TraFa - The familiar helper

Sorry it took so long to get back on this, and thanks for all your help so far.

I did totally screw up about testing if the homemade robot should count as 1 or 0 pounds.

Here are the issues I have had with the script (all surrounding the robot and mimic, of course).

1) The script is still attempting to train the robot. I believe that it should be excluded in the section starting at line 95, and then there will be no need to exclude it in the weight calculation in line 111.

Right now, it is taking out the robot, adjusting its weight to include weight from useless parts, then putting it back. But I think that if it really was 1 pound, and I had never used any parts with it, the script would keep training the robot indefinitely.

2) Lines 864 and 871
else equip($item[none]);

cause error "[¶-1] has no matches."

I think these can be deleted.
Added the homemade robot to a few more sections and checked a few more bits. And removed the equip none sections. Hopefully that fixes your issues.


Equipment changed.
Familiar item already locked.
You've already recieved a buff from the Mad Hatter today.
Putting Grorg the Autonomous Disco Ball back into terrarium...
Taking Sweetiebot 9000 the Homemade Robot out of terrarium...
Adjusting familiar weight by 99 pounds
Your Homemade Robot has reached the trainweight (2). Woot!
Putting Sweetiebot 9000 the Homemade Robot back into terrarium...

Taking Grorg the Autonomous Disco Ball out of terrarium...
That's just he output in the cli when I run the script.

...unless you mean that I have trophy_train set to true and everything else is false.
Okay... this version disables adventure-farming for the Homemade Robot specifically. Hopefully that should fix it. But the script was NOT made to be used as you're doing by just running trafa manually. :) Use the aliases.


Hehe. Np. Running trafa by itself without editing the script just tries to run one adventure to try to raise the weight up towards 20 base. Which is what it was doing, but... not what you wanted it to do. And not useful for the homemade robot. :)
I did modify the adventure number, maximizer, and location if that's what you're talking about, so it was definitely doing more than one adventure at a time.

Explicitly excluding the robot from adventuring is working fine (I had just thought it was enough to exclude it from the array of familiars, but I guess not).