New Content Spring 2023 special challenge path - Avatar of Shadows Over Loathing


"pathname":"Avatar of Shadows Over Loathing"

Requires you to choose a class from 3 options, should have got the IDs etc but forgot, I chose "pig skinner" (1st options) and api.php is showing


was given a Combat skill but can't find the override text, i'll come back to it!


was given an item
11163    Advanced Pig Skinning    916925042    book2.gif    usable    q    0
# Advanced Pig Skinning

Using the item takes you to choice #1495 "Get Some Training" where you can learn skills for meat
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The three classes are muscle, myst, and moxie based. With your main stat determining your level. I'm the moxie based Jazz Agent and api.php says my class is 30. If they are sequential and in their normal order Pig Skinner would be 28 and Cheese Wizard is 29, which leaves no gap after Grey You.

Skills unlock as you gain levels. Jazz agent can buy skills with meat by using the Jazz Agent sheet music. You can walk away from the choice given by this item.

Bosses are replaced by their shadows and drop boss specific untradable cursed items so MCD settings don't matter. The first two have interesting effects and might be useful outside of this path. Yes, they have factoids. I'm betting it will take six runs to collect them all.

The two-headed shadow bat is monster #2283. Right after the last known world event shadow monster. If the world event has a boss, it was added after this path.

Attached is what I've harvested so far to keep tabs correct. You can get the info for all the skills in your class by clicking on all the icons even if you can't buy the skill yet.


Hmm. I just noticed that mafia didn't parse everything, so let me know if things are missing. For example, Grit Teeth heals 20 in combat. I'll be a Jazz Agent for a while.
One thing that would be useful: I hear "Knife in the Darkness" gives a 10% NC effect. If you could get the IDs for that it would be appreciated.
2800	In The Darkness	darkness.gif	b1e3b0b89c3d531663f8758eab2fa327	neutral	none
Effect	In The Darkness	Combat Rate: -10
11147	cursed bat paw	656261340	batpaw.gif	accessory	q	0
cursed bat paw	0	none
Item	cursed bat paw	Monster Level: +25, Muscle Percent: -25, Mysticality Percent: -25, Moxie Percent: -25
11149	cursed goblin cape	595119543	goblincape.gif	container	q	0
cursed goblin cape	0	none
# cursed goblin cape: Cold Vulnerability (-6)
# cursed goblin cape: Spooky Vulnerability (-6)
Item	cursed goblin cape	Combat Rate: -15
11151	cursed dragon wishbone	153112262	wishbone2.gif	accessory	q	0
cursed dragon wishbone	0	none
Item	cursed dragon wishbone	Item Drop: +50, Meat Drop: -50
11153	cursed stats	666549749	statlist.gif	offhand	q	0
cursed stats	0	none
Item	cursed stats	Experience: +5, Muscle Limit: 69, Mysticality Limit: 69, Moxie Limit: 69
11155	cursed arcane orb	122392819	arcaneorb.gif	offhand	q	0
cursed arcane orb	0	none
Item	cursed arcane orb	Spooky Damage: +13, Stench Damage: +13, Hot Damage: +13, Cold Damage: +13, Sleaze Damage: +13, Item Drop: -50
11157	cursed machete	974593514	machete2.gif	weapon	q	0
cursed machete	100	Mus: 0	1-handed sword
# cursed machete: You will constantly cut yourself with it
Item	cursed machete	Meat Drop: +50
11159	cursed blanket	370777306	blanket2.gif	container	q	0
cursed blanket	0	none
Item	cursed blanket	Hot Resistance: +3, Cold Resistance: +3, Spooky Resistance: +3, Stench Resistance: +3, Sleaze Resistance: +3, Familiar Weight: -20
11161	cursed medallion	830894834	medallion.gif	accessory	q	0
cursed medallion	0	none
Item	cursed medallion	Initiative: +100, Weapon Damage Percent: -50, Spell Damage Percent: -50

