and sonars and useless things like that. Had to visit the Council manually in order to get the Bat Cave marked as complete, before running ed_ascend.ash again.
Just completed a 4/822 run with astral ringu. (Previous: 5/1069, 4/944, 4/889, 4/845, 4/824)

Why does the script try to "Searching for a pirate outfit.." with MCD @ Level 0?

Starting Ed Battle at The Obligatory Pirate's Cove

Visit to Island: The Obligatory Pirate's Cove in progress...

[182] The Obligatory Pirate's Cove
Encounter: A Dreadful Curse
You gain 16 Mysteriousness

ed_disableAdventureHandling => no
Post Adventure done, boop.
Resetting mind control device...
Mind control device reset. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MCD@10
Searching for a pirate outfit.
choiceAdventure23 => 2
choiceAdventure23 => 3
Resetting mind control device...
Mind control device reset. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MCD@0
WHM: ed_use_servant(Priest)
WHM: ed_use_servant(Priest)
Pre Adventure done, beep.
ed_disableAdventureHandling => yes
Starting Ed Battle at The Obligatory Pirate's Cove

Visit to Island: The Obligatory Pirate's Cove in progress...

[183] The Obligatory Pirate's Cove
Encounter: The Beached Boys
You gain 15 Strongness
Sorry about being absent so long. I'll try to address as many of these issues as I can....

I'm not too familiar with scripting for kolmafia. Where would I go about checking? Going to run again with it set to 2 now.
Oh, for future refernce: "set choiceAdventure1023", without any new value, will show you the current setting.

I am seeing [...] repeated in the command window. I expect it is KoLmafia itself generating the message (and it may be going to STDERR) but Edscension is in control so I presume the core issue is that EdA is setting something wrong or newLife did and it a while for the setting to be needed. or maybe it is a hangover from something else entirely and I should actually look at 670 before speculating.
This is definitely Edscension. I believe it's the choice adventure where we leave (& then re-enter) the Castle Basement via the bathroom window. I'm not sure why Mafia doesn't seem to support automating it. I should be able to fix it, but it may take a bit of time.
Several issues where it stops with 0 HP. I think the combat ends successfully, but leves Ed with 0 HP and the script does not detect that and try and use a restore.
Are these from a combat? I had thought that Ed always goes to the Underworld if he is reduced to 0 HP in combat. Non-combats trigger an auto-stop (that I presume can be disabled via the "autoAbortThreshold" setting, but I don't currently understand why the script sets it to -10, and am therefore reluctant to start fiddling with it right now). If you happen to have linen bandages in your inventory (the script doesn't buy them until after a bunch of other stuff, I believe) the script is supposed to use them when you re-start it. By the way, does anyone know of an easy way to reduce Ed's HP outside of a combat? I can do a softcore run & pull a reusable item, but I can't think of any to use....
It seems to be trying to adventure in the Castle (Ground) when something (mafia?) thinks that area is not available. I'll dig some.
Hmm. This could possibly be related to the choiceAdventure670 thing. Maybe. Most likely, (regardless of whether it is related) something failed in the adventure that Edscension thought was unlocking the area, but it marked it as unlocked anyway. I'll scrutinize that code a bit.

The script work OK without any IOTMs, and won't actually take advantage of Deck or Chateau yet, as far as I'm aware. You'll probably have some early interrupts on day 1 at the very least, but after that it is fairly smooth sailing.
There does exist code for taking advantage of a copied monster in the Chateau. I don't have the Chateau, though (not on any accounts that I can use for testing, anyway) so it is not likely to work. Likewise for Dinseylandfill. There is also currently-unsupported code that takes advantage of the Crown of Ed the Undying, and the lovebug pheromones.

Once you get a bunch of Ed skills, the script should be able to mostly-automate 3-day ascensions without any IotMs. And, I doubt it will ever be able to automate 2-day ascensions no matter how many you have, unless I discover a way to do them with the few that I have. Which are: the 70's Volcano, the CSA backpack, and VIP access.

