Small bugs & Feature Request

demon llama

New member
Bug 1:
The new fortune cookie counter in the relay browser effect area is great, but it occasionally gets out of sync (i can see this since since I keep antimarty's fortune cookie GM script still active).

It seems to correct itself when I visit my character page.

I notice it seems to happen when in the graphical CLI an adventure number repeats itself. Perhaps this is something to do with adventuring 'fast' in the relay browser?

Bug 2:
When you look at a players terrarium the title of the corresponding dialog is named: "Documentation"

Bug 3:
Libram summoning costs in the skill casting section do not persist when logging into the same character from different computers. Which brings me to my feature request:

I happen to play KoL from more then 1 computer (3 in fact - 1 at work, 1 in my office, 1 on my laptop when I watch TV). How hard would it be to utilize a portion of a players notes section in the campground log to encode persistent character data so that when i login from a difference computer KolMafia can update the persistent data like cookie counter, breakfast status, ! potions discovered, etc?

Keep up the good work!
[quote author=demon llama link=topic=2152.msg11079#msg11079 date=1231952033]
Bug 1:
The new fortune cookie counter in the relay browser effect area is great, but it occasionally gets out of sync (i can see this since since I keep antimarty's fortune cookie GM script still active).

It seems to correct itself when I visit my character page.

I notice it seems to happen when in the graphical CLI an adventure number repeats itself. Perhaps this is something to do with adventuring 'fast' in the relay browser?
Adventuring quickly does seem to be the cause. However, instead of having duplicate adventure numbers, I've seen adventure numbers skip a number. I tend to see it when I'm spamming the ~ key, and I guess jasonharper and Veracity don't do that much (it probably would make sense to autoadventure in mafia for most of those cases), so they never see it and therefore can't very well fix it. At least there is the workaround of visiting your character sheet, which I also suggest you do before eating a cookie. (I would add this to my sig on the main forum, but people keep thanking me for my current one.)
#2 is simply how the program is written - that same window is used for various things such as item/effect descriptions for which the "Documentation" title is more appropriate.

#3: The notes field only accepts 5000 characters. My preferences file is currently over 16K, and that doesn't include CCSs, moods, or item flags. The file will compress to about 4.5K, but the text encoding needed to make it storable in the notes field would put it back over the limit (and that's not even considering the need to preserve any user-entered notes). And it's only going to get bigger over time...

The usual solutions for a person in your situation are to have the preferences on a network share accessible from all the computers you use, or to carry them around on something like a USB stick.
[quote author=lostcalpolydude link=topic=2152.msg11080#msg11080 date=1231955302]
Adventuring quickly does seem to be the cause. However, instead of having duplicate adventure numbers, I've seen adventure numbers skip a number. I tend to see it when I'm spamming the ~ key, and I guess jasonharper and Veracity don't do that much (it probably would make sense to autoadventure in mafia for most of those cases), so they never see it and therefore can't very well fix it. At least there is the workaround of visiting your character sheet, which I also suggest you do before eating a cookie. (I would add this to my sig on the main forum, but people keep thanking me for my current one.)

That's exactly how I tend to adventure, I enjoy all the benefits of the relay browser and the conveniences of the Main Interface (consumption manager, gear changer, etc), but like to manually do my adventures, even if it might be repetitively hitting the tilde.

Bug 3 was more pertaining to mafia checking what the current cost of summoning a libram object when it refreshes data as it logs in (looks like that value is calculated using libramSummons in the prefs). The feature was more of an afterthought/question.

Regarding that again:

So the cookie counter is stored in the user prefs? Cool, i'll have to check it out sometime.

As far as the size is concerned, manually encoding and decoding the values into a save 'password' (ala justin bailey?) would reduce a ton of space instead of just saving a flat file. However it would seem like a lot of work for a very niche feature.
[quote author=jasonharper link=topic=2152.msg11082#msg11082 date=1231958909]
#3: The notes field only accepts 5000 characters. My preferences file is currently over 16K, and that doesn't include CCSs, moods, or item flags. The file will compress to about 4.5K, but the text encoding needed to make it storable in the notes field would put it back over the limit (and that's not even considering the need to preserve any user-entered notes). And it's only going to get bigger over time...

