Day 2, first error.
Faucet found in row 4, column 1
Server returned response code 404 (Not Found) for rats.php
Doesn't stop the script, but it does throw an error.
Visit to BatHole: The Boss Bat's Lair in progress...
You can't get to that area.
Is that the check to see if he's dead? Oops, after finishing the script, it seems it's an error and for whatever reason the boss bat lair wasn't completed. Yeah, it's not using enough sonic biscuits to open his lair, only up to the beanbat lair.
Also for whatever reason it didn't seem to pull the Espresso Maker familiar item for my Coffee Pixie.
Alright, on my second character.
For some reason at the end of the Day 1 script, despite running without any errors as mentioned in my last update, it seems to have somehow forgotten to update the script to remind it that I'm now on day 2. Don't ask me how.
Using familiar Baby Gravy Fairy for items.
Accepting quest to find the Untinker's screwdriver
Now finding the screw driver.
We are going to get 1 rusty screwdriver at The Degrassi Knoll Garage.
Validating repo...
svn: E170001: OPTIONS of '/p/mafiarecovery/code': 403 Forbidden (
Something went wrong while fetching svn directory info
Did not fully restore HP for some reason.
Script fails with this message. Since it was a call to your site, I blame you.

It however continues as normal after restarting.
Strike that, after restarting the script it was caught in a endless loop to do the screwdriver quest (which it had already finished somehow?) and keeps trying to do it whenever I reload the script. (deleting that section of the script so I can move on).
After deleting that section it now tries to do the Level 1 quest again, somehow that error seems to have destroyed any memory of completed quests?
After coaxing it to do the billiards room, for some reason it skips over doing the library.
Visit to Cyrpt: The Defiled Niche in progress...
[328] The Defiled Niche
Encounter: slick lihc
Strategy: C:\Program Files\KoL Mafia\ccs\EoDMoxieDBAscend.ccs [default]
Round 0: Falcon loses initiative!
You lose 11 hit points
Did not recover from being Beaten Up!
For some reason it seems to have forgotten that there needs to be healing done if you go under x% HP.
That's all for Day #2.