Using Mafia on Two Different Computers

Wow. That's a bit complicated for a newbie. Now we just need equivalent information for Linux. Once we've got them both, then I'll worry about how to present it as simply as possible.

It looks complicated because it's meant for someone that has never used Terminal before. The linux instructions look simpler because they basically have to assume that the user knows how to use the command line. I think the instructions for linux and OSX are now as good as they're going to get, at least for Dropbox usage.
Thanks. What about flashdrive usage? This wouldn't work so well since flashdrives aren't in a consistent location, correct?
That is the point of using Dropbox, but it isn't the best solution for everyone. For someone who is working on a computer on which they cannot install programs, a flash drive is obviously more useful than Dropbox.

Glad you like the sig. :) It's your fault.
In the spirit of this thread, I'd like to know which folders are essential to keep synched. Basically I'm trying to keep the size down when I copy from my online backup (SugarSync for me but seems to be very similar to what's being discussed) to the .kolmafia folder on my ubuntu stick I use when on the road.


This list keeps the game state and the current versions of the scripts I use but I wonder if any of these directories are superflous or I'm missing an important one. Thanks.
In the spirit of this thread, I'd like to know which folders are essential to keep synched. Basically I'm trying to keep the size down when I copy from my online backup (SugarSync for me but seems to be very similar to what's being discussed) to the .kolmafia folder on my ubuntu stick I use when on the road.

Everything except for images. That's the only one that is entirely disposable.
If you don't use any relay override scripts, then the relay folder is superfluous and will be recreated when you run mafia. Likewise the planting folder if you never use planting scripts.

But really, just how small is your flash drive? These are mainly text files in the 0-10K range!
You know what they say about the size of a man's flash drive.

My images directory is 3.4MB. Pretty small by the standards of today's flash drives, but the second largest directory in my mafia folder.. Those other directories are so utterly tiny that I couldn't bear to mention them. Attack also has itty-bitty text files.
Minus the images directory, my entire mafia folder is only 5.2MB. Subtract the mafia jar (3.1MB) and that's a mere 2.1MB of data -- a trifle!
Minus the images directory, my entire mafia folder is only 5.2MB. Subtract the mafia jar (3.1MB) and that's a mere 2.1MB of data -- a trifle!

You mean you don't have 3 years of chatlogs and 500 megs of uncompressed session logs? Hmm, I should zip some of that crap up.