WinMo Java2 compatibility


New member
Hey kids. I'm in the process of buying a new WinMo mobile that as I understand it uses mobile java 2. As Mafia is java based, I was wondering if anyone has tried it on a WinMo? reason is I am looking at using it that way as well as from the home PC.
I took a quick look at the Java ME specs. There are far too many optional components to be able to definitively say that anything will work, but I'm pretty sure that mafia is in the "can't possibly work" category: ME appears to lack the internal HTML rendering support used by the gCLI window, mini-browser, and various other features.
Ok. Now this may seem like a stupid question in clarification. Ehat if I wasn't going into the relay browser though mafia. What if I were to be just using the text CLI on mafia itself and maybe a few other tabs like food/drink/buffbots? Just wanting to make sure I'm fully understanding what you are saying here.

Cheers mate.
J2ME is legendary for its half baked, inadequate, incompatible, and erratic implementations. If you want it working on your phone, I'd start by porting to the mobile .NET framework and making it run natively on the device - it'd be less work. And that's not to say it's easy, it's just to say that making complex software work on J2ME is like powerleveling in the Noob Cave.
Cheers. That is what I thought he said, just wanted to make sure I was understanding correctly.

To port to the mobile.NET framework.... That'd involve building mafia from binaries? Just wanting to get a rough idea what sort of angle I'll have to research to do that.
That would involve rewriting it from scratch.

The simplest approach would be to start with an Android device, which has support for Java (not just J2ME).
Java ME isn't necessarily a "bad thing", it has been cut down purposefully. Mobile devices are much more powerful now (think iPhone, ZuneHD, N95 etc.) than when J2ME was conceived. The basic test would be: If you can't run it on JRE 1.3, then it won't run on Java ME.

Anyway, if you are wanting access to KoLmafia from your mobile, I suggest you run an SSH service from your PC at home and use MidpSSH (or any other Java ME SSH client) to connect to it. You could then run KoLmafia in headless mode (CLI) through your SSH tunnel :)

It would require you leaving your PC on at home though, of course.

Another option would be to setup a VNC server on your PC at home and use J2ME VNC to view your desktop remotely, although I have never tried this personally as I do not have a data plan on my phone (VNC is going to chew more bandwidth than SSH).
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