What ever happened to the idea of potentially using some of the Combat Action Bar JSON data area for storage of preferences?

I know the idea was being batted around early last year, and it seems like the perfect solution for mafia as it offered about 64k of storage. I've been using the USB drive solution for a very long time, and it works quite well for me, but it does have a lot of limitations, especially as more of my customers get savvy about USB physical security on the networks I administrate.
[quote author=lostcalpolydude link=topic=2152.msg11080#msg11080 date=1231955302]
Adventuring quickly does seem to be the cause. However, instead of having duplicate adventure numbers, I've seen adventure numbers skip a number. I tend to see it when I'm spamming the ~ key, and I guess jasonharper and Veracity don't do that much (it probably would make sense to autoadventure in mafia for most of those cases), so they never see it and therefore can't very well fix it.[/quote]
Today, in revisions 6762 and 6763, I made some significant changes to how KoLmafia handles the CharPane - and that quite possibly has direct bearing on this specific issue. I'm going to make a separate note discussing this, since you-all will need to keep your eyes open for possible problems. Of course, if you-all happen to see an improvement with this particular issue, I'll be happy to hear about that, as well. :)

[quote author=dangerpin link=topic=2152.msg11090#msg11090 date=1231977118]
What ever happened to the idea of potentially using some of the Combat Action Bar JSON data area for storage of preferences?

I know the idea was being batted around early last year, and it seems like the perfect solution for mafia as it offered about 64k of storage.[/quote]
I'll add it back to my "list of things I'm paying attention to."

I was coordinating with JHunz, with the idea that his BattlefieldCounter greasemonkey script and KoLmafia could share data about the progress of the battle. I didn't have the Real Life Time to think much about it at the time, but I intended to make it so.

Then, later, when he released his JSON support, I started seeing all sorts of bug reports about how his BattlefieldCounter was losing preferences and such and I realized that this was a complicated problem, and I REALLY didn't have time to think about it right then.

And then JHunz seemed to just drop out of KoL and I sort of forgot about it.

I'll see if I can figure out how to make using the JSON structure reliable within KoLmafia. We already save, update, and restore it, when you change it from KoL. Making KoLmafia reliably use it is a Project, not a little "fix", though.
[quote author=Veracity link=topic=2152.msg11091#msg11091 date=1231988985]
Today, in revisions 6762 and 6763, I made some significant changes to how KoLmafia handles the CharPane - and that quite possibly has direct bearing on this specific issue. I'm going to make a separate note discussing this, since you-all will need to keep your eyes open for possible problems. Of course, if you-all happen to see an improvement with this particular issue, I'll be happy to hear about that, as well. :)[/quote]
Excellent. Unfortunately, since the problem seems to be sporadic, positive feedback will be impossible. I'll make sure to post if I see any more problems though.
Suggestion: CLI commands "export settings" and "import settings" (or a setting in preferences to enable import/export -- off by default) which store/retrieve the user's settings on/from a remote server. I have some space on a relatively unburdened server with fantastic uptime, and would be happy to set up a folder/PHP script for this purpose. I'd just need to know what kind of handshake to perform (POST variables seem best).

"import" on login, "export" on logout, multi-computer problem solved. If built-in to preferences, abort on failure to do either.

Would that be useful to enough people to justify its existence?

The other automatic solution would be scripts. I wrote some scripts that do this, but only with Wossname settings, as support for OCW users running multiple machines. So far only a handful of people have used them.

I could expand that script to include all settings, but it would be bulky (or involve a map file basically duplicating the settings file) since there is no way to foreach settings or access the entire settings file at once in ASH, plus the data would need to be password-protected to prevent mischievous users from overwriting other people's settings.

Just some ideas. If the import/export idea is a no-go, I can write the script, but I'd like to know it would be useful first.
Just wanted to provide follow up to this discussions on one of the original issues:

It worked!

I haven't had my cookie counters out of sync for the past week (both adventuring strictly in the relay browser, and using the auto adventure). Hooray!