Bug - Fixed Something is wrong with item creation

So I have a disco bandit who usually crafts 5 disco bandit drinks using the still.
So with 10 green lights on... I am seeing some strange behavior today.

Usually I go to the "Mixable" tab under "Creatable" and type

#=5 in the search box to show me all the drinks I can make 5 of.

But it's not working with some of the recent revs. Even if I type
"mae west" for example into the search box, it's not showing that
I can craft that item.

However if I type "yellow brick road" it shows I can create 2. This is
confusing because I don't have any tonic water or bottles of definit on hand.
Same for "mandarina colada". Please take a look at this...

Yes, I have "Buy items from NPC stores whenever needed" and
"Buy items from the mall whenever needed" checked off in the
general preferences.

I went to the hippy store and manually bought 5 strawberries, now it
says I can create 1 "mae west". (I had one bottle of whiskey on hand).
Then I bought some "cob of corn"'s from the mall and it said I could
create 5. So maybe the issue is that it's not realizing that it can buy
ingredients from the mall to craft this booze?

I am using r9457
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Creatable count has NEVER considered buying ingredients from the mall - that only comes into play if you attempt to create more items than you have ingredients for.
So it showed YBR because he had soda and (vodka or (rye sprouts + fermenting powder))?
(or is that just "at least one of the (sub)ingredients"?)

This is all NPC stores ... so are the strawberries ...
So I have a disco bandit who usually crafts 5 disco bandit drinks using the still.
So with 10 green lights on... I am seeing some strange behavior today.
But it's not working with some of the recent revs. Even if I type
"mae west" for example into the search box, it's not showing that
I can craft that item.
Yes, I have "Buy items from NPC stores whenever needed" and
"Buy items from the mall whenever needed" checked off in the
general preferences.

I went to the hippy store and manually bought 5 strawberries, now it
says I can create 1 "mae west". (I had one bottle of whiskey on hand).
I am using r9457

As I understand it, the code should have been aware that 1 mae west can be crafted using only items onhand and the npc stores, which were enabled. Is that belief incorrect?

It's possible though that this was related to the NPC store ajax purchasing bug that was recently fixed... guessing lots of us will have broken stores until we manually purchase with newer versions. 9457 did have the specific fix for hippy store, but it wasn't until 9458 that Veracity got it so all ajax stores were happy.
guessing lots of us will have broken stores until we manually purchase with newer versions.
This could be it.

Go visit the hippy store in the Relay Browser.

Does the Item Manager do what you expect, now?

If so, this is a duplicate of the other report and can be merged/closed.
Ok, with a different account (also Disco Bandit), the hippy store has bowl of rye sprouts, cob of corn, etc.. If I type #=5 in the item creation search box,
I see some drinks... but not "yellow brick road" which shows up as #=2. I would assume that all yellow brick road items
can be bought in NPC stores. (I have plenty of little paper umbrellas). I tried clicking on the hippy store in the relay browser
and that did not seem to fix the issue. (oh, I had 2 bottles of vodka on-hand).

I manually bought a bowl of rye sprouts from the hippy store and then it showed I could make 5 yellow brick roads.
Then I autosold the bowl of rye sprouts and it showed I could make only 2 yellow brick roads again.
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In that case, r9458 should solve your issue.

EDIT: Oh, maybe I misread. Maybe you don't have the same issue that r9458 fixed. what does writing "get currentHippyStore" in the gCLI return?
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updated to 9464, issue still exists... to clarify.. both accounts have frat rewards in hippy store.

get currentHippyStore


(on both accounts)
updated to 9464, issue still exists... to clarify.. both accounts have frat rewards in hippy store.

get currentHippyStore


(on both accounts)

well there's the problem. currentHippyStore should be fratboy.

I can reproduce by setting currentHippyStore=none and visiting the store in relay browser. Store has frat items and is incorrectly set to hippy.
Adding some quick debugging to MallPurchaseRequest.java, when I visit the hippy store:

Didn't find a peach.
I found a pear.
Didn't find a plum.

Does responseText include chatlaunch.php? Because there's a pear in the trivial updates.
Why should that matter? When I visit the fratboy-enabled Hippy Store, I don't see any of the hippy items there and my test character still has "currentHippyStore" set to "fratboy" after a visit, just as expected.
well there's the problem. currentHippyStore should be fratboy.

I can reproduce by setting currentHippyStore=none and visiting the store in relay browser. Store has frat items and is incorrectly set to hippy.
I cannot reproduce this in that way.

> get currentHippyStore


> set currentHippyStore=none

currentHippyStore => none
... visit Hippy Store in the Relay Browser...

> get currentHippyStore

Adding some quick debugging to MallPurchaseRequest.java, when I visit the hippy store:

Didn't find a peach.
I found a pear.
Didn't find a plum.

Does responseText include chatlaunch.php? Because there's a pear in the trivial updates.
If we are parsing the response for calling chatlaunch.php as a MallPurchaseRequest response, that's a bug.

What does your debug log say? When you look at the actual page returned by visiting the Hippy Store, where, exactly, do you see "pear"?
What does your debug log say? When you look at the actual page returned by visiting the Hippy Store, where, exactly, do you see "pear"?

Aha. It was not chatlaunch.php as I guessed, complete coincidence that there's a "pear" there. Full debug log containing responseText is attached, but I found the offending pear.

Code snippet:

function dojax(dourl, afterFunc, hoverCaller, failureFunc) {
		type: 'GET', url: dourl, cache: false,
		global: false,
		success: function (out) {
			if (out.match(/no\|/)) {
				var parts = out.split(/\|/);
				if (failureFunc) failureFunc(parts[1]);
				else $('#ChatWindow').append('<font color="green">Oops!  Sorry, Dave, you ap[B][COLOR="red"]pear[/COLOR][/B] to be ' + parts[1] + '.</font><br />' + "\n");


Ok so I had to click on the hippy store in the relay browser and then mafia figured out it was a fratboy rather than hippy store. Is that expected?
Yes. The advice has ALWAYS been "visit the store in the relay browser so that KoLmafia can figure out what it is." Why is that a surprise now?