Once I add don't-use capability and those Bear Arm skills, we might be able to convert this fork into a slotted spoon.
Thank goodness. That still won't hold much soup, but at least it can catch the potato!
Once I add don't-use capability and those Bear Arm skills, we might be able to convert this fork into a slotted spoon.
[218] eXtreme SlopeEncounter: eXtreme Orcish snowboarder
Round 0: Epicgamer wins initiative!
> Running ZLib version: r37 (current)
> 1 HP costs 6.667μ. ( 203 / 203 )
> 1 MP costs 17μ. ( 68 / 109 )
> Running BatBrain version: 1.31.1 (current)
> Running SmartStasis version: 3.18 (current)
> Checking for updates (running WHAM ver. 4.5)...
> Running WHAM version: 4.5 (current)
> WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 0 and that the turn number is 217.
> WHAM: Checking to see if WHAM sould adjust the unknown_ml for eXtreme Orcish Snowboarder.
> WHAM: No need to do anything with eXtreme Orcish Snowboarder.
> WHAM: Setting up variables via BatBrain
> Mountain Stream soda (30.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 58μ * 62.95% = 36.51
> snowboarder pants (10.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 110μ * 20.98% = 23.08
> Mountain Stream soda (30.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 58μ * 62.95% = 36.51
> snowboarder pants (10.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 110μ * 20.98% = 23.08
> Parsed round number: 1
> Building options...
> Options built! (32 actions)
> WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 1 and that the turn number is 217.
> WHAM: Current MP = 68 out of 109.
> WHAM: You have no profitable MP restoratives.
> WHAM: Current HP = 203 out of 203.
> WHAM: You have no profitable HP restoratives.
> WHAM: You are fighting a eXtreme Orcish Snowboarder. Mafia considers that this monster has an attack of 119 or 119 when given a monster name.
> WHAM: Mafia further considers that this monster has a defense value of 112 or 111 when given a monster name.
> WHAM: Mafia further further considers that this monster has a HP value of 107 or 110 when given a monster name.
> WHAM: Your current ML-adjustment is: 45.
> WHAM: Monster HP is 107.0.
> WHAM: WHAM added the following to BatRound: if pastround 28; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif;
> WHAM: Running SmartStasis
> Building custom actions...
> WHAM: This monster does not drop a goal item
> Custom actions built! (0 actions)
> Stasis option chosen: skill 7061 (round 1, profit: 255)
> Mountain Stream soda (30.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 58μ * 62.95% = 36.51
> snowboarder pants (10.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 110μ * 20.98% = 23.08
> WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2023 (round 1, profit: 0)
> Top of the stasis loop.
> Queued: skill 7061
> Building options...
> Options built! (32 actions)
> Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 28; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; sub finito; skill 7061; call batround; endsub; call finito; repeat hasskill 7061 && (!hpbelow 203.0 && !mpbelow 68.0 && !pastround 20)
Round 1: Epicgamer executes a macro!
Round 1: Epicgamer casts SPRING RAINDROP ATTACK!
You gain 21 hit points
You gain 20 Muscularity Points
You lose 8 hit points
> Happened: skill 7061
> Parsed round number: 2
> Building options...
> Options built! (28 actions)
> Stasis option chosen: skill 7061 (round 2, profit: 255)
> Mountain Stream soda (30.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 58μ * 62.95% = 36.51
> snowboarder pants (10.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 110μ * 20.98% = 23.08
> WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2023 (round 2, profit: 0)
> Top of the stasis loop.
> Queued: skill 7061
> Building options...
> Options built! (28 actions)
> Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 28; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; sub finito; skill 7061; call batround; endsub; call finito; repeat hasskill 7061 && (!hpbelow 203.0 && !mpbelow 88.0 && !pastround 20)
Round 2: Epicgamer executes a macro!
> Parsed round number: 2
> Building options...
> Options built! (28 actions)
> Stasis option chosen: skill 7061 (round 2, profit: 255)
> Mountain Stream soda (30.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 58μ * 62.95% = 36.51
> snowboarder pants (10.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 110μ * 20.98% = 23.08
> WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2023 (round 2, profit: 0)
> Top of the stasis loop.
