OK, right now there's a entry in the default list of maximizer items for 4 clownosity, -tie. Should we replace or augment that with clowniness 100 max, -tie
We could. But we don't have to; I left Clownosity in for backwards compatibility. It's no longer a real "bitmap" modifier, but is derived from the "numeric" modifer, Clowniness. It should work as before.
Clowniness is different from what's in the help for "Other Modifiers".
Clowniness is not a "other" modifier. It is a "numeric" modifier. Clownosity is now a pseudo-modifier which behaves like a bitmask modifier.
The only bitmap modifiers that currently appear useful for maximization are Clownosity and Raveosity, so they are allowed as a special case. 4 clownosity, 7 raveosity are the defaults checked for if no value is given.
That is still true.
It then talks about Beeosity but not Surgeonosity.
Surgeonosity is a numeric modifier, like Clowniness. Therefore, you have to use things like:
surgeonosity 4 min
clowniness 100 in
So it looks like the special case from "-osity" effects isn't being used by Clowniness.
Correct. Clowniness is a regular numeric modifer. It's a percent, just like Item Drop, Initiative, etc.
When I get there in this new run, I'll look at surgeonosity. At this point in the run, it's not working. I recall it not working when I was in the hospital before, if anyone gets there first...
Yeah. I just got there. It was already a numeric modifier, but we weren't parsing it out of the item descriptions. That means it didn't get added to the TCRS adjusted modifiers.
I fixed it in revision 19273 and fixed the (22) already submitted class/sign data files.
This is interesting, in that if your local file exists, we will not fetch a new one from the svn repository. That was intended to allow you to have a more recent local file take precedence over one in the repositry, but it's not what we want in this case.
On the other hand, I noticed that Sauceror/Packrat seems to have been generated with a very early version of "derive" which didn't get all the modifiers, due to KoL HTML errors. I'll start a run in that, by and by, and will subnit the corrected file - but after I derive until I submit, I will not want the repository file to overwrtie my file...
So, sometimes the repository file is better (updated) and sometimes the local file is better.