SmartStasis -- a complex script for a simple CCS

You should be able to put "steal" into your CCS twice and it will only do the second one if the first one failed.
Hey, new to mafia, and scripting in general, but I thought I'd get this script running while in DB aftercore... and the new rave combos aren't supported. Not a complaint at all, but I'm curious how I could do what halfvoid has done.

I think I understand how to build my own CCS, but the according to the wiki, the "extra pickpocket" combo only dislodges something if pickpocket failed. How would I check whether that's true or not?

not true. The New Wave bling gives you a second pickpocket that only works if the first failed. the combo dislodges something so long as the monster has drops that are non conditional and you haven't already pickpocketed it.
So, will this handle the gu-goning of slimes, or is that a feature we will see in BatMan when it is finally released? :D
Depends what you mean by gu-goning. If you mean automatic removal of the Slime effect when necessary, then no, that's already handled quite nicely by several other scripts (I use Bale's chamois.ash). If you mean handling the combat after one of your rusty items gets slimed (particularly if it's your weapon, when normal automation can fail), then yes, BatMan will cope with this intelligently. If you mean something else, then please clarify.
Would BatMan's to-be-implemented strategy for those be "1: Get monster as close to death as possible without killing it, 2: repeatedly use bottle of Gü-gone"?

Edit: Ironic -- the first step seems to be very much like what Batman would do.
You should be able to put "steal" into your CCS twice and it will only do the second one if the first one failed.

I see, thanks! I'll have to get a newer daily build, as I'm still running the official 13.9 release. However, there are still some situations, using the SmartStasis script, where I'd like to be able to check if a pick-pocket has failed or not. Because, for example, SmartStasis uses the "Disco Concentration" combo.

But, suppose I'm farming a monster with only one item drop. Then, if the pick-pocket succeeded, disco concentration is simply a waste of mp, so I only want to call SmartStasis if the pick-pocket failed.

Of course, I see there's another thread about whether pickpocketing was successful, so I'll check that out.
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Aha, gu-gone is more Nemesis stuff. Eventually this and the new DB combos will all be part of SmartStasis and/or BatMan. Unfortunately, I've had about 5 free hours total in the last week and haven't even had time to play KoL, much less work on scripts.

Monsters that require particular amounts of damage to be dealt to them will not be handled in the first release of BatMan. The primary goal of the first release will be debugging and achieving stability. After that, special algorthms can be added in. I'm thinking of hobos (overkilling for hobo parts vs. not), Mother Slime trophy, minesweeper crabs, and combat actions that give special benefit if they kill the monster (like using your Gnomish Hyper-whatever it is, to get the handy effect).
Can the script check if an item use (big book of pirate insults, stone spheres) was successful, and continnuously retry until it is? black cat, good times

plus rollover is slow as molasses

the quote is "Just as you're about to use that item, Kitty bats it out of your hand, and you have to spend the next couple of minutes fishing it out from underneath a couch. It's as adorable as it is annoying."
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Gosh, that really is adorable.

Yep, that'd be a nice feature for FTF/SS. On the other hand, I think BadKitty runs shouldn't be easily automated. I guess we'll have to find out how zarqon feels.
FTF/SS doesn't know enough about your survivability to continuously retry throwing items.

Besides, when I was a young whippersnapper I went through Kittycore in the freezing cold uphill both ways without scripting help -- and I'll go through my second kitty run without it too! Hopefully you'll only have one such run. You'll get no sympathy from this old codger.

If you want everything to be automated for you, go play Progress Quest! Now get off my lawn!
Loi! Why? Is it "fun"?

I played Adventure Quest a few years ago. That was too linear for me to stand. Progress Quest seems to take that so far that it becomes a very boring joke.
Oh, it's nothing like that silly Adventure Quest nonsense. It's so much better.
[goes back to Executing 8 Mimics...]
Automating normal runs is like driving to the store. Automating Kittycore is like taking a helicopter to the top of Everest. Yeah, you got there, but you didn't climb there.

No free helicopter rides from me.
Would BatMan's to-be-implemented strategy for those be "1: Get monster as close to death as possible without killing it, 2: repeatedly use bottle of Gü-gone"?

I tested my damage and decided the following low-tech CCS would do the job
[ default ]
skill noodles
skill saucestorm
item bottle gone
FTF/SS doesn't know enough about your survivability to continuously retry throwing items.

Besides, when I was a young whippersnapper I went through Kittycore in the freezing cold uphill both ways without scripting help -- and I'll go through my second kitty run without it too! Hopefully you'll only have one such run. You'll get no sympathy from this old codger.

If you want everything to be automated for you, go play Progress Quest! Now get off my lawn!

well, ok. it's not the whole run, of course, just the monsters that aren't autoattacked. and there's the O. A. F., too

and survivability is always 100%. and the scrolls...oh god the scrolls...