New Content The Drip Institute

Someone also said that the counter in the hall doesn't reset on ascension like it does in previous zone, but I haven't confirmed that.
Revision 20200 does this:

Automated adventure validation:

Dripping Hall must be unlocked. (validate1; we do not expect your betweenBattleScript to be able to unlock it)
The Drip requires a Drip harness. (validate2; your betweenBattleAcript could have bought one.)
Equip Drip harness if you have one but not equipped. (validate2)

Add choice configuration for Revolting Vending. (candy bar or Driplets)

drippingHallAdventuresSinceAscension only increments if you defeat a drippy reveler or take The Hall in the Hall NC.
(This is what I discovered myself today.)

I have not yet made drippingHallAdventuresSinceAscension NOT reset on Ascension. If that's real, I regret the name of the property. :)
("someone" said that? Is this "someone" reliable?)

If you get a drippy pilsner from the NC, remve a drippy stein.
If you buy a drippy candy bar from the NC, subtract 10000 Meat.

I'll look into making dynamic choice spoilers next, although I am out of Drip turns today for all characters.
I put in a temporary command to test my dynamic spoilers:

[color=green]> test dso[/color]

1: Maybe a drippy orb (Pool Skill at current inebriety = 23)
2: Buy a drippy candy bar for 10,000 Meat or get Driplets
3: Get a drippy bezoar
4: Trade a drippy stein for a drippy pilsner
5: Get some Driplets

[color=green]> mallsell * drippy staff[/color]

Transferring items to store...
Items offered up for sale.

[color=green]> test dso[/color]

1: A drippy staff and maybe a drippy orb (Pool Skill at current inebriety = 23)
2: Buy a drippy candy bar for 10,000 Meat or get Driplets
3: Get a drippy bezoar
4: Trade a drippy stein for a drippy pilsner
5: Get some Driplets

[color=green]> closet put * drippy stein[/color]

Placing items into closet...
Requests complete.

[color=green]> test dso[/color]

1: A drippy staff and maybe a drippy orb (Pool Skill at current inebriety = 23)
2: buy a drippy candy bar for 10,000 Meat or get Driplets
3: Get a drippy bezoar
4: Get nothing
5: Get some Driplets

[color=green]> cast Ode to Booze[/color]

Casting The Ode to Booze 1 times...
You acquire an effect: Ode to Booze (20)
The Ode to Booze was successfully cast.

[color=green]> drink 1 perfect mimosa[/color]

Drinking 1 perfect mimosa...
You gain 21 Adventures
You gain 13 Beefiness
You gain 32 Enchantedness
You gain 11 Cheek
You gain 3 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze (-3)
Finished drinking 1 perfect mimosa.

[color=green]> test dso[/color]

1: A drippy staff and maybe a drippy orb (Pool Skill at current inebriety = 17)
2: buy a drippy candy bar for 10,000 Meat or get Driplets
3: Get a drippy bezoar
4: Get nothing
5: Get some Driplets
Revision 20201.
Revision 20213 adds a new setting - drippyOrbsClaimed - which is incremented when you pry off a drippy orb in the pool table in The Hall in the Hall.
That could be used to predict/plan for whether you (can) have sufficient pool skill to succeed.
Unfortunately, chances are, you have already gotten at least one.
I suggest you adjust the setting to agree with your history.
I just did:

set drippyOrbsClaimed=6
I may modify the spoiler for that door to tell you the expected pool skill needed, although I will probably get bug reports from people who have NOT fixed their property. :)

Actually, I could observe failed attempts and compare to your current pool skill to adjust the property; if you fail at 45, you have at least 2...
By the way, the poolskill check either in Hall in the Hall or in general seems to be wrong, because it thinks that having 11+ drunkenness completely negates your first 10 drunkenness pool skill, instead of just subtracting from it.

