"pathname":"Legacy of Loathing"
See details about the path here:
With 0 path progression, you start with 1 replica Mr. Accessory
11189 replica Mr. Accessory 341989211 replicamra.gif none q 0
# replica Mr. Accessory
It seems that killing quest bosses rewards you with 1 more replica Mr. Accessory. Path progression, which is presumably more replica Mr A's, can be bought from the real Mr. Store in the form of replica Ten Dollars
11253 replica Ten Dollars 751729776 dinobuck.gif usable t 0
# replica Ten Dollars
These replica Mr. A's can be used at a new shop adjacent to the Mr. Store. The new store is called Replica Mr. Store and can be accessed via
The replica Mr. Store offers 3 different replica IOTM for each year from 2004 to 2023. My understanding is that the 3 offered each year are hardcoded and never change. Each of these replica IOTM are new items. I'll list the ones I've seen so far at the end of this post and organize by year. Only 1 of the 3 offered per year can be bought. IOTM must be bought in year order as well. Initially only the 2004 ones are available, even if you have multiple replica Mr. A's to use. Once the 2004 item is bought, then 2005 items become available and it goes on in a similar fashion. I've heard that once you have bought all the way up to the current year, it will wrap around and you can buy another 2004 option, but have not confirmed myself.
Relevant path restrictions:
1. None of your IOTMs can be used in this path, only replica's can be used. Caveat being the latest IOTM, Cincho, gives an extra starting replica Mr A. Owning cincho also allows purchasing of a replica cincho from the replica Mr. Store immediately upon ascension.
2. Only replica familiars can be used. This means even base familiars like volleyball, leprechaun, etc. can not be used in this path. Can't make fams in path and use them either. Got the following message when I tried to use the volleyball.

3. Pulls are restricted. Can not pull equipment and likely other things. I haven't explored this much.
Positive there is more to say about this path. Wanted to get a post going for it. Will add more years below as I get them.
2004 Offerings
11192 replica crimbo elfling 258450480 elfling.gif grow q 0
# replica crimbo elfling
11190 replica Dark Jill-O-Lantern 844290698 jilldark.gif grow q 0
# replica Dark Jill-O-Lantern
11191 replica hand turkey outline 643478560 hand.gif grow q 0
# replica hand turkey outline
2005 Offerings
11195 replica miniature gravy-covered maypole 436493832 maypole.gif familiar q 0
Item replica miniature gravy-covered maypole Item Drop: +25, Generic
11193 replica pygmy bugbear shaman 899612550 familiar39.gif grow q 0
# replica pygmy bugbear shaman
11196 replica wax lips 673520346 waxlips.gif familiar q 0
Item replica wax lips Experience: +3, Generic
2006 Offerings
11199 replica jewel-eyed wizard hat 244839212 wizhat.gif hat q 0
replica jewel-eyed wizard hat 10 none
# replica jewel-eyed wizard hat: Regenerate MP Based on Level
# replica jewel-eyed wizard hat: +5 Duration to Buffs You Cast
# replica jewel-eyed wizard hat: Allows casting of Magic Missile
Item replica jewel-eyed wizard hat Maximum MP: +30, Mana Cost: -1
11252 replica plastic pumpkin bucket 127836800 punkin.gif familiar q 0
# replica plastic pumpkin bucket: Familiar Will Occasionally Play Tricks on Enemies
Item replica plastic pumpkin bucket Familiar Weight: +5, Item Drop: +13, Generic
11197 replica Tome of Snowcone Summoning 329232343 book.gif usable q 0
# replica Tome of Snowcone Summoning
2007 Offerings
11200 replica bottle-rocket crossbow 503354088 brcrossbow.gif weapon q 0
replica bottle-rocket crossbow 100 Mox: 0 1-handed crossbow
# replica bottle-rocket crossbow: Shoots Bottle-Rockets!
Item replica bottle-rocket crossbow Moxie Percent: +15, Meat Drop: +15, Item Drop: +10
11201 replica navel ring of navel gazing 974079701 navelring.gif accessory q 0
replica navel ring of navel gazing 0 none
Item replica navel ring of navel gazing Damage Reduction: 6, Mysticality Percent: +25, Spell Damage Percent: +100, Mana Cost: -1, Single Equip
11202 replica V for Vivala mask 850740075 vivala.gif accessory q 0
replica V for Vivala mask 0 none
# replica V for Vivala mask: Critical Hits are extra-explosive
# replica V for Vivala mask: Combat items do more damage
# replica V for Vivala mask: +1-3 Stat(s) per Fight
# replica V for Vivala mask: Allows use of Creepy Grin (once per day)
Item replica V for Vivala mask Muscle Percent: +30, Critical Hit Percent: +10, Single Equip
2008 Offerings
11205 replica cotton candy cocoon 405092970 cccoccoon.gif grow q 0
# replica cotton candy cocoon
11203 replica haiku katana 356680670 hkatana.gif weapon q 0
replica haiku katana 100 Mus: 0 1-handed sword
# replica haiku katana: Allows use of seasonal attacks
Item replica haiku katana Muscle Percent: +15, Critical Hit Percent: +5, Weapon Damage Percent: +50
11204 replica little box of fireworks 686386052 fireworksbox.gif familiar q 0
Item replica little box of fireworks Familiar Weight: +5, Generic
2009 Offerings
11218 replica Apathargic Bandersnatch 551749177 banderlarva.gif grow q 0
# replica Apathargic Bandersnatch
11206 replica Elvish sunglasses 238031926 elvisshades.gif accessory q 0
replica Elvish sunglasses 0 none
# replica Elvish sunglasses: Lets you Rock Out
Item replica Elvish sunglasses Moxie: +10, Moxie Percent: +10, Ranged Damage: +15, Pickpocket Chance: +25, Single Equip
11207 replica squamous polyp 554034719 polyp.gif grow q 0
# replica squamous polyp
2010 Offerings
11209 replica Greatest American Pants 676766688 gapants.gif pants q 0
replica Greatest American Pants 100 none
# replica Greatest American Pants: Amazing Super Powers
Item replica Greatest American Pants Muscle Percent: +10, Mysticality Percent: +10, Moxie Percent: +10, Weapon Damage Percent: +50
11211 replica Juju Mojo Mask 154667577 jujumask.gif accessory q 0
replica Juju Mojo Mask 0 none
# replica Juju Mojo Mask: Big Mojo
Item replica Juju Mojo Mask Muscle Percent: +10, Mysticality Percent: +10, Moxie Percent: +10, Experience: +2, Single Equip
11210 replica organ grinder 799236688 grinder.gif grow q 0
# replica organ grinder
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