New Content - Implemented You, Robot - Spring Challenge Path

When you free the king, KoL gives you your campground and skills back, but mafia doesn't know to check them.
When changing from the Bird Cage head to something else any equipped familiar stays equipped in the side pane of KoLmafia. Even with the Bird Cage equipped selecting the option "none" from the right-click menu on the side-pane results in an error:
> familiar none

Putting Sniffles the Gelatinous Cubeling back into terrarium...
Familiar request unsuccessful.
When changing from the Bird Cage head to something else any equipped familiar stays equipped in the side pane of KoLmafia. Even with the Bird Cage equipped selecting the option "none" from the right-click menu on the side-pane results in an error:
> familiar none

Putting Sniffles the Gelatinous Cubeling back into terrarium...
Familiar request unsuccessful.
When you do that, then go back to the bird cage, mafia won't let you "switch" to the familiar it thinks you have. I had to switch to another familiar and back to get it right again.
> use 1 robo-b

(usable quantity of sparking robo-battery is limited to 0 by needed restoration)
sparking robo-battery is a different item from crimbo 2015. It restores 80-100 MP. Does it work if you type out the full name?
New monster #2201 found in Manuel with name 'Boss Bot' image 'roboss_bat.gif' attributes ='Atk: 30 Def: 30 HP: 40 Init: 60 P: construct'
New monster #2202 found in Manuel with name 'Gobot King' image 'roboss_goblin.gif' attributes ='Atk: 50 Def: 50 HP: 50 Init: 100 P: construct'

And this amused me:

[69] The Spooky Forest
Encounter: the Baiowulf
Round 0: Veracity loses initiative!
Round 1: Veracity casts SHOOT PEA!
Round 2: Baiowulf takes 24 damage.
Round 2: Veracity wins the fight!
You acquire an item: Talisman of Baio
After Battle: You gain 1 scrap
After Battle: You gain 1 energy
After Battle: You gain 1 energy
You acquire an item: stick of firewood
Now I feel silly. The error message clearly tells me I was asking for the wrong item.

It took me a while to figure out that “limited to 0 by needed restoration“ meant “limited to 0 because you don’t need restoration”. I actually had to look at the code to be sure, and I have an English degree…
You acquire an item: Talisman of Baio

Congrats! 15+ years playing, 400,000+ turns, zero UR encounters!

Running 20655 - My MM says:
New monster #2201 found in Manuel with name 'Boss Bot' image    'roboss_bat.gif' attributes ='Atk: 30 Def: 30 HP: 40 Init: 60 P: construct'
New    monster #2202 found in Manuel with name 'Gobot King' image    'roboss_goblin.gif' attributes ='Atk: 50 Def: 50 HP: 50 Init: 100 P:    construct'
New monster #2207 found in Manuel with name 'Groarbot' image    'roboss_groar.gif' attributes ='Atk: 120 Def: 110 HP: 250 Init: 50 P:    construct'
Monster #2206 has name 'the Protector S. P. E. C. T. R. E.'    but Manuel calls it 'Protector S. P. E. C. T. R. E.'
Manuel says that    'Protector S. P. E. C. T. R. E.' (2206) has attack 165, but KoLmafia says    it is 0
Manuel says that 'Protector S. P. E. C. T. R. E.' (2206) has    defense 150, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'Protector S.    P. E. C. T. R. E.' (2206) has HP 100, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel    says that 'Protector S. P. E. C. T. R. E.' (2206) 'Initiative +30%', but    KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'Protector S. P. E. C. T. R. E.'    (2206) has phylum construct, but KoLmafia says it is none
New monster    #2203 found in Manuel with name 'Robonerdagon' image 'roboss_dagon.gif'    attributes ='Atk: 90 Def: 80 HP: 120 Init: 90 P: construct'
New monster    #2204 found in Manuel with name 'Tobias J. Saibot' image    'roboss_saibot.gif' attributes ='Atk: 180 Def: 160 HP: 200 Init: -10000 P:    construct'
In RelayRequest.sendBossWarning

        // Some paths replace the usual bosses with other monsters
          if ( KoLCharacter.inRaincore() || KoLCharacter.isVampyre() || KoLCharacter.isPlumber()  )
            return false;
This is just such a path and should be added to that conditional.
Not sure how achievable this is, but the maximizer should probably ignore the crown of throwns if familiars aren't available in this path?
*** Monster 'The Android' has monsterId = 2209 and image 'roboss_man.gif'

Manuel says that 'The Android' (2209) has attack 250, but KoLmafia says it    is 0
Manuel says that 'The Android' (2209) has defense 230, but    KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'The Android' (2209) has HP    2000, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'The Android' (2209)    'Initiative +60%', but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'The    Android' (2209) has phylum construct, but KoLmafia says it is none
*** Monster 'Lord Cyberraven' has monsterId = 2205 and image    'roboss_spooky.gif'

Manuel says that 'Lord Cyberraven' (2205) has attack 170, but KoLmafia    says it is 0
Manuel says that 'Lord Cyberraven' (2205) has defense 150,    but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'Lord Cyberraven' (2205) has    HP 200, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'Lord Cyberraven'    (2205) 'Always wins initiative', but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says    that 'Lord Cyberraven' (2205) has phylum construct, but KoLmafia says it    is none
Not sure how achievable this is, but the maximizer should probably ignore the crown of throwns if familiars aren't available in this path?
aren't familiars sometimes available? Depends on if you equip a birdcage or not. Can you use the crown with it?
aren't familiars sometimes available? Depends on if you equip a birdcage or not. Can you use the crown with it?
You can use familiars, if your "head piece" is the right one but the Crown of Thrones is out of standard so it can't be equipped even if you were in softcore and pulled it from storage.
You can use familiars, if your "head piece" is the right one but the Crown of Thrones is out of standard so it can't be equipped even if you were in softcore and pulled it from storage.
Sounds like Maximizer should skip anything that's out of standard on a restricted path.
*** Monster 'the Nautomatic Sorceress' has monsterId = 2210 and image    'roboss_sorc.gif'

Monster #2210 has name 'the Nautomatic Sorceress' but Manuel calls it    'Nautomatic Sorceress'
Manuel says that 'Nautomatic Sorceress' (2210)    has attack 300, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'Nautomatic    Sorceress' (2210) has defense 300, but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel    says that 'Nautomatic Sorceress' (2210) has HP 1000, but KoLmafia says it    is 0
Manuel says that 'Nautomatic Sorceress' (2210) 'Always wins    initiative', but KoLmafia says it is 0
Manuel says that 'Nautomatic    Sorceress' (2210) has phylum construct, but KoLmafia says it is none

Unknown item found: Thwaitgold listening bug statuette    (10736, 491324304)
10736 Thwaitgold listening    bug statuette 491324304 thwaitrobobug.gif none 0
# Item Thwaitgold    listening bug statuette
You can use familiars, if your "head piece" is the right one but the Crown of Thrones is out of standard so it can't be equipped even if you were in softcore and pulled it from storage.
You can play You, Robot without standard restrictions by finishing ronin.