Trick-Or-Treating script

Well, considering the tot is the only familiar that currently matters for the noncombats, and you had to manually select your familiar for the combats anyway, that's good enough for me.
The script doesn't need any changes. Just name your outfit "treat f=trick-or-treating tot" and you'll get your desired behavior with no script changes.
So then I would have to rename my trick outfit every time I want to use a different familiar for the combats? Yeah, then I definitely prefer my own alteration.
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The script doesn't need any changes. Just name your outfit "treat f=trick-or-treating tot" and you'll get your desired behavior with no script changes.

What an awesome way to make this work without any change to the script. I just wanted to note that the "treat" outfit actually needs to use just "f=tot", or some other unique string, for the Tot's name. Using "treat f=trick-or-treating tot" will cause Mafia to equip the wrong outfit when the script calls outfit("trick") (because of collision on the word "trick").
Since that's kind of an obscure feature of Mafia, and the Tot will probably be the only useful familiar for lit houses for the foreseeable future, the script will now swap in the Tot for those, if you have her.

In the unlikely event that you want to use some other familiar, do "set tricktreatLitFam = [some other familiar]". Set that to garbled nonsense or "none" to keep your current familiar.
Since that's kind of an obscure feature of Mafia, and the Tot will probably be the only useful familiar for lit houses for the foreseeable future, the script will now swap in the Tot for those, if you have her.

In the unlikely event that you want to use some other familiar, do "set tricktreatLitFam = [some other familiar]". Set that to garbled nonsense or "none" to keep your current familiar.

I know this is a little late but you want to convert that to use Veracity's new properties ASH commands.
Since that's kind of an obscure feature of Mafia, and the Tot will probably be the only useful familiar for lit houses for the foreseeable future, the script will now swap in the Tot for those, if you have her.

In the unlikely event that you want to use some other familiar, do "set tricktreatLitFam = [some other familiar]". Set that to garbled nonsense or "none" to keep your current familiar.

Note: You need both "trick" and "treat" outfits saved for this to work. I tried without either, didn't switch to the Tot. With only "treat", didn't switch to the ToT either. With both it worked as expected.
That would be because I didn't notice that code block was a "only do this if switching outfits" section... Next time it should work without outfits. Though, I suspect most people just use the Tot for all the houses anyway.

(If swapping outfits is a thing you want to do, you do need to have both "trick" and "treat" set. Mainly so that if you abort mid-block, it won't forget what the other outfit was.)
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I mead the 3 outfits with exactly the names trick, treat and newblock but they dont seem to be getting equipped
This line seems to not detect them

if (count(outfit_pieces("trick")) > 0 && count(outfit_pieces("treat")) > 0)