Feature - Implemented when I discard karma, update the counter for discarded karma on the ascend screen

Huh? You can count to potato? I don't know what that means. I can only count up to radish.

Anyway, torn paper strips will be autosold when you ascend. Is that good?
The torn paper strips used to appear on the ascend screen to remind you to sell them, now mafia just handles the autosell for no muss, no fuss. It does the same for any remaining vials of slime and I think dwarvish document/laminateds as well. Probably some other things as well that I'm not thinking of atm.
It automatically uses any usable quest items: 31337 scrolls, fisherman's sacks. Then, it autosells any autosellable quest items: dwarvish stuff, memory of a cultist robe, paper strips, rave costume items, slime vials, and what was in the fisherman's sacks.

As Spiny says: no muss, no fuss.
Apparently one does not simply count to potato judging by the meme-images out there. And here I was hoping it would be one of those "I can count to tennis" (oneis, twonis, threenis ... ninenis, tennis) type of jokes :(


Hmm. I've never seen anyone use Number to cast a string to a number (in JS, that is). parseFloat(str) was probably what you wanted? (using the return values of constructors without the new keyword is... weird)
Number(str) is just as valid as parseFloat(str). Number(str) and new Number(str) are not the same thing.
Constructors are functions, so technically you can call them without the new operator. Their return values aren't always specified (since they're disregarded if you use new), but I guess in this case, Number's apparently is (ECMAscript spec and all). Huh.