Feature - Implemented Track Hacienda Keys


Would it be possible to add a counter for hacienda keys in the AT Nemesis quest, like what bounty items or barrels of gunpowder have? It's a minor thing, but it'd be convenient to have.


I don't really understand the point of a counter. Simply looking at your inventory tells you what you want to know.
I assume the point is "so I don't have to look in my huge-ass inventory or tab around to use a mafia/chat command, since it'd tell me how many I have in the same line that I acquire one".


Oh, you mean show:
You acquire an item: Hacienda Key [4]
in the Relay Browser, with a link to The Hacienda?

That is useful AND easily done.

Thank you for clarifying this Fred. I was really tired when I answered and was thinking that a "counter" meant a preference to track how many keys you had gotten that ascension.