1-10 drunk: +1 pool skill per
11+: -2 pool skill per
However, the first 10 still gives +10, having 16 drunk is when you get -2 total from liver, not 11.
Not seeing it. Here is the formula we use to calculate total pool skill:

	public static int estimatedPoolSkill()
		int equip = KoLCharacter.getPoolSkill();
		int training  = Preferences.getInteger( "poolSkill" );
		int semiRare = Preferences.getInteger( "poolSharkCount" );
		int semiRareBonus = (int) Math.min( 10, Math.floor( 2 * Math.sqrt( semiRare ) ) );
		int inebriety = KoLCharacter.inebriety;
		int inebrietyBonus = ( inebriety > 10 ? 10 - 2 * (inebriety - 10 ) : inebriety );
		return equip + training + semiRareBonus + inebrietyBonus;
And here is a test for just the inebriety part of it:

		for ( int inebriety = 0; inebriety <= 20; inebriety++ ) {
			int inebrietyBonus = ( inebriety > 10 ? 10 - 2 * (inebriety - 10 ) : inebriety );
			RequestLogger.printLine( "Pool Skill @ inebriety " + inebriety + " = " + inebrietyBonus );
which yields this:

Pool Skill @ inebriety 0 = 0
Pool Skill @ inebriety 1 = 1
Pool Skill @ inebriety 2 = 2
Pool Skill @ inebriety 3 = 3
Pool Skill @ inebriety 4 = 4
Pool Skill @ inebriety 5 = 5
Pool Skill @ inebriety 6 = 6
Pool Skill @ inebriety 7 = 7
Pool Skill @ inebriety 8 = 8
Pool Skill @ inebriety 9 = 9
Pool Skill @ inebriety 10 = 10
Pool Skill @ inebriety 11 = 8
Pool Skill @ inebriety 12 = 6
Pool Skill @ inebriety 13 = 4
Pool Skill @ inebriety 14 = 2
Pool Skill @ inebriety 15 = 0
Pool Skill @ inebriety 16 = -2
Pool Skill @ inebriety 17 = -4
Pool Skill @ inebriety 18 = -6
Pool Skill @ inebriety 19 = -8
Pool Skill @ inebriety 20 = -10
Yep. I added a "test choicespoilers" command to actually call the method which calculates the choice spoilers for a given choice.

[color=green]> poolskill[/color]

Pool Skill is estimated at : -14.
0 from equipment, -24 from having 27 inebriety, 0 hustling training and 10 learning from 561 sharks.

[color=green]> test choicespoilers 1411[/color]

Option 1: Maybe a drippy orb (Pool Skill at 27 inebriety = -14)
Option 2: Buy a drippy candy bar for 10,000 Meat or get Driplets
Option 3: Get a drippy bezoar
Option 4: Trade a drippy stein for a drippy pilsner
Option 5: Get some Driplets
I see no bug.
Perhaps I should not tell you what your inebriety is. The number we report is your total pool skill, including equip+effects, training, semirare, and inebriety. I kept seeing people reporting on G_D that they had "pool skill X and 10 drunk", say. I wanted to alert people that the number we reported included inebriety in the calculation. Apparently I confused them. :)
Looks like these locations need $location.wanderers to be set to false. I didn't check other wanderers but I noticed this when my counterScript tried to fight a vote monster in The Dripping Hall and wasn't able to.
r20228 adds "drippy damage" and "drippy resistance" modifiers. Drippy monsters also have the "drippy" subtype.

Didn't see your note above Rinn or I would have added it with this revision.
Is there a maximizer property for poolskill? Now that it's not just for pool, I'd like a way to know what to do if I'm nearly close enough to get an orb...
Pool Skill

It will suggest items and equipment, but I don't think it knows to suggest the Bauxite Outfit, even if you have it. But I think it will account for it if you are already wearing it - which you probably should be, since it is likely to be the large bulk of your available pool skill.

All of my non-ascending multis bought a Boxing Daycare pass and will be using VMF to build up their toddler army from now on, in order to keep getting drippy orbs. For a while, at least.
huh. You'd've thought I'd've tried it. Instead I tried poolskill and gave up and came here. As a much simpler suggestion, can it be added to the default list for the gui's maximizer dropdown?

Sort of odd, though. In the GUI for the maximizer, it tells me best score: 3, but if I select everything it offers, it tells me "Predicted: 19". It doesn't seem to know about learning (+10) or drunkenness, showing current score:0

In the gCLI, it shows Best Score: 0.
> maximize? pool skill

Maximizer: pool skill
180 combinations checked, best score 0.00
Maximizer: pool skill
180 combinations checked, best score 3.00
Learning or Drunkenness have no "Pool Skill" modifier associated with them.
For now, remember that via your own "poolskill" command - and maximize for other sources of Pool Skill.