Not a great collector of stuff (well, try to get one of each from events I'm around for, but that's another matter).
Oh thank goodness. Someone sane!
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Not a great collector of stuff (well, try to get one of each from events I'm around for, but that's another matter).
Oddly, your KoL account is the newest of those three.People sometimes misspell my name. For some reason, they read the 'q' as a 'g'. Perhaps because it's not followed by a 'u', as 'q' usually is. I'm fairly sure that has led people to also misspell it as "zarquon", which is just as incorrect. It is this frequency of misspelling my username that led to "zargon" appearing in my sig -- as a joke! Note how it gets corrected! It is not an alias! I have no alias.
Zargon (#36268), the Level 23 Pastamancer (April 12, 2004)
Zarquon (#1242696), the Level 44 Pastamancer (February 10, 2007)
Zarqon (#1406236), Chiropterid Enthusiast (July 14, 2007)