Active member
Just to let you know, I checked this on verbosity 9 but WHAM printed nothing.
if (user.requests_abort() == true)
Yes. KoLmafia shouldn't be able to get into this sort of infinite loop in the first place.What I personally do not understand about this whole endless loop shenanigans: It may well be not KoLmafia's fault that an infinite loop comes into existence. But why does KoLmafia not simpy cease executing a script gone wild when I manually request it to do so? I can press "stop now" or press Escape - KoLmafia does not react to the user's request in the case that we have seen here. The root cause of this happening may well be some script's fault, or a weird interaction between two scripts. Still, the user must have the option to stop an ongoing operation. And if there is a designated operating element to do so, whether a button in the GUI or as a keystroke, then this simply must work under any conditions, no matter what. I believe there can be no disagreement on this.
Code:if (user.requests_abort() == true) stop_whatever_on_earth_we_are_currently_doing();
> debug on
> debug trace on
> debug ash on
> debug listener on
> adventure massive ziggurat
You're on your own, partner.
Click here to continue in the relay browser.
> debug off
> debug trace off
> debug ash off
> debug listener off
[ default ]
consult WHAM beta.ash
[ mine crab ]
special action
item Miniborg Destroy-O-Bot, Miniborg Destroy-O-Bot
[ peanut ]
special action
skill weapon of the pastalord
[ school of many ]
special action
try to run away
[ warbear foot soldier ]
special action
item Miniborg Destroy-O-Bot, Miniborg Destroy-O-Bot
equip weapon antique machete
> BCC: Maximizing '-weapon, '
maximize 0 beeosity, mainstat 178 max, -melee +moxie experience +0.5 mp regen min +0.5 mp regen max, 5 hp, -weapon, -equip hilarious comedy prop
equip off-hand black shield
> BCC: Your familiar is set to a 100% Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot
> BCC: Nothing to fax according to whatShouldIFax
> BCC: Defeating the last Protector Spectre.
> BCC: Setting goals of '1 choiceadv'...
> BCC: We should set the MCD if we can.
> BCC: We CAN set the MCD.
[1002] A Massive Ziggurat
Encounter: dense liana
Round 0: Theraze wins initiative!
Round 1: Theraze wins the fight!
[1002] A Massive Ziggurat
Encounter: dense liana
Round 0: Theraze wins initiative!
Round 1: Theraze wins the fight!
[1002] A Massive Ziggurat
Encounter: dense liana
Round 0: Theraze wins initiative!
Round 1: Theraze wins the fight!
[1002] A Massive Ziggurat
Encounter: Legend of the Temple in the Hidden City
Took choice 791/1: fight Protector Spectre
Encounter: Protector Spectre
Round 0: Theraze wins initiative!
[1002] A Massive Ziggurat
[1002] A Massive Ziggurat
[ default ]
[515] A Massive Ziggurat
Encounter: Legend of the Temple in the Hidden City
Took choice 791/1: fight Protector Spectre
Encounter: Protector Spectre
Round 0: Crowther wins initiative!
Round 1: Crowther executes a macro!
Round 2: Crowther executes a macro!
Round 3: Crowther executes a macro!
Round 4: Crowther executes a macro!
Round 5: Crowther executes a macro!
Round 6: Crowther executes a macro!
Round 7: Crowther executes a macro!
It must have been, I didn't even know how to !
> ccs abort
> ash adv1($location[massive zig], 1, "");
Requesting: http://www.kingdomofloathing.com/adventure.php?snarfblat=350
Retrieved: http://www.kingdomofloathing.com/adventure.php?snarfblat=350
Field: Location = [choice.php?forceoption=0]
Requesting: http://www.kingdomofloathing.com/choice.php?forceoption=0
Retrieved: http://www.kingdomofloathing.com/choice.php?forceoption=0
[457] A Massive Ziggurat
Encounter: Legend of the Temple in the Hidden City
Requesting: http://www.kingdomofloathing.com/choice.php?whichchoice=791&option=1&pwd
Retrieved: http://www.kingdomofloathing.com/choice.php?whichchoice=791&option=1&pwd
Field: Location = [fight.php?ireallymeanit=1390072250]
Requesting: http://www.kingdomofloathing.com/fight.php?ireallymeanit=1390072250
Retrieved: http://www.kingdomofloathing.com/fight.php?ireallymeanit=1390072250
Encounter: Protector Spectre
Strategy: /home/scottk/.kolmafia/ccs/abort.ccs [default]
Round 0: Crowther wins initiative!
Requesting: http://www.kingdomofloathing.com/api.php?what=status&for=KoLmafia
Retrieved: http://www.kingdomofloathing.com/api.php?what=status&for=KoLmafia
Round 1: Crowther executes a macro!
Requesting: http://www.kingdomofloathing.com/fight.php?action=macro¯otext=abort+hppercentbelow+5%0A%0A%0A%0Amark+mafiafinal%0Aabort+%22KoLmafia+CCS+abort%22%0Agoto+mafiafinal
Retrieved: http://www.kingdomofloathing.com/fight.php?action=macro¯otext=abort+hppercentbelow+5%0A%0A%0A%0Amark+mafiafinal%0Aabort+%22KoLmafia+CCS+abort%22%0Agoto+mafiafinal
You're on your own, partner.
Round 2: Crowther executes a macro!
Requesting: http://www.kingdomofloathing.com/fight.php?action=macro¯otext=abort+hppercentbelow+5%0A%0A%0A%0Amark+mafiafinal%0Aabort+%22KoLmafia+CCS+abort%22%0Agoto+mafiafinal
Retrieved: http://www.kingdomofloathing.com/fight.php?action=macro¯otext=abort+hppercentbelow+5%0A%0A%0A%0Amark+mafiafinal%0Aabort+%22KoLmafia+CCS+abort%22%0Agoto+mafiafinal
I believe so. Good bug hunting!And so on. The only thing I need to do to reproduce this is to set the choice adventure to go fight.
> set choiceAdventure791=1
I don't see anything else that I need you to do. Thanks.