Bug You are too drunk to continue

interesting, hit the bug during the sausage-eating / end-of advs faze of garbo for the first time:

Executing Turn Gen/Sausage
CCS set to grimoire_macro
Autoattack is disabled.
Maximizer: MP
19200 combinations checked, best score 3,610.00
Putting on feathered headdress...
Equipment changed.
Wielding Sword of Procedural Generation...
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 4319 to 4320
Equipment changed.
Putting on sea salt scrubs...
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 4320 to 4321
Equipment changed.
Putting on Jeans of Loathing...
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 4321 to 4322
Equipment changed.
Putting on Garland of Greatness...
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 4322 to 4323
Equipment changed.
Putting on Drunkula's ring of haze...
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 4323 to 4324
Equipment changed.
Putting on World's Best Adventurer sash...
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 4324 to 4325
Equipment changed.
Creating 1 magical sausage...
Meat needed: 1883, Dense: 1, Stacks: 8, Paste: 9
Creating 1 dense meat stack...
You acquire an item: dense meat stack
You lose 1,000 Meat
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 4325 to 4326
Successfully created dense meat stack (1)
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 4326 to 4327
Preference sausageGrinderUnits changed from 4 to 1004
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 4327 to 4328
Preference sausageGrinderUnits changed from 1004 to 1804
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 4328 to 4329
Preference sausageGrinderUnits changed from 1804 to 1894
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 4329 to 4330
You acquire an item: magical sausage
Preference _sausagesMade changed from 16 to 17
Preference sausageGrinderUnits changed from 1894 to 7
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 4330 to 4331
Eating 1 magical sausage...
You gain 1 Adventure
You gain 999 Muscularity Points
Preference _sausagesEaten changed from 16 to 17
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 4331 to 4332
Finished eating 1 magical sausage.

Executing Barf Turn/Barf
Taking off Sword of Procedural Generation...
Equipment changed.
Holding Kramco Sausage-o-Matic™...
Familiar weight: KoL = 56 KoLmafia = 55
Equipment changed.
Putting on mafia pointer finger ring...
Familiar weight: KoL = 56 KoLmafia = 55
Equipment changed.
Putting on outfit: Script Outfit 4
Familiar weight: KoL = 56 KoLmafia = 55
Equipment changed.
CCS set to grimoire_macro
Familiar weight: KoL = 56 KoLmafia = 55

You are too drunk to continue.

Executing Barf Turn/Barf
hpAutoRecoveryTarget => 0
Preference hpAutoRecoveryTarget changed from 0.0 to 0
mpAutoRecoveryTarget => 0
Preference mpAutoRecoveryTarget changed from 0.0 to 0
allowNonMoodBurning => true
Preference allowNonMoodBurning changed from false to true
Preference customCombatScript changed from grimoire_macro to garbo
CCS set to garbo
choiceAdventure1091 => 0
Preference choiceAdventure1091 changed from 9 to 0
Familiar weight: KoL = 56 KoLmafia = 55
Autoattack is disabled.
Autoattack is disabled.
No spading data has been collected yet. Please try again later.
Preference customCombatScript changed from garbo to default
CCS set to default
hpAutoRecoveryTarget => 0
Preference hpAutoRecoveryTarget changed from 0.0 to 0
mpAutoRecoveryTarget => 0
Preference mpAutoRecoveryTarget changed from 0.0 to 0
allowNonMoodBurning => false
Preference allowNonMoodBurning changed from true to false
valueOfInventory => 2
Preference valueOfInventory changed from 2.0 to 2
Preference choiceAdventure1387 changed from 2 to 3
Familiar weight: KoL = 56 KoLmafia = 55
Hey, here is something interesting Ive just noticed!

So, Ive been hitting this bug consistently since I started chiming in. It just occurred to me to look at what exactly happens just before the Familiar Weight discrepancy (and related liver size prob) starts popping.

Taking off Sword of Procedural Generation... Equipment changed. Holding Kramco Sausage-o-Matic™... Familiar weight: KoL = 56 KoLmafia = 55

So I put the Sword of Procedural Generation in the DC after hitting the bug today, and I didnt have to jump through any hoops to get automation rolling again.
I suppose the real test will be tomorrow to see if the bug resurfaces w/o access to the sword.
So, small sample size, but I haven't seen the bug since putting my Sword of Procedural Generation in the display case.
Previously it was popping up daily.

(edit: 2 months now, bug free. see below)
Last edited:
I ran into the Fam Weight / Liver Space mismatch bug for the first time in a long time.
It popped when Ezandora's piraterealm script was dressing up. The script aborted when my mysticality stat could not be dropped below 100.
(I shrugged a buff, modtrace liver; refresh all and all was well, smooth pirate sailing.)

