Feature - Implemented Your cowboy boots spurs/skin enchantments not displayed in Gear Changer

r16782; also affects r16781.

The item description via the relay browser correctly shows:
Maximum HP/MP +25
Muscle +50%
+20% Item Drops from Monsters
Lets you engage in Cowboy Kicking

... and Mafia seems to know about the +mus% and +item% enchantments; the Modifier Maximizer suggests them when maximizing for either attribute. But, when selected in the Gear Changer, the boots only show "Maximum HP: 25 Maximum MP: 25" under the "save as outfit" button.

I imagine this may be related to Veracity's recent work towards handling the holster pseudo-slot, but I wasn't sure, so a separate thread seemed like a good idea until it's confirmed.
If Bale's request for the Numeric Modifier change actually happened, that would probably resolve this FReq regarding New Content as well. It's not a Bug Report because it's behaving exactly as coded by lost, even if it isn't the way Paladin expected it to.
... It's not a Bug ... because it's behaving exactly as coded ...
Thanks for the morning grin. That's right up there with "nope, works for me".

I do understand what you mean, though. It's not unintended. (_design_ "bug", perhaps? or not a bug, but a consequence of a different design choice, as mentioned?)
It's a design choice. Though design choices can be discussed. First though it would require one of our devs to believe that it is worth time and effort to change the design decision. That would require a difference in how the folder holder, cowboy boots, sticker sword any any other slotted item is coded.

I personally have no idea how much work would be required to make that change. The amount of effort is always a definite consideration if a such a design change was to be put on the table. Could a dev weigh in on the difficulty?
Thanks for the morning grin. That's right up there with "nope, works for me".

I do understand what you mean, though. It's not unintended. (_design_ "bug", perhaps? or not a bug, but a consequence of a different design choice, as mentioned?)

Well, it was mainly saying that the one heading used for this post is the only one that wasn't actually valid. It's a Feature Request to change some New Content that's working exactly the way it was designed to. That means that FR and NC are both valid headers, but BR is not.
Thanks for the discussion, all. I've never owned a folder holder, crown of thrones, or Buddy Bjorn, so I rarely have cause to look at the Customizable tab (except for the rare occasion when I use a sticker weapon). It didn't even occur to me to look there. Good to know!
The current skin isn't registered by mafia since version 16783. There was a lot of work done in that change, so I can't immediately spot what broke this. Spurs still work, though. It's a diamondback skin, in case that matters.
The current skin isn't registered by mafia since version 16783. There was a lot of work done in that change, so I can't immediately spot what broke this. Spurs still work, though. It's a diamondback skin, in case that matters.

This should be fixed in 16794. It was only a problem for non-AWOL classes, so it took me a while to understand what your report meant. While trying to figure it out, I discovered that equipping a new skin through the Gear Changer doesn't update the skin that mafia thinks are on the boots. (I assume the same is true for spurs, but those aren't trivially cheap for testing and it's a safe guess.)