Using puttied monsters for Olfacting


This is for farmers with olfaction who want to keep a certain monster puttied so they can olfact it when they aren't on the trail anymore.

What this script does:
  • check if you have a monster puttied (it gets rid of it if it's not the specified monster)
  • if not, check if you have a putty item and fold it into a sheet
  • check if you are on the trail (it uneffects "On the Trail" if it's not the specified monster)
  • adds "olfact monster" and "putty monster" to Mafia's special actions as needed (If you don't have any putty uses left, it will simply add "olfact monster")
  • uses the puttied monster if you have one, so it can be olfacted and puttied again if needed

How to use it:
  • configure it in your farming mood: Trigger On - always, Command - call puttyOlfact.ash <monster name>
  • Make sure mafia will do the special actions during the fight (SmartStasis will follow those settings).
  • ???
  • Profit!

Zarqon's Best Between Battle Script Ever will use also puttied monster between fights if they drop your current bounty item, or one of the goals you have set. In order to avoid any conflict, make sure you clear your goals, or that the specified monster doesn't drop a goal.


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For information, BBB will only fight a puttied monster if 1) it drops a bounty item for a bounty you are currently on or 2) it drops one of your goals, or an item that contains one of your goals.

Edited the first post to warn about this.

Opinion poll.

Who would like this added to BBB? It would be a ZLib setting containing a single monster, perhaps called something like "bbb_permaputtifact". However, it would probably not be quite so aggressive as this one (i.e. it wouldn't create putty sheets from other spooky gear or uneffect existing On the Trail, but it may fight an existing putty monster to clear it out if appropriate).

slyz, if you object, I'm no thief.
I stopped trying to patent logic thinking, so it's all yours if you think it would make a good addition to BBB. Now to try and beat Microsoft to patenting ones and zeros...

EDIT: the link is a parody!
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Yes, satire should always be clearly explained. Satire is ineffective if people don't understand that it's satire.

@slyz: So far neither nays nor ayes. I'll hold off for now.
Fixed a small typo: it was checking if there were more than 1 of any putty item (instead of more than 0).
I couldn't test it, but here is a new version.

I removed some potentially annoying things to make it simpler:
- It won't try to get rid of a copied monster if no copying item is available and none of your copies are the target monster.
- It also won't abort if you have already made copies today but you don't have a putty or a puttied monster?
- It won't try to fold a spooky putty item into a putty sheet.

Please try it out, but look out for bugs :)


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