That seems like it would happen if you freed the king in a pete run outside of mafia.
That seems like it would happen if you freed the king in a pete run outside of mafia.
Just open your prefs file and erase all 6 of those lines. And you won't have bike upgrades anymore.> pref bike
peteMotorbikeCowling (user, now '', default )
peteMotorbikeGasTank (user, now '', default )
peteMotorbikeHeadlight (user, now '', default )
peteMotorbikeMuffler (user, now '', default )
peteMotorbikeSeat (user, now '', default )
peteMotorbikeTires (user, now '', default )
It works right for me. My logs show I haven't acquired a dinghy since Feb 18th and I've been doing a lot of AoSP runs using BCA.
Skipping the level 8 quest hasn't been working right, but I think that's already been noted.
if (item_amount($item[dingy dinghy]) == 0 && item_amount($item[skeletal skiff]) == 0 && get_property("peteMotorbikeGasTank") != "Extra-Bouyant Tank") {
I didn't finish my AoSP run i started I dropped it. So the next question is how to reset anything Pete specific
You haven't given good information to us, or at least not enough. When and where is it equipping that outfit? I don't see any configurable outfit in HC, anywhere... the "outfit bumcheekascend" is in a section limited to not-hardcore, not-softcore-run-as-hardcore. Are you modifying your file to try to allow using your personal outfit?
Done.I was wondering if you guys could make it so during the lvl 10 quest, after unlocking the ground floor and leaving the basement, the script would run the command to optimize gear, I have noticed that while it does equip the titanium umbrella (if available) to unlock the ground floor, it does not remove it once it's purpose is fulfilled, and when running with a mox class (AoSP in my case) this can lend to lots of wasted MP to beat enemies that you could defeat with normal attacks if you had a ranged weapon equipped or to outright not being able to defeat them
We don't know why you're using a weapon to attack when it's not efficient. We don't really care. If you want to do things inefficiently, you can modify your copy of the script. Personally I'm not going to try to make it easier for people to play badly and then ask why we made their run less efficient. It's already enough work defending efficiency without trying to make things less efficient on purpose.
Yeh, may do so, just for the purpose of experimenting. It's easy enough to ascend, i've been doing it for 6 years, so it's hardly a big deal,Yeah, the easiest thing to do is to break your copy of the script for this run, delete it and re-download it when you're done with the weirdness. Unless you have multiple characters, in which case I'd suggest copying the file and renaming it - maybe BCAmoxie or something similar - and then messing with that version for this character.![]()
It would be cool to have a way to automatically feed the slimeling. Sounds like a BBB job, but deciding which equipment is worth destroying automatically isn't a job I'd wish on anyone
I don't know if this is BCCA or Mafia but when BCA did the Nun's quest it removed my Chehire Bitten and put in the He-Boulder. I lost 70% in +meat when it did it. Why would it put in a familiar that lowers the amount of mea
70%? Your bitten was 20 pounds and boulder only 1 pound and you only have +5 weight from other sources?
I assume BCCA picks familiars based on a hardcoded list?