Feature - Implemented Trendy Support

TrendyRequest.initialize() is called by KoLMafia.refreshSessionData() when you ascend. In theory, it should be done only once per session.

If, somehow, calls to TrendyRequest.isTrendy() are made before TrendyRequest.initialize() is finished, several TrendyRequests could end up being done in parallel, which looks like what happened when you ascended.

I'm not sure where these other calls are made, though, and how they could be done in parallel.
Unknown item found: Thwaitgold butterfly statuette (5392, 820209471)
5392 Thwaitgold butterfly statuette none display 0
5392 820209471 thwaitbutt.gif Thwaitgold butterfly statuette
# Thwaitgold butterfly statuette

I notice that this is still not added as of 10015. Not that it's a great deal, but mentioning it again in case it got lost in the other discussions :)
I didn't want to post this as a separate bug, so I'll just add it in here…basically, an epic failure of the Tower (Complete) script to deal with familiar buffing when it should be trendy. It keeps trying to use un-trendy items. This is with r10021 (and out of ronin).

Checking prerequisites...
Climbing the tower...
Putting Animated Macaroni Duck the Animated Macaroni Duck back into terrarium...
Taking Levitating Potato the Levitating Potato out of terrarium...
Adjusting familiar weight by 5 pounds
plastic pumpkin bucket is better than (none). Switching items...
Stealing plastic pumpkin bucket from Animated Macaroni Duck the Animated Macaroni Duck...
Putting on plastic pumpkin bucket...
Adjusting familiar weight by -5 pounds
[COLOR="#FF0000"]You don't have the item you're trying to equip.
[/COLOR]Facing giant familiar...
You lose 50 hit points
Putting Levitating Potato the Levitating Potato back into terrarium...
Taking Sabre-Toothed Lime the Sabre-Toothed Lime out of terrarium...
Using 1 green candy heart...
Finished using 1 green candy heart.
Using 1 half-orchid...
Finished using 1 half-orchid.
[COLOR="#FF0000"]You need 1 more green snowcone to continue.
You need 1 more disintegrating spiky collar to continue.
Can't buff and equip familiar to reach 20 lbs.
[/COLOR]Starting training session...
Putting on little box of fireworks...
Adjusting familiar weight by 5 pounds
[COLOR="#FF0000"]You don't have the item you're trying to equip.
[/COLOR]Putting on sugar shield...
Adjusting familiar weight by -5 pounds
[COLOR="#FF0000"]You don't have the item you're trying to equip.
[/COLOR]Taking off tiny plastic Crimbo elf...
Adjusting familiar weight by 1 pound
Equipment changed.
Putting on tiny plastic Crimbo elf...
[COLOR="#FF0000"]You don't have the item you're trying to equip.
[/COLOR]Putting on tiny plastic sweet nutcracker...
Adjusting familiar weight by -1 pounds
[COLOR="#FF0000"]You don't have the item you're trying to equip.
You need 1 more green snowcone to continue.
You need 1 more disintegrating spiky collar to continue.
Can't buff and equip familiar to reach 20 lbs.
[/COLOR]Training session completed.
_meatperhp => 0.51758456
Casting Cannelloni Cocoon 1 times...
You gain 137 hit points
Cannelloni Cocoon was successfully cast.
Putting Sabre-Toothed Lime the Sabre-Toothed Lime back into terrarium...
Taking Levitating Potato the Levitating Potato out of terrarium...
Facing giant familiar...
Putting Levitating Potato the Levitating Potato back into terrarium...
Taking Animated Macaroni Duck the Animated Macaroni Duck out of terrarium...
Adjusting familiar weight by 5 pounds
plastic pumpkin bucket is better than (none). Switching items...
Stealing plastic pumpkin bucket from Levitating Potato the Levitating Potato...
Putting on plastic pumpkin bucket...
Adjusting familiar weight by -5 pounds
[COLOR="#FF0000"]You don't have the item you're trying to equip.[/COLOR]
Ah, well, it's not just dealing with familiars in the tower. Once I cleared ronin, Modifier Maximizer seems to have completely forgotten that I still need to be trendy, and stopped considering path restrictions.
Do you mean you could take untrendy items out of storage? We were lead to believe that untrendy items in your inventory would be usable, but you wouldn't be able to acquire them (from storage, DC, the mall...) anyway.

Did you empty Hagnk's? Did you really have all of those items in your inventory (you can check by refreshing your inventory or checking in the Relay Browser)?
My one ronin-free char who is Trendy: I cannot pull untrendy stuff from Storage, but I CAN pull it from the clan's Stash. Yes, I refreshed the inventory after the supposed pull from the Stash to verify. I did indeed have the item [agua de vida, same item that failed when pulling from Storage].
It looks like KoL was supposed to prevent untrendy items from arriving in your inventory. If, however, you can get them from the clan stash or from "pulling all" from Hagnk's, we can assume that it will be fixed KoL-side.

Those "You don't have the item you're trying to equip." messages are from KoL itself. If you do have a plastic pumpkin bucket in your inventory, could you try to equip it on your familiar via the Relay browser to check that KoL gives you that message?
If KoL does things properly, this will apply to all challenge paths. I thought up two different approaches to this and then discarded them before I even finished typing them out, but a more general solution seems appropriate.
Response from the TPTB [Gemelli] in regard to my post above about pulling from the Stash post-ronin/pre-king:

"This is fine ... post-ronin, we don't need to be as strict with the rules. Thanks for checking!"

Odd that Storage isn't also opened up, but oh well! :)
Since Mafia shouldn't prevent you from using any Trendy items that are already in your inventory, that shouldn't be a problem.

However, I'm still curious about Morgad's errors:
Putting on little box of fireworks...
Adjusting familiar weight by 5 pounds
[COLOR="#FF0000"]You don't have the item you're trying to equip.

1) Was the little box of fireworks in your inventory? If so, how did it get there? If you try to equip it on a familiar via the Relay Browser, does KoL give you the "You don't have the item you're trying to equip" error?
2) Once an item is in your inventory, does KoL allow you to use/eat/drink/equip it? Does the same go for familiar items?
Do we actually know that the FoB restriction will continue to apply to expired challenge paths?

Jick said on the last radio show that FoB firing during WotSF was a mistake and that in the future we shouldn't count on being able to celebrate the feast while under the effects of a challenge path, but I guess he could change his mind.
Jick said on the last radio show that FoB firing during WotSF was a mistake and that in the future we shouldn't count on being able to celebrate the feast while under the effects of a challenge path, but I guess he could change his mind.

Not having heard the radio show I would hope that not celebrating the FoB also means not encountering the FoB monsters...
FoB monsters were encountered during the "Feast of Boring" so it is just the fullness bonus that was missing.