That FN Ninja
Thanks a ton for this script, I just used it to get the 500 lbs trophy.
Just a slight mistype: line 667 should read "Your total terrarium weight".
Glad to hear it. And the typo is fixed for the next release. Thanks. I hope Z didn't see it!

I was looking through this script and it does not seem to use Tiny Fly Glasses or Three Days Slow to increase the familiar experience per battle, nor Curiosity and Empathy to increase the familiars weight. Are these usually not used in training?![]()
Sorry, tgetgel. I guess I missed your post. Thanks for the suggestion.

For familiar equipment like the tiny fly glasses I will add a maximize familiar experience command, but this will only be useful if your combat training rather than arena training. When arena training the script uses mafia's cli command train turns which manages familiar equipment on it's own. For example:
> maximize familiar experience -tie
384 combinations checked, best score 1.0
Putting on tiny fly glasses...
Equipment changed.
> train turns 1
Starting training session...
Putting on sugar shield...
Equipment changed.
Round 1: Zoukikensakuban-san vs. Par for the Corpse...
[3536] Cake-Shaped Arena
Zoukikensakuban-san gains 4 experience.
Putting on tiny fly glasses...
Equipment changed.
Putting on microwave stogie...
Equipment changed.
Training session completed.
For other buffs, I don't mind having the script doing some mood management, but I don't want it to create it's own mood. I know how to add a trigger to a mood via the cli command in script.
cli_execute("trigger lose_effect, Curiosity of Br'er Tarrypin, cast 1 Curiosity of Br'er Tarrypin;");
Also, I'm not entirely clear on which familiar experience modifiers work in the arena and which ones don't?! I know familiar's in the CoT don't get experience from arena training. Does anyone else have more info on this?
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