Hey, new to mafia, and scripting in general, but I thought I'd get this script running while in DB aftercore... and the new rave combos aren't supported. Not a complaint at all, but I'm curious how I could do what halfvoid has done.
I think I understand how to build my own CCS, but the according to the wiki, the "extra pickpocket" combo only dislodges something if pickpocket failed. How would I check whether that's true or not?
You should be able to put "steal" into your CCS twice and it will only do the second one if the first one failed.
Would BatMan's to-be-implemented strategy for those be "1: Get monster as close to death as possible without killing it, 2: repeatedly use bottle of Gü-gone"?
FTF/SS doesn't know enough about your survivability to continuously retry throwing items.
Besides, when I was a young whippersnapper I went through Kittycore in the freezing cold uphill both ways without scripting help -- and I'll go through my second kitty run without it too! Hopefully you'll only have one such run. You'll get no sympathy from this old codger.
If you want everything to be automated for you, go play Progress Quest! Now get off my lawn!