But what I thought was interesting was that the bug popped in relation to mysticality stat.
Because my Sword of Procedural Generation, which was the previous trigger for this bug popping before I DC'ed it, is my BIS for mysticality.
I don't suppose you can share any maximization strings or details re: exactly what got equipped when?

If you can find a sequence of actions (beyond "run a specific script that adventures and otherwise depends a lot on current player state") that reproduces the bad state consistently from a previously-good state, that'd be a huge help.

I can't see any obvious reasons why changing equipment would affect the passive skill cache, but there's evidently something going on here. (Perhaps some class has inadvertent write access that it shouldn't... although I'd guess that a weird maximizer interaction is more likely, as that actually creates new `Modifiers` objects)
nice, was able to replicate it 1st try. (But this time the abort message was about the Mus stat.)

Maximizer string (at least this is what was in the maximizer when i opened it after abort):
Familiar Weight, -"equip Amulet of Perpetual Darkness", -"equip Roman Candelabra", -"equip Spooky Putty ball", -"equip Spooky Putty leotard", -"equip Spooky Putty mitre", -"equip Spooky Putty snake", -"equip broken champagne bottle", -"equip dice-shaped backpack", -"equip papier-masque", -"equip papier-mitre", -"equip smoke ball", -"equip stinky fannypack", -"equip ¶5868", -"equip ¶5869", -"equip ¶5872", -acc1, -buddy-bjorn, -crown-of-thrones, -familiar

Gear equipped:
Hat: PirateRealm party hat (Power: 50)
Shirt: none
Weapon: Red Roger's red right hand (Damage: 12 - 24, 1h)
Off-Hand: Red Roger's red left hand
Pants: none
Accessory 1: PirateRealm eyepatch
Accessory 2: Red Roger's red right foot
Accessory 3: Red Roger's red left foot

CLI output:
PirateRealm v1.0.3
Taking off everything...
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 2713 to 2714
Everything removed.
You acquire an item: PirateRealm eyepatch
Putting on PirateRealm eyepatch...
Equipment changed.
Preference lastEncounter changed from cockroach to Welcome to PirateRealm
Encounter: Welcome to PirateRealm
Submitting option 1 for choice 1346
Preference lastEncounter changed from Welcome to PirateRealm to Groggy's Tavern
Encounter: Groggy's Tavern
Preference _pirateRealmCrewmate1 changed from to Wide-Eyed Cryptobotanist
Preference _pirateRealmCrewmate2 changed from to Beligerent Harquebusier
Preference _pirateRealmCrewmate3 changed from to Pinch-Fisted Coxswain
Submitting option 2 for choice 1347
Preference lastEncounter changed from Groggy's Tavern to Seaside Curios
Encounter: Seaside Curios
Preference _pirateRealmCrewmate changed from to Beligerent Harquebusier
Preference _pirateRealmCurio changed from to 10191
Submitting option 4 for choice 1348
Preference lastEncounter changed from Seaside Curios to Dishonest Ed's Ships
Encounter: Dishonest Ed's Ships
Preference _pirateRealmCurio changed from 10191 to 10193
You acquire an item: curious anemometer
Preference _pirateRealmShip changed from to Swift Clipper
Preference _pirateRealmShipSpeed changed from 0 to 4
Submitting option 5 for choice 1349
Preference lastEncounter changed from Dishonest Ed's Ships to Time to Set Sail!
Encounter: Time to Set Sail!
Preference _pirateRealmShip changed from Swift Clipper to Menacing Man o' War
Preference _pirateRealmShipSpeed changed from 4 to 9
Submitting option 1 for choice 1350
Unhandled redirect to place.php?whichplace=realm_pirate
Preference choiceAdventure1356 changed from 1 to 3
Preference choiceAdventure1357 changed from 1 to 4
Preference choiceAdventure1367 changed from 1 to 2
Putting on Red Roger's red right foot...
Equipment changed.
Putting on PirateRealm party hat...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Red Roger's red left foot...
Equipment changed.
Holding Red Roger's red left hand...
Familiar weight: KoL = 96 KoLmafia = 95
Equipment changed.
Wielding Red Roger's red right hand...
Familiar weight: KoL = 96 KoLmafia = 95
Equipment changed.
Remove whichever effect makes our Muscle over 100.
Hm. I wonder if this is related to being locked in a chain of choice adventures at the time we're trying to refresh our list of skills.