K K Kenshiro70 Dec 27, 2012 You're welcome, though you might want to check the include - it's got "import <fluxxlib.ash>" instead of "import <corelib.ash>" like the old one did.
You're welcome, though you might want to check the include - it's got "import <fluxxlib.ash>" instead of "import <corelib.ash>" like the old one did.
Fluxxdog Kenshiro70 Fluxxdog wrote on Kenshiro70's profile. Dec 26, 2012 I appreciate the heads up on my Superdrinks script. Ihad made a tweak before and forgot to upload the new version.
I appreciate the heads up on my Superdrinks script. Ihad made a tweak before and forgot to upload the new version.
W W wrldwzrd89 Theraze wrldwzrd89 wrote on Theraze's profile. Sep 5, 2012 Hey Theraze. "Theraze" is an interesting name, that's for sure.
Winterbay philmasterplus Winterbay wrote on philmasterplus's profile. Jun 4, 2012 Thanks, but no it isn't. It's been honestly stolen from the internet (do a google for "rabbit stealing cookie" and you'll find plenty of versions of it). I found it a while ago and fell in love with it
Thanks, but no it isn't. It's been honestly stolen from the internet (do a google for "rabbit stealing cookie" and you'll find plenty of versions of it). I found it a while ago and fell in love with it