I can't reproduce that. I did this:
I added a "tcrs test" subcommand which can be used whether or not you are in a tcrs run.
tcrs test CLASS, SIGN - load + apply specified class/sign
tcrs test reset - reset back to non-TCRS data
Those are the equivalent of what you get when you log in (or ascend into) a TCRS run, and what you get when you free the king in a TCRS run.
You said you ascended into a normal run, so, you not only freed the king, you ascended.
- On a multi, I had an "Afternoon Delight" in inventory - a size 4 booze.
- I had the Item Manager open: and could see it in the Booze panel
- tcrs test Accordion Thief, Blender
--> Afternoon Delight is now a size 3 booze
--> I enqueued one, and it was a size 3 booze in the queue
--> I dequeued it
- tcrs test reset
--> Afternoon Delight is now a size 4 booze
--> I enqueued it and it is a size 4 booze in the queue
- tcrs test Accordion Thief, Blender
--> Afternoon Delight is a size 3 booze in the Booze panel
--> Afternoon Delight is still a size 4 booze in the queue
--> I dequed and requeued it
--> Afternoon Delight is a size 3 booze in the queue
- tcrs test reset
--> Afternoon Delight is a size 4 booze in the Booze panel
--> Afternoon Delight is a size 3 booze in the queue
--> I dequeued and requeued it
--> Afternoon Delight is a size 4 booze in the queue.
That is a known issue which is not specific to TCRS: the Booze (and Food and Spleen) panels point to the global "usables" list of Concoctions and when you do something which affects size or adventure range (like casting Ode), those update immediately, but the queues point to their own objects which do not get updated.
You can reproduce that in any old path (or in aftercore) this way:
- Go to booze panel
- uncheck "per drunk"
- find a booze you have two of. queue one.
- cast Ode
--> The booze on the lower panel's adventure total will go up, because of Ode
--> The queued booze on the upper panel's adventure total will NOT go up.
--> dequeue and requeue and they will be in sync again.
But you not only freed the king, you ascended. You didn't have anything in the "queue". And considering this code in ConcoctionDatabase.push():
queue.add( new QueuedConcoction( c, quantity, ingredients, meat, pulls, tome, stills, extrudes, advs, free ) );
I cannot begin to imagine how "once en-queued the size changed to that of the last TCRS run".
The argument named "c" is exactly the concoction displayed in the lower panel.
We make a new QueuedConcoction every time.
Which makes me why we have that "queued concoction does not update when concoction it is based on updates" thing at all.
Seems likely to be related to what you saw, even though I can't reproduce it.