topmenu.php override -- split your inventory link into pages


Well-known member
This is the tiniest little override script ever, but everyone I've shared it with has found it very useful, so I thought I'd share it here too.

Originally, I made this script simply to split the "inventory" link in your top menu as follows:

"inv" - consumables
"ent" - equipment
"ory" - misc

Thus saving server hits, clicks, and time, but looking the same. Eventually, as you'll see if you read the rest of the thread, others suggested further improvements, and now it also does all of the following:

  • Divides "quests" into Completed, Incomplete, and Notes pages
  • Divides "messages" into Inbox, Outbox, and "compose message" pages
  • Replaces "character" link with a "guild" link.
  • Makes the "mall" link directly to searchmall.
  • Adds either "vip" or "sofa" link after "clan", depending on whether you have the key
  • Adds permanent "manor" link
  • Adds link to "knob" at level 5
  • Adds link to "bean"(stalk) at level 10
  • Adds link to "sea" before "documentation" after acquiring SCUBA gear
  • Links the little martini guy image to your public character sheet

To use:
Download this file to your "relay" directory and make sure user-scripted relay overrides are enabled in your preferences.


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I downloaded this on something of a lark, thinking I wanted to look at it but not really thinking I would use it. Now I don't think I can live without it, I absolutely LOVE it!

Thank you for your work on this and for decreasing the clicks in my life.
I considered putting this into a seperate thread, but since this is a stone-cold rip off of Zarqon's work, I thought that would be presumptuous.

This contains the original changes to Inventory by Z that I have found so useful, but also splits the current "Report Bug" link into four sections as follows:

"re" - beanstalk
"po" - manor
"rt " - knob
"bug" - sea

There is no handling of if these areas are available to you or not as I have NO idea of how to do that. But if the area is opened I have tested that it works.

I initially had intended to replace the documentation link in the top pane, but kept running into issues making it work. Any help in what that would look like would be very welcome, though I think that Report Bug doesn't come up so often as to be horribly intrusive.

I like the idea, but unfortunately there is little chance of me remembering if "re" is the beanstalk, manor or knob. :)

What would be best is if someone could transform the words "documentation report bug store" into "beanstalk manor knob sea," since after all... how often are those other set of links ever used while playing the game... Of course that would require a bit more work.
Good point, though if you do mouse over them it may tell you where it points to depending on your browser. For Firefox it says at the extreme bottom-left of the browser window.

Let me poke at it and see what I can do.
Give this one a try and tell me if it is workable.

It has now replaced the bug report link from the standard browser with individual links for Bean Manor Knob and Sea, all marked as such.

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Excellent, glad you like it.

I know this will never replace Mr. Script but if anyone else has a link they would like added we do still have a bit of space on that line. I would be interested in what links people think would be most useful.
This is one of those things that seems minor, then after an ascention or so it's "OMG, how did I LIVE without this?" Many thanks.

I suggested adding a clan sofa link, then I went back and edited that message to suggest a way to word it, and now I went and did it! :D My first script, well it's really just a tiny edit. I really hope it works for everyone.

The addition changes the "clan" link to read "clan sofa". The clan word acts as normal, the sofa goes directly to the comfy sleepiness. Needless to say, this will only work if you are in a clan that has the sofa.


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New version, for all the wealthy snobs. I say, what, what. :D

After all, now that we're among the elite with VIP access, who would ever be so gauche as to sit on that nasty old clan sofa? Why.. the cheek of it!

This version drops the "sofa" link from the topmenu and adds a "VIP" link. Perfect for getting to the hottub and the pool table for buffs. Of course, you do need to be in a clan and have the key for this to work properly.


More goodies! I incorporated all the ideas posted so far and added some more of my own:

  • Divided "quests" into Completed, Incomplete, and Notes pages
  • Divided "messages" into Inbox, Outbox, and "compose message" pages
  • add either "vip" or "sofa" link after "clan", depending on whether you have the key
  • added permanent "manor" link
  • link to knob appears after "plains" at level 5
  • link to beanstalk appears after "knob" at level 10
  • link to sea appears before "documentation" after acquiring SCUBA gear
  • the little martini guy image now links to your public character sheet


EDIT: oops! Forgot to make the "sea" link go to the correct frame. Now it does.


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Some of this stuff is really useful, should replace a GM script I was using.
I used to have a "log out" link on the top row, any idea why it's gone?
I removed it to save space. I figured most KoLmafia users were logging out via KoLmafia. Were you actually using it?
I was also using the logout link, so I just deleted that single line from the relay script. Easy fix.

Search the script for the word "logout" then delete the whole line it is on. That'll give you back the link.
I'm definitely using it. I found that when log out from mafia it sometimes stays logged in. It never happens if I use the link.
I'll use Bale's solution, thanks.
I'm definitely using it. I found that when log out from mafia it sometimes stays logged in. It never happens if I use the link.
That is quite interesting, since a while ago, I changed the "logout" link in the Relay Browser to call KoLmafia's internal function which does a logout. Perhaps you've noticed that when you click that link, the GUI shuts down? That's why.