11165	Jazz Agent sheet music	357188894	music.gif	usable	q	0
# Jazz Agent sheet music
11166	Thwaitgold anti-moth statuette	908539632	thwaitantimoth.gif	none		0
# Thwaitgold anti-moth statuette
Each of the cursed items has an [uncurse] link (i.e., use) which changes them into another item:
11148	uncursed bat paw	516917291	batpaw.gif	accessory	q	0
uncursed bat paw	0	none
Item	uncursed bat paw	Monster Level: -25
11150	uncursed goblin cape	605043823	goblincape.gif	container	q	0
uncursed goblin cape	0	none
Item	uncursed goblin cape	Combat Rate: -5
11152	uncursed dragon wishbone	339099925	wishbone2.gif	accessory	q	0
uncursed dragon wishbone	0	none
Item	uncursed dragon wishbone	Item Drop: +25
11154	uncursed stats	929336967	statlist.gif	offhand	q	0
uncursed stats	0	none
Item	uncursed stats	Experience: +1
11156	uncursed arcane orb	835497975	arcaneorb.gif	offhand	q	0
uncursed arcane orb	0	none
Item	uncursed arcane orb	Spooky Damage: +1, Stench Damage: +1, Hot Damage: +1, Cold Damage: +1, Sleaze Damage: +1
11158	uncursed machete	531608735	machete2.gif	weapon	q	0
uncursed machete	100	Mus: 0	1-handed sword
Item	uncursed machete	Meat Drop: +20
11160	uncursed blanket	454802248	blanket2.gif	container	q	0
uncursed blanket	0	none
Item	uncursed blanket	Hot Resistance: +1, Cold Resistance: +1, Spooky Resistance: +1, Stench Resistance: +1, Sleaze Resistance: +1
11162	uncursed medallion	590146618	medallion.gif	accessory	q	0
uncursed medallion	0	none
Item	uncursed medallion	Initiative: +25
No wand is required. There is (I assume) a unique endboss (with two forms) for each class. You remain in your AoSOL class in aftercore.
One thing that would be useful: I hear "Knife in the Darkness" gives a 10% NC effect. If you could get the IDs for that it would be appreciated.
So that's what the message about "hiding" means. In the darkness effect is attached.

Thanks for the additions. Mafia now gets my level right which is a big help. I noticed that 27204 doesn't know about Jazz Agent sheet music and cursed goblin cape.

I totally missed that these new boss items are foldable. So cool!