> Queued: skill 7061
> Building options...
> Options built! (28 actions)
> Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 28; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; sub finito; skill 7061; call batround; endsub; call finito; repeat hasskill 7061 && (!hpbelow 203.0 && !mpbelow 88.0 && !pastround 20)
Round 3: Epicgamer executes a macro!
> Parsed round number: 2
> Building options...
> Options built! (28 actions)
> Stasis option chosen: skill 7061 (round 2, profit: 255)
> Mountain Stream soda (30.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 58μ * 62.95% = 36.51
> snowboarder pants (10.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 110μ * 20.98% = 23.08
> WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2023 (round 2, profit: 0)
> Top of the stasis loop.
> Queued: skill 7061
> Building options...
> Options built! (28 actions)
> Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 28; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; sub finito; skill 7061; call batround; endsub; call finito; repeat hasskill 7061 && (!hpbelow 203.0 && !mpbelow 88.0 && !pastround 20)
Round 4: Epicgamer executes a macro!
> Parsed round number: 2
> Building options...
> Options built! (28 actions)
> Stasis option chosen: skill 7061 (round 2, profit: 255)
> Mountain Stream soda (30.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 58μ * 62.95% = 36.51
> snowboarder pants (10.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 110μ * 20.98% = 23.08
> WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2023 (round 2, profit: 0)
> Top of the stasis loop.
> Queued: skill 7061
> Building options...
> Options built! (28 actions)
> Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 28; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; sub finito; skill 7061; call batround; endsub; call finito; repeat hasskill 7061 && (!hpbelow 203.0 && !mpbelow 88.0 && !pastround 20)
Round 5: Epicgamer executes a macro!
> Parsed round number: 2
> Building options...
> Options built! (28 actions)
> Stasis option chosen: skill 7061 (round 2, profit: 255)
> Mountain Stream soda (30.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 58μ * 62.95% = 36.51
> snowboarder pants (10.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 110μ * 20.98% = 23.08
> WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2023 (round 2, profit: 0)
> Top of the stasis loop.
> Queued: skill 7061
> Building options...
> Options built! (28 actions)
> Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 28; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; sub finito; skill 7061; call batround; endsub; call finito; repeat hasskill 7061 && (!hpbelow 203.0 && !mpbelow 88.0 && !pastround 20)
Round 6: Epicgamer executes a macro!
> Parsed round number: 2
> Building options...
> Options built! (28 actions)
> Stasis option chosen: skill 7061 (round 2, profit: 255)
> Mountain Stream soda (30.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 58μ * 62.95% = 36.51
> snowboarder pants (10.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 110μ * 20.98% = 23.08
> WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2023 (round 2, profit: 0)
> Top of the stasis loop.
> Queued: skill 7061
> Building options...
> Options built! (28 actions)
> Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 28; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; sub finito; skill 7061; call batround; endsub; call finito; repeat hasskill 7061 && (!hpbelow 203.0 && !mpbelow 88.0 && !pastround 20)
Round 7: Epicgamer executes a macro!
> Parsed round number: 2
> Building options...
> Options built! (28 actions)
> Stasis option chosen: skill 7061 (round 2, profit: 255)
> Mountain Stream soda (30.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 58μ * 62.95% = 36.51
> snowboarder pants (10.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 110μ * 20.98% = 23.08
> WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2023 (round 2, profit: 0)
> Top of the stasis loop.
> Queued: skill 7061
> Building options...
> Options built! (28 actions)
> Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 28; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; sub finito; skill 7061; call batround; endsub; call finito; repeat hasskill 7061 && (!hpbelow 203.0 && !mpbelow 88.0 && !pastround 20)
Round 8: Epicgamer executes a macro!
> Parsed round number: 2
> Building options...
> Options built! (28 actions)
> Stasis option chosen: skill 7061 (round 2, profit: 255)
> Mountain Stream soda (30.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 58μ * 62.95% = 36.51
> snowboarder pants (10.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 110μ * 20.98% = 23.08
> WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2023 (round 2, profit: 0)
> Top of the stasis loop.