Previous ed ascensions:2

Ran out of undyings on The Boss Bat? so I had to finish him off manually. Ran ed_ascend.ash again afterwards, and it kept wasting clovers and turns at the Bat Cave. Got baseballs and sonars and useless things like that. Had to visit the Council manually in order to get the Bat Cave marked as complete, before running ed_ascend.ash again.

Ugh. Yeah, I ran into that as well. I think it should be fixed now.

Why does the script try to "Searching for a pirate outfit.." with MCD @ Level 0?

Yeah, good question. I just removed that from my local version.
Are these from a combat? I had thought that Ed always goes to the Underworld if he is reduced to 0 HP in combat. Non-combats trigger an auto-stop (that I presume can be disabled via the "autoAbortThreshold" setting, but I don't currently understand why the script sets it to -10, and am therefore reluctant to start fiddling with it right now). If you happen to have linen bandages in your inventory (the script doesn't buy them until after a bunch of other stuff, I believe) the script is supposed to use them when you re-start it. By the way, does anyone know of an easy way to reduce Ed's HP outside of a combat? I can do a softcore run & pull a reusable item, but I can't think of any to use....

My memory, which as anyone here will tell you is not reliable, is that when I was playing Ed manually there were cases where Ed would have exactly 0 HP at the end of the combat and would not be sent to the Underworld. I can imagine on the KoL side someone might be testing hp < 0 when users would much prefer hp <= 0. My unreliable memory is that it was hitting zero exactly. If I had 7 HP and took 8 or more damage, no problem, but if I took exactly 7, problem. Perhaps this is actually a KoL feature to be worked around?

I think almost every time EdA has stopped with 0 HP there were some kind of restore in inventory so an inelegant solution would just be to detect, use a restore and continue.

In other news, I just hit level 13 without completing all of the Quests (again). I see
We don't want Shelter of Shed for ninja snowmen. Delaying...
which is certainly a reason but since the script is the only thing casting buffs perhaps if it recognizes it doesn't want SoS it should note that and not cast it? :-)
Got to level 8 on the first day which may be a personal record given my suboptimal play style.

It had a hard time starting up - it needed meat but wasn't trying to farm for it. I just summoned Mickey Mantle from the Deck and autosold but you may consider just doing the meatsmith quest if there is not enough meat to open the island and autosell isn't generating enough.

My version never casts the +ML skill and I am still having cases where the script stops with undying for some reason, I manually go back to combat and immediately get beaten up again. I suspect it is running too much ML for the early stages. That's not a new comment, just a reminder. Thanks.
Just finished my first 3 day run (with 1 adventure left!) at 3/785. (Previous 5/1069, 4/944, 4/889, 4/845, 4/824, 4/822)


An issue I found was that the script wouldn't complete the Icy Peak quest. It would always try to delay Ninja Assassin as I had Shelter of Shed active, powerlevel, but then recast it as soon as it ran out. If I had let it keep going it would have never gotten to the Icy Peak. I had to manually use the Reodorant and Talisman of Horus to get the gear from the Ninja Snowman Assassin and finish the quest.

> We don't want Shelter of Shed for ninja snowmen. Delaying...
> We've done everything possible at this time and have not reached the next level, so power-leveling in the most basic way Ed can, abort if you want to do this on your own.
> WHM: ed_use_servant(Priest)
> WHM: ed_use_servant(Priest)
> WHM: ed_use_servant(Scribe)
> WHM: ed_use_servant(Scribe)
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Starting Ed Battle at The Haunted Gallery

