Bug - Fixed Unable to cook despite having Inigo running when out of turns

Light Ninja

New member
Mafia will not cook even with Inigo running while I have no turns left. This happened on my main while he was on his hardcore run so I decided to try to recreate it on a multi before posting a bug report. Neither repair or require in-a-box was selected. Link here.
At the time I was using the latest daily build. I was however able to cook on KoL via /cook in chat so I assume the problem was fixed but KoLmafia didn't pick up on that.
Inigo: "requires free crafting" adv loss guard

It's pretty common to use Inigo's instead of in-the-box in runs these days. Before this the "requires in-the-box" option was really good at preventing accidental adv loss. Maybe this could be changed to "requires free crafting"? So you fail if you don't have either in-the-box or Inigo's active? The only further issue is showing the recipes available even if you don't have in-the-box or Inigo's currently active (since you wouldn't want to cast Inigo's and then find out you were missing an ingredient).
I had an unfortunate incident when crafting an advanced cocktail took 3 turns instead of 2 because it needed to ferment some sugar cane. Unfortunately I only had 10 turns of Inigo at the time. :(

This would have been really nice then, so it would have stopped crafting when I ran out of Inigo instead of just going ahead and costing me a turn. Now I try hard to figure out if it is fermenting for the booze late in an ascension.
Was still experiencing this issue with build 8436.

In my case the problem occurs when trying to mix a nightcap with 0 adventures with 10 turns of Inigo active. Typing "make 1 ocean motion" or someting similar just fails.
I believe the CLI reports auto-repair fail, but I can still cook/mix manually though the relay browser

Also, it would be nice if active Inigo (>=5 adv) showed what you could craft with those Inigo adventures. Right now, if you're at zero turns, but have 10 adv of Inigos the Item/Food/Booze interfaces do not show that you can create anything.
Crafting problem with regard to Inigos, 0 turns and no boxen


I have 0 adventures:

> ash to_int(my_adventures());

Returned: 0

I have Inigo's active:
> effects

2 of 4 AT buffs active.
♫ Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric (21)
[B]♫ Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration (25)[/B]
Jingle Jangle Jingle (86)
Elemental Saucesphere (209)
Astral Shell (840)
Ghostly Shell (846)
Tenacity of the Snapper (846)
Reptilian Fortitude (846)
Empathy (1,090)

I am neither requiring boxen, nor allowing them to be auto-repaired:

> prefref requireBoxServants

requireBoxServants (user, now 'false', default false)

> prefref autoRepairBoxServants

autoRepairBoxServants (user, now 'false', default false)

I have the base ingredients I need to make a Boris's Key Lime Pie:
> inv boris's key

Boris's key
Boris's key lime pie (2)

> inv lime

lime (2)

> inv wad of dough

wad of dough (105)

> inv pie tin

Gnollish pie tin

Mafia won't let me cook:
> make boris key lime pie

Verifying ingredients for Boris's key lime pie (1)...
Verifying ingredients for Boris's key lime (1)...
[color=red]Auto-repair was unsuccessful.[/color]

I can cook within the relay browser just fine:

You cook up a delicious new item.
Boris's key lime	You acquire an item: Boris's key lime
	You lose some of an effect: Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration (5 Adventures)

You cook up a delicious new item.
pie crust	You acquire an item: pie crust
	You lose some of an effect: Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration (5 Adventures)

You cook up a delicious new item.
Boris's key lime pie	You acquire an item: Boris's key lime pie [eat]
	You lose some of an effect: Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration (5 Adventures)

As viewed in the CLI:
You acquire an item: Boris's key lime
You lose some of an effect:
You acquire an item: pie crust
You lose some of an effect:
You acquire an item: Boris's key lime pie
You lose some of an effect:

As recorded in session log:
[13309] Cook 1 Boris's key + 1 lime
You acquire an item: Boris's key lime
You lose some of an effect:
Crafting used 1 each of Boris's key and lime

[13309] Cook 1 Gnollish pie tin + 1 wad of dough
You acquire an item: pie crust
You lose some of an effect:
Crafting used 1 each of Gnollish pie tin and wad of dough

[13309] Cook 1 Boris's key lime + 1 pie crust
You acquire an item: Boris's key lime pie
You lose some of an effect:
Crafting used 1 each of pie crust and Boris's key lime
I've been meaning to report this bug for a while. Thanks for reporting it in such detail.

I've confirmed everything Spiny said from my own experience.
Another bump for this feature. Oddities via Inigo abound, and attempted auto-repairs with Inigo around seem unnecessary.
Incorrect interactions with Inigo's

Mafia does not always handle Inigo's correctly. The instances in which this happens that come to mind are:

If I have 0 turns left and Inigo's active, mafia thinks it is impossible to craft items that take turns.

Mafia will not create food/booze that would use turns of Inigo's if "require in-a-boxes" is checked.

If I cast Inigo's after enqueueing food/booze that takes turns to create, the "advs used" in the Ingredients tab does not always update correctly.
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned elsewhere, but I have 3 small, related suggestions.

1. The adv/full and adv/drunk in the list of food/drink craftable aren't taking into account turns of Inigo's remaining.
2. It would be nice to have a "cast Inigo" button above the "cast Ode" / "use milk" buttons, if you have the skill and don't have a chef/bartender. As Inigo is cast before Ode, it makes sense to me to have the button above Ode.
3. When attempting to cast Ode/Inigo, but having 3/4 buffs already, pop up a dialog with 4/5 buttons something like:

You have the maximum number of AT buffs already. You can:

[ shrug Phat Loot (3 turns remaining) ]
[ shrug madgrigal (7 turns remaining) ]
[ shrug Ur-kel (6 turns remaining) ]
[ leave buffs unchanged ]

where [ ... ] indicates a button with that text on it.

A couple of times when I've been in a hurry, I've clicked on Cast Ode, and missed the warning message about max buffs; the dialog above would make the warning more obvious, and save time switching to the skills interface to shrug buffs.

Perhaps I should have started a new thread for this one...
Eh, so, what's our best way to do this... merge the require in-a-box and Inigo check and rename the visible side of it into require free crafting, as NardoLoopa suggested? Make a new check?

Crafting should definitely consider Inigo as allowing a single 0-cost crafting per 5 turns of effect. What else do we want before I start to make a patch for this? What should the patch accomplish? I don't have Inigo (still. not really much point in BM runs. ah well.) so my desire for this is mostly based on that it should reduce how many people say I'm giving incorrect information when it gets reported over and over again as a bug and I try to let them know it's still an issue. :D
One nice piece of information it could give is, on the "ingredients used" tab, to include "# of adventures of Inigo's used up".
Somehow managed to completely miss that until now. Thanks. :) I'll look into that, I suppose... any fancy food/drink crafting will use 5 turns of Inigo if you have it, right? Does that override box servants, or do box servants override that?