> Queued: skill 7061
> Building options...
> Options built! (28 actions)
> Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 28; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; sub finito; skill 7061; call batround; endsub; call finito; repeat hasskill 7061 && (!hpbelow 203.0 && !mpbelow 88.0 && !pastround 20)
Round 9: Epicgamer executes a macro!
> Parsed round number: 2
> Building options...
> Options built! (28 actions)
> Stasis option chosen: skill 7061 (round 2, profit: 255)
> Mountain Stream soda (30.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 58μ * 62.95% = 36.51
> snowboarder pants (10.0 @ +109.84289527554463): 110μ * 20.98% = 23.08
> WHAM: Attack option chosen: skill 2023 (round 2, profit: 0)
> Top of the stasis loop.
> Queued: skill 7061
> Building options...
> Options built! (28 actions)
> Constructed macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if pastround 28; abort "Stopping fight because it has gone on for too long (set WHAM_maxround to a higher value if you think this was in error)"; endif; endsub; sub finito; skill 7061; call batround; endsub; call finito; repeat hasskill 7061 && (!hpbelow 203.0 && !mpbelow 88.0 && !pastround 20)
Oh I was busy all weekend, looks like it fixed the spring raindrop issue but it still got in a loop for when it tried to use Falling Leaf Whirlwind.
I'll try the one you just released, but I'm pretty far into this run I may not be able to reproduce the combat situation.
[807] photocopied monster
Encounter: lobsterfrogman
Round 0: chef_rannos wins initiative!
Checking for updates (running ZLib ver. r37)...
Running ZLib version: r37 (current)
You have the latest batfactors.txt. Will not check again today.
Checking for updates (running BatBrain ver. 1.31.1)...
Running BatBrain version: 1.31.1 (current)
Checking for updates (running SmartStasis ver. 3.18)...
Running SmartStasis version: 3.18 (current)
Checking for updates (running WHAM ver. 4.6.1)...
Running WHAM version: 4.6.1 (current)
You have the latest pluralMonsters.txt. Will not check again today.
WHAM: Running SmartStasis
Round 1: chef_rannos executes a macro!
Round 1: chef_rannos uses the mossy stone sphere!
You gain 4 hit points
Round 2: MP-Gamer tosses his identity disc at him for 19 damage, then invites you to drink some glowing blue liquid out of the disc. The whole thing's a little more intimate than you're comfortable with, but it's still refreshing.
Round 2: lobsterfrogman takes 19 damage.
You gain 19 Muscularity Points
Round 2: chef_rannos uses the mossy stone sphere!
You gain 5 hit points
You lose 68 hit points
Round 3: chef_rannos executes a macro!
Round 3: chef_rannos uses the mossy stone sphere!
You gain 5 hit points
You lose 68 hit points
Round 4: chef_rannos executes a macro!
Round 4: chef_rannos uses the mossy stone sphere!
You gain 5 hit points
You lose 69 hit points
Round 5: chef_rannos executes a macro!
Round 5: chef_rannos uses the mossy stone sphere!
You gain 5 hit points
You lose 68 hit points
Round 6: chef_rannos executes a macro!
Round 6: chef_rannos uses the mossy stone sphere!
You gain 5 hit points
You lose 68 hit points
Round 7: chef_rannos executes a macro!
Round 7: chef_rannos uses the mossy stone sphere!
You gain 4 hit points
You lose 68 hit points
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
Round 8: chef_rannos executes a macro!
Round 8: chef_rannos casts THRUST-SMACK!
Round 9: lobsterfrogman takes 184 damage.
Round 9: MP-Gamer tosses his identity disc at him for 23 damage, then invites you to drink some glowing blue liquid out of the disc. The whole thing's a little more intimate than you're comfortable with, but it's still refreshing.
Round 9: lobsterfrogman takes 23 damage.
You gain 23 Muscularity Points
You lose 69 hit points
Is there a safe moxie for LFMs
[1132] Battlefield (Hippy Uniform)
Encounter: Sorority Nurse
Strategy: K:\Documents\ccs\custom.ccs [default]
Round 0: zemie wins initiative!
