Calling Universal Recovery for type=HP, amount=0
Restoring HP! Currently at 201 of 417 HP, 78 of 95 MP, current meat: 8869 ... Target HP = 376.
Trying to fullheal
Casting Disco Power Nap 1 times...
You gain 40 hit points
Disco Power Nap was successfully cast.
Try to heal HP from inventory.
Using 2 mummy wrapping...
You acquire an item: really thick bandage
Finished using 2 mummy wrapping.
Using 1 really thick bandage...
You gain 117 hit points
Finished using 1 really thick bandage.
Calling Universal Recovery for type=HP, amount=380
Restoring HP! Currently at 379 of 417 HP, 59 of 95 MP, current meat: 8452 ... Target HP = 380.
Try to heal HP from inventory.
repeat {
done = true;
options = choose_inventory("HP");
for i from 0 upto count(options)-1 {
q = inv_quant(options[i], target- my_hp(), "HP");
if(q>0) {
use_inv(q, options[i]);
if(my_hp() >= target) return true;
done = false;
} until(done);
if( (it == $item[Palm frond] || it == $item[mummy wrapping]) && quantity == 1 )
return 0;
case $item[Palm frond]: // Only use these if there is at least 2.
case $item[mummy wrapping]:
if(item_amount(key)>1 && 2 * value.maxhp *.90 <= max_heal)
options[count(options)] = key;
if((it == $item[Palm frond] || it == $item[mummy wrapping]) && quantity %2 == 1 )
quantity = quantity - 1;
It does seem odd that it would choose to restore a lot of HP with tongue instead of using scrolls of drastic healing. That's just Weird! Do you have very little HP? This troubles me.
Did you configure it to use scrolls, either through Mafia's HP/MP Usage configuration or through UR's relay browser interface?Rather odd, it was casting tongue of the walrus about 30 times to restore HP, I had between 800 and 1200 HP while running the script.
Did you configure it to use scrolls, either through Mafia's HP/MP Usage configuration or through UR's relay browser interface?
Restoring HP! Currently at 119 of 321 HP, 99 of 202 MP, current meat: 177606 ... Target HP = 321.
In mallmode, best HP restorative is: filthy poultice @ 343.4 meat total.
In mallmode, best MP restorative is: ancient Magi-Wipes @ 145.45454 meat total.
Mall price to restore 48MP is 140 meat.
Cast a healing skill.
Casting Tongue of the Walrus 5 times...
You gain 185 hit points
Tongue of the Walrus was successfully cast.
Current HP: 304, MP: 49
In mallmode, best HP restorative is: filthy poultice @ 28.9 meat total.
In mallmode, best MP restorative is: ancient Magi-Wipes @ 145.45454 meat total.
Mall price to restore 8MP is 24 meat.
Cast a healing skill.
Casting Tongue of the Walrus 1 times...
You gain 39 hit points
Tongue of the Walrus was successfully cast.
Current HP: 321, MP: 39
My meat: 177606. Should be successfully healed...
Restoring MP! Currently at 321 of 321 HP, 39 of 202 MP, current meat: 177606 ... Target MP = 202.
In mallmode, best MP restorative is: ancient Magi-Wipes @ 474.18182 meat total.
Trying to use 3 ancient Magi-Wipes
Searching for "ancient magi-wipes"...
Purchasing ancient Magi-Wipes (2 @ 150)...
You acquire ancient Magi-Wipes (2)
Purchases complete.
Using 3 ancient Magi-Wipes...
You gain 161 hit points
You gain 161 Muscularity Points
Finished using 3 ancient Magi-Wipes.
Current HP: 321, MP: 200
In mallmode, best MP restorative is: ancient Magi-Wipes @ 5.4545455 meat total.
_meatpermp => 2.7272727
Trying to use 1 ancient Magi-Wipes
Searching for "ancient magi-wipes"...
Purchasing ancient Magi-Wipes (1 @ 150)...
You acquire an item: ancient Magi-Wipes
Purchases complete.
Using 1 ancient Magi-Wipes...
You gain 54 hit points
You gain 57 Muscularity Points
Finished using 1 ancient Magi-Wipes.
Current HP: 321, MP: 202
My meat: 177156. Should be successfully healed...
> modtrace regen
source HP Regen Max MP Regen Min HP Regen Min MP Regen Max
snailmail hauberk +14.00 =*14.0 +6.00 =*6.0 +6.00 =*6.0 +14.00 =*14.0
heart of the volcano +20.00 =*34.0 +2.00 =*8.0 +10.00 =*16.0 +5.00 =*19.0
The script does not consider that you may be recovering hp/mp while adventuring and it should not do so. Mafia tells it that it needs X Hp or Y MP right now and it obeys the order. I think that's the best way for it to behave.
The correct action is for you to turn down your MP restoration from max to only 90% or so, to make use of your in-combat regeneration. That's a decision for the player to make.
I almost never need 100% and so I set a lower target under the presumption that it is somewhat more efficient in some ill defined sense. What is interesting is the way that the lower bound has actually become a parameter adjusted during play. I don't want to spend anything I don't have to, but sometimes if I auto-adventure with the setting too low, I get beaten up. But the implications of 25% when you are at 10 HP are much different than 25% at 200 HP so tweaking is in order.I've always wondered why people would set things below max restoration level... I think you may have given me insightThanks!
when my HP is exactly 44.baleUr_Verbosity => 3
Calling Universal Recovery for type=HP, amount=0
Restoring HP! Currently at 44 of 88 HP, 78 of 93 MP, current meat: 1798 ... Target HP = 88.
Trying to fullheal
Try to heal HP from inventory.
Trying to fullheal
Try to heal HP with skills.
Last attempt to purchase HP with meat.
In the above, I'm not sure what was generated by pushing the button and what was part of the recovery after the last adventure.Calling Universal Recovery for type=HP, amount=0
Restoring HP! Currently at 44 of 89 HP, 78 of 94 MP, current meat: 2355 ... Target HP = 89.
Trying to fullheal
Try to heal HP from inventory.
Trying to fullheal
Try to heal HP with skills.
Last attempt to purchase HP with meat.
Calling Universal Recovery for type=MP, amount=0
Calling Universal Recovery for type=HP, amount=0
Restoring HP! Currently at 44 of 89 HP, 78 of 94 MP, current meat: 2355 ... Target HP = 89.
Trying to fullheal
Try to heal HP from inventory.
Trying to fullheal
Try to heal HP with skills.
Last attempt to purchase HP with meat.