New Content - Implemented You, Robot - Spring Challenge Path

Something else is happening where Mafia is not recognizing changes in max MP (from equipment and buffs). 'refresh all' fixes the issue.
This comes into play when casting (or trying to cast) many 'Seek out a Bird' and mp costs are high
I've gone through this thread and this one is the only bug I have not yet fixed .

It's sort of a doozie. KoLmafia depends on using api.php - except in certain path where necessary information is not there. For those classes, we use charpane.php. Unfortunately, in You, Robot, MP is not on the charpane. It IS on the char sheet - which is why "refresh all" works, since that visits that page. And it still is in api.php.

We call charpane because we want to track scrap and energy.
Perhaps we could still call api.php in this path but track scrap and energy in a different way?
This is essentially done.
I've been through four 3-day HC You, Robot runs,
I have fixed every bug reported in this thread and a slew of other errors, bugs, and annoyances.
I am about to start my 5th and final run in this path (literally only one factoid to go) and I am working on RelayBrowser warnings (and tests thereof). I have no other issues, but if I find more in this last run, I will fix them.

And when I finish, I will mark this "implemented".
Last March, I did a single You, Robot run in Hardcore. I did not like it much. It took me 7 days.
A year later later, I decided to get the rest of the factoids, so I grit my my teeth and dove in for another 5 Hardcore runs.
To my surprise, it was a lot more fun this time - and a lot easier. Being out of Standard, KoL auto-pulled all my IOTMS.
I ended up doing five 3-day Hardcore runs in 14 days, starting March 7 and ending March 20.
I spent a lot of time coding while I was doing this, fixing and improving KoLmafia issues, and ended up submitting 6 PRs.
It was almost like a Job. Good thing I'm retired. Time to take a break from ascending again. :)

I fixed every unresolved bug I found in this thread and also every bug, issue, annoyance, and missing feature I observed myself.

I declare this Implemented.

Thank you for the updates. I just started a You Robot run to pick up my last factoid and it is significantly "kinder".

One thing that I notice is that some of the Council responses aren't being picked up as starting or ending a quest by the TourGuide script. Visiting the Quest Log fixes the issue so I may do another run and try to figure out why some of the quests stages aren't being "registered" appropriately.