[748] The Haunted Gallery
Encounter: guy with a pitchfork, and his wife
Round 0: username wins initiative!
> ed_combatHandler: 0
> test4
> combat stage 0, round 0: 47 more 'til underworld, 177 more 'til we need to spend Ka.
> opponent has about 100 HP. Ed has 138. Fist does 85, Storm does (?) 561, opponent does 3.0
> test5
Round 1: username casts CURSE OF INDECISION!
> combat stage 0, round 1: 47 more 'til underworld, 177 more 'til we need to spend Ka.
> opponent has about 100 HP. Ed has 138. Fist does 85, Storm does (?) 561, opponent does 3.0
> test5
Round 2: username casts FIRE SEWAGE PISTOL!
Round 3: guy with a pitchfork, and his wife takes 42 damage.
Round 3: guy with a pitchfork, and his wife drops 10 attack power.
Round 3: guy with a pitchfork, and his wife drops 8 defense.
> combat stage 0, round 2: 70 more 'til underworld, 264 more 'til we need to spend Ka.
> opponent has about 58 HP. Ed has 138. Fist does 85, Storm does (?) 561, opponent does 2.0
> test5
Round 3: username attacks!
Round 4: guy with a pitchfork, and his wife takes 69 damage.
Round 4: username wins the fight!
You gain 45 Meat
You acquire an item: Ka coin (2)
After Battle: You gain 11 Strongness
After Battle: You gain 24 Enchantedness
After Battle: You gain 6 Smarm
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> We don't want Shelter of Shed for ninja snowmen. Delaying...
> We don't want Shelter of Shed for ninja snowmen. Delaying...
> We've done everything possible at this time and have not reached the next level, so power-leveling in the most basic way Ed can, abort if you want to do this on your own.

> WHM: ed_use_servant(Priest)
> WHM: ed_use_servant(Priest)
> WHM: ed_use_servant(Scribe)
> WHM: ed_use_servant(Scribe)
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Starting Ed Battle at The Haunted Gallery

[749] The Haunted Gallery
Encounter: guy with a pitchfork, and his wife
Round 0: username wins initiative!
> ed_combatHandler: 0
> test4
> combat stage 0, round 0: 47 more 'til underworld, 177 more 'til we need to spend Ka.
> opponent has about 100 HP. Ed has 138. Fist does 85, Storm does (?) 561, opponent does 3.0
> test5
Round 1: username casts CURSE OF INDECISION!
> combat stage 0, round 1: 47 more 'til underworld, 177 more 'til we need to spend Ka.
> opponent has about 100 HP. Ed has 138. Fist does 85, Storm does (?) 561, opponent does 3.0
> test5
Round 2: username casts FIRE SEWAGE PISTOL!
Round 3: guy with a pitchfork, and his wife takes 35 damage.
Round 3: guy with a pitchfork, and his wife drops 9 attack power.
Round 3: guy with a pitchfork, and his wife drops 9 defense.
> combat stage 0, round 2: 70 more 'til underworld, 264 more 'til we need to spend Ka.
> opponent has about 65 HP. Ed has 138. Fist does 85, Storm does (?) 561, opponent does 2.0
> test5
Round 3: username attacks!
Round 4: guy with a pitchfork, and his wife takes 66 damage.
Round 4: username wins the fight!
You gain 56 Meat
You acquire an item: Ka coin (2)
After Battle: You gain 12 Fortitude
After Battle: You gain 22 Mysteriousness
After Battle: You gain 5 Chutzpah
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> We've done everything possible at this time and have not reached the next level, so power-leveling in the most basic way Ed can, abort if you want to do this on your own.
> WHM: ed_use_servant(Priest)
> WHM: ed_use_servant(Priest)
> WHM: ed_use_servant(Scribe)
> WHM: ed_use_servant(Scribe)

cast 1 Purr of the Feline
You acquire an effect: Purr of the Feline (10)

cast 1 Shelter of Shed
You acquire an effect: Shelter of Shed (10)

> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Starting Ed Battle at The Haunted Gallery