1 HP costs 0.737μ. ( 133 / 210 )
1 MP costs 3.538μ. ( 279 / 397 )
ATT: 170 (94% × (16.72), death in 17)
DEF: 157 (8.59% × 2.18 (10) (15), win in 52)
HP: 205, Value: 881.23 μ, RES: 0 (-1) (1) (-1)
WHAM: You have no profitable MP restoratives.
WHAM: You have no profitable HP restoratives.
WHAM: Monster HP is 205.0.
WHAM: Running SmartStasis
Profit per round: ActionProfitDamageOtherbase (0μ)0μ--
WHAM: SmartStasis complete.
WHAM: SS did not finish the fight, continuing with script execution.
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
happened(chefstaff): false, happened(jiggle): true
happened(chefstaff): false, happened(jiggle): true
happened(chefstaff): false, happened(jiggle): true
WHAM: Enqueuing a stun to help with the battle
WHAM: Enqueueing jiggle your chefstaff (macroid jiggle).
WHAM: Enqueueing Ravioli Shurikens (macroid skill 3003).
WHAM: Enqueueing Ravioli Shurikens (macroid skill 3003).
WHAM: Enqueueing Ravioli Shurikens (macroid skill 3003).
WHAM: We are going to 5-shot with Entangling Noodles, jiggle your chefstaff, Ravioli Shurikens, Ravioli Shurikens and Ravioli Shurikens.
Round 1: zemie executes a macro!
Round 1: zemie casts ENTANGLING NOODLES!
Round 2: zemie jiggles the Staff of the Well-Tempered Cauldron
Round 3: sorority nurse takes 32 damage.
Round 3: zemie casts RAVIOLI SHURIKENS!
Round 4: sorority nurse takes 57 damage.
You lose 12 hit points
Round 4: zemie casts RAVIOLI SHURIKENS!
Round 5: sorority nurse takes 49 damage.
You lose 16 hit points
Round 5: zemie casts RAVIOLI SHURIKENS!
Round 6: sorority nurse takes 52 damage.
You lose 16 hit points
WHAM: Current monster HP is calculated to 15.0
WHAM: SS did not finish the fight, continuing with script execution.
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
WHAM: Enqueueing jiggle your chefstaff (macroid jiggle).
Round 6: zemie executes a macro!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 7 but KoL thinks it is round 6
WHAM: Failed to enqueue jiggle your chefstaff. Aborting to let you figure this out.
You're on your own, partner.
Click here to continue in the relay browser.
Basically, I get Temporary Amnesia and WHAM doesn't know it, so it keeps trying to use skills over and over again. Probably needs to clear the skill/action list and start over if it gets Temporary Amnesia?Round 1: Theraze executes a macro!
Round 1: Theraze uses the seal tooth!
Round 2: protagonist takes 1 damage.
Round 2: Grog shouts "Yarrrr!" and battens your opponent's hatches for him. Violently. For 39 damage.
Round 2: protagonist takes 39 damage.
You lose 5 hit points
You acquire an effect: Temporary Amnesia (duration: 5 Adventures)
Round 2: Theraze executes a macro!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 3 but KoL thinks it is round 2
Round 3: Theraze executes a macro!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 4 but KoL thinks it is round 2
Round 4: Theraze executes a macro!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 5 but KoL thinks it is round 2
Round 5: Theraze executes a macro!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 6 but KoL thinks it is round 2
Round 6: Theraze executes a macro!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 7 but KoL thinks it is round 2
Round 7: Theraze executes a macro!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 8 but KoL thinks it is round 2
Round 8: Theraze executes a macro!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 9 but KoL thinks it is round 2
if (m == $monster[protagonist] && contains_text(,"skill "))
r.append("if haseffect 297; abort \"Amnesiacs can't do... whatever you were about to do next.\"; endif; ");
Stasising due to my NZPR. Almost always 10 rounds of stasis, but hey... I'll take the extra 120k meat per ascension.![]()