Who collects what?

I don't collect anything, but also my player name isn't Rinn it's 'epicgamer'. I'll be pretty happy if jick ever adds name changes so I can get rid of only username I have left over from highschool.
Well, I know I have been bugged to declare something, so I'll say "spade necklace" as it seems fairly in keeping with my spading tendancies, has no other use and doesn't appear to be on the list by anyone else.
Came here to make a list of collectors for an item management script I'm putting together and found: Good heavens! A misspelling purporting to be myself has been sitting in the first post for over a year!

People sometimes misspell my name. For some reason, they read the 'q' as a 'g'. Perhaps because it's not followed by a 'u', as 'q' usually is. I'm fairly sure that has led people to also misspell it as "zarquon", which is just as incorrect. It is this frequency of misspelling my username that led to "zargon" appearing in my sig -- as a joke! Note how it gets corrected! It is not an alias! I have no alias.

I could make one though. I think a good alias would be Mingo. Mingo Colfax. Yes.

-Mingo Colfax
People sometimes misspell my name. For some reason, they read the 'q' as a 'g'. Perhaps because it's not followed by a 'u', as 'q' usually is. I'm fairly sure that has led people to also misspell it as "zarquon", which is just as incorrect. It is this frequency of misspelling my username that led to "zargon" appearing in my sig -- as a joke! Note how it gets corrected! It is not an alias! I have no alias.
Oddly, your KoL account is the newest of those three.
Zargon (#36268), the Level 23 Pastamancer (April 12, 2004)
Zarquon (#1242696), the Level 44 Pastamancer (February 10, 2007)
Zarqon (#1406236), Chiropterid Enthusiast (July 14, 2007)
Ha, that is odd. Grrrr, time-manipulating copycats! I suppose I must apologize to these distasteful characters for calling them misspellings.

Also coincidentally odd is that all three of us are high-ish-level Pastamancers at the moment.
Is everyone still collecting stuff? I run into about half the listed items at least a few hundred times (if not thousands, for some farming runs). And it would be nice to give something back to everyone for helping me with my own scripts and putting up with my newbie scripting questions and screw-ups.

Aside to zarqon: Would you prefer stab bats whole, in pieces, or does it matter?
Not everyone still logs on a lot, but we all still collect the same stuff.

Right now I need only four more stuffed Hodgman to reach four digits! The magical number 1000 is almost within reach! (Yes, I am proudly bragging. I've waiting a long time to get to 1000 so I deserve to proclaim my coming jubilation.)
I will be collecting bats until the US elects a president everyone likes. I suppose the less-assembled versions would be preferred, because I can assemble them as needed. Thanks for asking!
Hmm... I don't have Hobopolis access... But I can check with a frequent trading buddy and see if they do, or knows someone who does and see what I can do. I can't make any promises at the moment other than that I'll see if it's within my power to get some to you.

And aren't accomplishments supposed to be bragged about? I have 173 different familiars and I'm rather proud of having scrounged up the meat (and/or dollars to send in for Mr As to trade) for most of those, and for suffering through all those weird challenge path restrictions for the challenge path familiars. I may never end up with all of the different familiars, but it's fun trying. Goals help us keep going, and by going on, we run into new stuff now and then. And sometimes, that make us grow. Other times, it may just make us chuckle. Or want to take a pipe wrench to something/someone. Sorry if that comes of sounding too "self-helpy"... I have depression and finding ways to stay positive really help manage that.

zarqon: Can do. I'm doing a little time-killing before my next ascension, so I'll make sure to farm some batty stuff.
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Good news! My trading buddy turns out to be the leader of a now-mostly-defunct clan and gave me access to the basement and dungeons! And the OK to raid them for all they're worth, so long as I make sure they're reset. :cool:
Not bad odds compared to the flat 0.00% chance I had before. But thanks for the heads-up. At least that way, I know what I'm getting into before I dive in. Maybe It'll get old at some point, but for now, I have 3 new areas to explore and I feel like Jason Voorhees on Spring Break...

Edit: Ok. So, hobos have this random name generator. And so does the Intergnat. Here's what happens when you take an Intergnat into Hobopolis:
Encounter: Feminine Vinnie "Chicken Sandwich" Disraeli, the Secret Cop WITH BACON!!!
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