New monster #2288 found in Manuel with name 'corruptor shadow' image 'aosol_spectre.gif' attributes ='Atk: 200 Def: 200 HP: 100 Init: 300 P: horror Article: a'
New monster #2284 found in Manuel with name 'goblin king's shadow' image 'aosol_gobking.gif' attributes ='Atk: 60 Def: 60 HP: 60 Init: 100 P: horror Article: the'
New monster #2287 found in Manuel with name 'shadow Lord Spookyraven' image 'aosol_lords.gif' attributes ='Atk: 180 Def: 180 HP: 200 Init: 1000 P: horror Article: the'
New monster #2289 found in Manuel with name 'shadow of groar' image 'aosol_groar.gif' attributes ='Atk: 200 Def: 200 HP: 200 Init: 200 P: horror Article: the'
New monster #2290 found in Manuel with name 'shadow of the 1960s' image 'aosol_dude.gif' attributes ='Atk: 250 Def: 250 HP: 1000 Init: -10000 P: horror Article: the'
New monster #2285 found in Manuel with name 'shadowboner shadowdagon' image 'aosol_dagon.gif' attributes ='Atk: 100 Def: 100 HP: 150 Init: 100 P: horror Article: the'
New monster #2296 found in Manuel with name 'Terrence Poindexter' image 'aosol_terrence.gif' attributes ='Atk: 150 Def: 150 HP: 200 Init: 100 P: horror'
New monster #2297 found in Manuel with name 'Terrence Poindexter (true form)' image 'aosol_horror.gif' attributes ='Atk: 300 Def: 300 HP: 1000 Init: 100 P: horror'
New monster #2283 found in Manuel with name 'two-headed shadow bat' image 'aosol_bossbat.gif' attributes ='Atk: 50 Def: 50 HP: 50 Init: -10000 P: horror Article: a'
New monster #2286 found in Manuel with name 'W. Odah's Shadow' image 'aosol_drawkward.gif' attributes ='Atk: 202 Def: 212 HP: 191 Init: 303 P: horror'
New monster #2291 found in Manuel with name 'shadow of the 1980s' image 'aosol_man.gif' attributes ='Atk: 250 Def: 250 HP: 1000 Init: -10000 P: horror Article: the'
New monster #2292 found in Manuel with name 'General Bruise' image 'aosol_bruise.gif' attributes ='Atk: 150 Def: 150 HP: 200 Init: 100 P: horror'
New monster #2293 found in Manuel with name 'General Bruise (true form)' image 'aosol_gug.gif' attributes ='Atk: 300 Def: 300 HP: 1000 Init: 100 P: horror'
New monster #2294 found in Manuel with name 'Dark Noël' image 'aosol_noel.gif' attributes ='Atk: 150 Def: 150 HP: 200 Init: 100 P: horror'
New monster #2295 found in Manuel with name 'Dark Noël (true form)' image 'aosol_darkyoung.gif' attributes ='Atk: 300 Def: 300 HP: 1000 Init: 100 P: horror'
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It looks like (wiki info but it's incomplete) the NS is replaced class dependently, so there might be 3 versions, so could be nine runs?
I think you are right. In the Shadows of Loathing game each class has its own nemesis. And Terrence Poindexter is specific to Jazz Agents.
Are there "points" for this path?

Do you gain any advantage from having completed a run (as a class) when doing a new run (as that same class or one of the other classes)?

Or is every single run completely independent of however many runs you have done previously in this class?
There doesn't seem to be a way to get cross-class skills. When I started my second Jazz Agent run, I got 2 skill points and could use them to get skills without needing to meet the level or meat requirements.
After completing a HC Pig-Skinner run I started a new one and had two skill points to spend. I going to assume that a SC run gets you one skill point.

One thing to note is that wearing the cursed goblin cape cancels out the bonus from the eXtreme Cold-Weather Gear. You can't get to the Icy Peak while wearing the cape.
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OK. But are those skill points class specific?
If I do 3 Pig Skinner runs, I get skill points to spend in future Pig Skinner runs, at least.
If I then start as a Jazz Agent, do I start with skill points, or do I have to accumulate Jazz Agent skill points?
OK. But are those skill points class specific?
Yes, it appears so

I did my first run as HC Pig Skinner and started my second run as HC Jazz agent and didn't get any skill points, when I finish this one, probably tomorrow, I'll start my 3rd as Pig Skinner and expect to get 2 skill points
confirmed, no cross class skill points, dunno if something will change after doing one of each run or some other mechanic, personally I doubt it but i'm doing a second pig skinner now then will do a first run of the one I've not done yet
Trying to program a script to auto-buy a skill using points instead of meat and visit_url isn't selecting the points option. When I did debug trace on, it looked like it used this exact url. Am I missing something? Because there are 2 ways to acquire the skill (meat and points), does Mafia need specialized handling for the skill half of the purchase?
Debug Trace:
1676773954636: Starting relay script: choice.ash
1676773954653: Requesting:
1676773954792: Retrieved: (20149 bytes)
1676773954858: Finished relay script: choice. Ash (22678 bytes)
visit_url line I am using:
visit_url("choice.php?pwd&whichchoice=1495&option=1&use=points&whichsk=21", true)
Crack Knuckles (the Cheese Wizard skill) can only be used once per fight. I have been informed by people I trust to know better than me about these things that Mafia is supposed to know about that somewhere, and doesn't.