Bug You are too drunk to continue


I just wanted to chime in that I am also experiencing this problem.
Is there a universal hacky fix for living with this problem?
When it pops up from a PvP script, no biggy, but it started happening with garbo as well breaking all turn automation.


Staff member
My hacky fix is to put this in my afteradventure script:
    if (my_inebriety()>inebriety_limit()) {
        cli_execute("modtrace liver");


My hacky fix is to put this in my afteradventure script:
    if (my_inebriety()>inebriety_limit()) {
        cli_execute("modtrace liver");
thanks so much ckb, that does just the trick!
Added it to my Before PvP script as well!

edit: does the trick for the Before PvP problem, but the snip in the Post Adventure field doesnt keep Garbo from breaking : \
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Staff member
If "modtrace liver" does nothing, then that's a distinct problem (namely: unrelated to the modifier passive skill cache).

From looking at the commit: visiting the wereprofessor research bench to look at your current upgrades should update your preferences appropriately. If that's not happening, then that's a problem with that specific commit. (Is there a specific upgrade that isn't taken into account? or has the wrong associated organ capacity?)


Staff member
You can only visit the research bench as a Professor. It is unavailable when you are a Sexy Savage Beast. I definitely ran into that when I first ran the latest WereProfessor build and started as a Beast. It cleared up when I became a Prof. I don't know if there's a way to tell what upgrades we have if we're already Beastly.


Staff member
This is my WereProf in Prof mode:

> modtrace liver

typesourceLiver Capacity
SkillLiver of Steel+5.00= +5.00
PathWereProfessor+9.00= +14.00


Staff member
I just did my first day in WereProfessor.
It tracked my inebriety limit just fine until it suddenly decided I had Max Inebriety of 14 and suggested I drink 5 Boris’s beer.

I refused, since charpane told me I had max 4.

Nothing I could do convinced it I had only 4 Max Inebriety.

I did not let it make me overdrunk.

I’ll log in, by and by, since it is after rollover, and see what happens.


Staff member
fixed a typo in choiceControl.java. PR in place. It was looking for Relaxin Balm and the actual value is Relaxin balm.


New member
Not 100% sure if this is the right thread for this (I'm only 90% sure), but KoLMafia seems to think that I'm drunk, when I'm at 21 drunkenness (max with Drinking to Drink, Steel Margarita, and Hollow Leg).
I think what happened is that when I broke out of Ronin (EDIT: In Standard) a few turns ago, it failed to detect that I had Drinking to Drink.
If it matters, I'm currently using r27826, which is probably a few builds behind now.

EDIT: Relaunching KoLMafia has fixed the issue.
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King Dave

New member
This continues to be an issue - sometimes me visiting the equipment page will reset it, other times I'm stuck with mafia telling me I'm overdrunk and no way to convince it otherwise.


Not 100% sure if this is the right thread for this (I'm only 90% sure), but KoLMafia seems to think that I'm drunk, when I'm at 21 drunkenness (max with Drinking to Drink, Steel Margarita, and Hollow Leg).
I think what happened is that when I broke out of Ronin (EDIT: In Standard) a few turns ago, it failed to detect that I had Drinking to Drink.
If it matters, I'm currently using r27826, which is probably a few builds behind now.
View attachment 11200

EDIT: Relaunching KoLMafia has fixed the issue.
I've noticed that Mafia doesn't do well with transitioning out of Ronin, even in non-standard. It also doesn't do well with if you've just freed the king. I typically need to relog after both or ascend to fix this.


Staff member
These are useful data points. I'll try to get some time later this week to look at specifically the king-liberated and ronin-break handling. (Specifically: it sounds like ronin-break means that one of your permed skills starts having effect again? Drinking to Drink, probably?)

In the meanwhile, just typing `modtrace Liver` should be an effective workaround. I've added a note to the first post on this front.


Staff member
Ronin-break at least does not seem to trigger any modifier adjustment, which is a bug if true. I assumed that king liberation is a race condition.


Staff member
r27940 may address the ronin-break and king liberation scenarios, although I have only verified this in synthetic tests, not by actually ascending and breaking ronin or freeing the king. There seem to be other scenarios where this happens (including whatever ckb's been experiencing), so I don't think this is fully fixed by any means.


New member
I've been running G-lover to get the garland and I've run into this problem again where Mafia thinks I'm at 20/15 drunkenness instead of 20/20. ash have_skill( $skill[ liver of steel ] ) and ash have_skill( $skill[Drinking to Drink] ) both return true, but modtrace liver capacity will only show Drinking to Drink. I'm still level 8 so I'm nowhere near breaking the prism yet, and updating from 27934 to 27956 did not fix the issue.


Staff member
Hm. Mafia probably doesn't think that the skill does anything because you're in G-Lover, and "Liver of Steel" does not contain any G's. According to the wiki, that's actually incorrect, as passives seem to work as usual.


ah, been a while, but I hit the liver / fam weight bug again.
Same place as always, when a script is maximizing different combinations of outfits.

modtrace liver followed by refresh all resets to correct liver size, but rerunning script goes right back to the bug.
completely closing and restarting mafia does not resolve the issue.

time to comb the beach.

So, I've been hitting this the past few days in a row running garbo. (Only other script that has made this bug pop for me has been UberPvPOptimizer, which is usually less of a headache.)
What I have found is that it is always popping up during the outfit maximization portion of the script before automating at Barf.
Specifically, when maximizing the outfit for the final familiar its about to use, in my case a Robort.
More specifically, this only happens when running garbo for a second time onward in a day/ascension. That is to say, for example, if I do :
- "garbo turns -100"
- then juggle a workshed item, or whatever I was interrupting it for. . .
- "garbo" (to finish things up)
* alternatively, also pops up if there is an abort for, say, the boss eldritch tentacle. . .
Re-running garbo after it encounters the bug, following a "modtrace liver" and "refresh all" to correct organs, will re-encounter the bug.
I have had it pop on both sides of an ascension leg while looping runs.

What I have found to progress my day after encountering, is to burn down turns / run advs until there is a wandering monster up next adv, then run garbo again. I have been using the digitized embezzler for this. Not sure if it necessarily needs to be a mob that garbo wants to use the offending bug-trigger familiar to fight. Like if the protonic pack encounter popped first, which would probably prompt cookbookbat usage or something. . .
Anyway not sure if any of this is helpful for bug chasers, but maybe it will help a bug victim get on with their day or something ?
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