[750] The Haunted Gallery
Encounter: Out in the Garden
Took choice 89/2: Snake Knight
Encounter: Knight (Snake)
Round 0: username wins initiative!
> ed_combatHandler: 0
> test4
> combat stage 0, round 0: 13 more 'til underworld, 49 more 'til we need to spend Ka.
> opponent has about 170 HP. Ed has 138. Fist does 85, Storm does (?) 561, opponent does 11.0
> test5
Round 1: username casts CURSE OF INDECISION!
> combat stage 0, round 1: 13 more 'til underworld, 49 more 'til we need to spend Ka.
> opponent has about 170 HP. Ed has 138. Fist does 85, Storm does (?) 561, opponent does 11.0
> test5
Round 2: username casts FIRE SEWAGE PISTOL!
Round 3: knight (Snake) takes 39 damage.
Round 3: knight (Snake) drops 8 attack power.
Round 3: knight (Snake) drops 9 defense.
> combat stage 0, round 2: 18 more 'til underworld, 68 more 'til we need to spend Ka.
> opponent has about 131 HP. Ed has 138. Fist does 85, Storm does (?) 561, opponent does 8.0
> test5
Round 3: username casts STORM OF THE SCARAB!
Round 4: Sammekimeneb provides the basic spell formatting, so you can just focus on the details.
Round 4: knight (Snake) takes 572 damage.
Round 4: username wins the fight!
You acquire an item: serpentine sword
You acquire an item: Ka coin (2)
After Battle: You gain 10 Beefiness
After Battle: You gain 39 Enchantedness
After Battle: You gain 7 Smarm
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> We don't want Shelter of Shed for ninja snowmen. Delaying...
> We don't want Shelter of Shed for ninja snowmen. Delaying...
> We've done everything possible at this time and have not reached the next level, so power-leveling in the most basic way Ed can, abort if you want to do this on your own.

> WHM: ed_use_servant(Priest)
> WHM: ed_use_servant(Priest)
> WHM: ed_use_servant(Scribe)
> WHM: ed_use_servant(Scribe)
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Starting Ed Battle at The Haunted Gallery

Which is exactly what fronobulax said.
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Finished my 3/729 run on the latest revision of the script (Previous 5/1069, 4/944, 4/889, 4/845, 4/824, 4/822, 3/785). It was extremely smooth once I manually got up to level 9 at Dinseyland.

An issue I found was that the script would alternate between Sonofa Beach and the Battlefield, meaning that several turns were wasted on the battlefield as only 4 hippies were being killed each time since the Lighthouse quest wasn't completed yet

I've attached below the relevant portion of the log.

View attachment sonofa beach issue edscension chown.txt
It will defer the game of pool until drunkeness is at a max. How about an option to control that a little differently?

I don't mind the script stopping to tell me to drink. There are other times when I would not mind if the script was sub-optimal and just played pool sober. I would even be glad to let the script drink whatever it could obtain to achieve optimal pool inebriation.

I only notice this because the script told me so being less verbose would deal with this although if the script has nothing else to do but pool or level I still would like to know that because intuition suggests playing pool would be faster.

I feel like I'm doing something really obvious and stupid wrong, but anytime I try to run Ed_Ascend.ash, I immediately get the error "Bad monster value: "clingy pirate"(ed_combat.ash, line 416)". I am using the latest daily build of mafia (r1628), and I just installed this from the SVN so there's nothing there to update. What am I missing?
I feel like I'm doing something really obvious and stupid wrong, but anytime I try to run Ed_Ascend.ash, I immediately get the error "Bad monster value: "clingy pirate"(ed_combat.ash, line 416)". I am using the latest daily build of mafia (r1628), and I just installed this from the SVN so there's nothing there to update. What am I missing?
It's not you. The script author forgot to update the script to deal with KoLmafia changes.
It's not you. The script author forgot to update the script to deal with KoLmafia changes.

Which is weird because I am running fine. Perhaps that is because I am running a fork? Scroll back a few pages and look for the SVN link to the fork and try that.
Also, this:
If you do so, expect it to not work well with mafia. Whether it's the package we use or the SVN support provided by github, script users will regularly be told that they have the latest version of your script even after there are newer commits. As a result, scripts on github won't be added to the Script Manager.

The script may or may not be updated. But it's on Github, so your first step of troubleshooting any Github SVN script should be deleting and reinstalling it.