New Content - Implemented Way of the Surprising Fist content

I'd have to wager that you were saying "I've added this thing that will detect donations from sources other than autosell, but first it will have to have all those other sources programmed into it; the hippy orchard profits are the only source programmed in, so far." Am I close? (insert friendly grin)
That is exactly correct.

The hippy profits are listed in the message; Bale said it says "Oh, hey, boss! Welcome back! Hey man, we don't want to impose on your vow of poverty, so we donated 4248 meat from our profits to the human fund in your honor. Thanks for getting rid of those worms, man!"

The other quests with fixed payouts give unique messages - except for the Nemesis and Wizard of Ego, as I could tell from your report. We can distinguish via the URL you visit, though. Revision 9731.

Items that give meat don't seem to report the amount - which is a problem, except for those that have a fixed payout, like the Dolphin King map and the chest of the Bonerdagon. They all seem to have unique messages. I have the messages from the Wiki for the following items:

ancient vinyl coin purse
black pension check
old coin purse
old leather wallet
orcish meat locker
Penultimate Fantasy chest
Warm Subject gift certificate

but until/unless they start including the Meat amount in the message somewhere, I can't parse them. That is worthy of a bug report to KoL, I think.

The only other donation I don't have a message for (I've not seen it and it's not on the Wiki) is the 3,000 Meat from getting the pirate fledges. If you notice that one, post it here, please.

They ALL drop the "You gain xxx Meat" message. Instead, they all have a cute "you give the meat to such-and-such a charity" message.

I find it hard to believe they would pass up the opportunity to give a cute message on the pirate fledges and only on the pirate fledges.

I'll see myself, tomorrow.
This is the text I got when getting the fledges today:
You report back to the Cap'm, a little grimy from doing all the chores he requested. Since you're standing next to a grimy pirate, though, you look positively clean by comparison.

The Cap'm inspects the rigging, cannonballs, and mizzenmasts, then turns and slaps you on the back. "This be the cleanest rigging, the most well-swabbed mizzenmast, and the shiniest balls I've ever seen!" he says. After you all stop giggling, he continues: "You deserve a share of me booty for doing the work so well. Well, maybe I should just give ye some meat instead. Anyway, ye truly be worthy to be a full-fledged member of me crew. Here are your decorative fledges -- wear them with pride! You now have access to the entire ship. Except for my private quarters, of course, unless you buy me a few drinks first."

You acquire an item: pirate fledges
Well, maybe I should just give ye some meat instead.
Except, no text about donating the Meat.

Interesting. I can change ResultProcessor.gainItem() to add 3,000 to the donation counts when you gain pirate fledges - but I wonder whether it really is a donation.

Sounds like time for another bug report to KoL...
Except, no text about donating the Meat.

Interesting. I can change ResultProcessor.gainItem() to add 3,000 to the donation counts when you gain pirate fledges - but I wonder whether it really is a donation.

Sounds like time for another bug report to KoL...

I got the trophy today. I waited until I broke ronin and pulled 1000 dense meat stacks. Figuring I should have credit for at least 12k, (5k from trapper, 3k from the pirate fledges and 4k from one day's hippy store profit-sharing), I auto-sold 980 DMSs and checked the trophy hut. No trophy. I then autosold 1 DMS at a time and checked the trophy hut until I could buy the trophy. I did not qualify until I had sold all 1000 DMSs. So I don't think KoL is actually giving credit for those so-called donations. Whether this is a KoL bug or intended behaviour, I can't say. I hope your effort isn't being wasted because of some chintzy decision by jick and co.

According to the Wiki: "You're entitled to the "Good Will Punching" trophy, for donating 1,000,000 Meat worth of items to charity."

Apparently, it's just autosell.

Hmm, that'll need a bit more spading then; quests (I'd assume any non-combat source of "donations") has been ruled out, but what about items that are normally used for their Meat instead of autosold? (I'm thinking the purse/wallet from the Bedroom, Warm Subject gift certs, Iiti Kitty purses, etc.)

It's quite possible that TPTB went with the simple solution and the counter only tracks actual autosells.

Eh, and looking at the trophy again, it does seem likely that it is purely items that are actually autosold. I'm still going to put a bit in the Talk page for the trophy to encourage someone to double-check it; it could always have an oversight that allows it to count meat-producing items.
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Sorry to be a complete noob (especially if this is answered somewhere else) - but how do you check your current charitable donations in Mafia?
Not sure if this should be in its own feature request, but i'd love some way of tracking the location where Teachings of the Fist scrolls have been found, not sure the best way to do it though, i'd be happy with 11 preferences that reset at rollover. unless i've read the wiki wrong, and these can only be done in order, but I don't think thats the case!
Matt, do you mean reset on ascension? What I read earlier was that you could do them in any order... if so, this could be done either as a large preference that just includes all of the locations that have given items, or as separate preferences. Possibly similar to the bad moon adventures?
I've acquired and learned the scrolls in a different order than what is listed on the wiki; from my experience and others' posts, the location doesn't seem to matter. First scroll used will give the fire fist, second gives the kata, etc.

I just verified that warm subject gift certificates don't count.

OK, that probably means all money-on-use items. So it sounds like the trophy is solely items that are autodonated instead of autosold.

SpiderMcFly: You can type "set charitableDonations" into the CLI to see the value of that variable. (Or "set totalCharitableDonations" if you want to see that one.)

You could also change the variable, by adding "= number-you-want-it-to-be"... so if you wanted to set it to 1000 for some reason, you'd type "set charitableDonations = 1000" into the CLI. (I'm going to need to change mine to take out the quest rewards I'd added in... oops.)
Its probably worth noting that techniques are actually powered by the # of scrolls you use in a run, rather than the # of skills you know.

It's a slight difference, but if you perm Master of the Surprising Fist...well it just doesn't count towards boosting up the other skills until you get Teachings scroll #11.
SpiderMcFly: You can type "set charitableDonations" into the CLI to see the value of that variable. (Or "set totalCharitableDonations" if you want to see that one.)

You could also change the variable, by adding "= number-you-want-it-to-be"... so if you wanted to set it to 1000 for some reason, you'd type "set charitableDonations = 1000" into the CLI. (I'm going to need to change mine to take out the quest rewards I'd added in... oops.)

When looking at the value I think it is better to use "get" rather than "set"...
Matt, do you mean reset on ascension? What I read earlier was that you could do them in any order... if so, this could be done either as a large preference that just includes all of the locations that have given items, or as separate preferences. Possibly similar to the bad moon adventures?

I did mean ascension!! I've got 5 I think, and now can't remember which locations i've been to! a single setting which returns a map of locations that have already dropped a scroll (can prefs do this?!) would be perfect, i've never done a bad moon run, so can't tell you if thats 'the same'
Oh. I did not know this. I thought get was a read-only version that could be used safely to avoid changing something by mistake...
I just noticed that the +10 damage bonus and damage reduction from Master of the Surprising Fist aren't reported by modtrace. It would be nice if they did, which leads straight to my next question: Does detecting/reporting unarmed status deserve its own ash function and/or feature request?