sl_ascend - a cc_ascend fork

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The script always passes a filter to run_combat() to run it's own combat script so at the moment there isn't a quick and dirty way to have not use it's logic. This is something I was going to look into because yeah I agree the combat handling, especially for moxie classes, is not super great.
Alright, I have looked at the code. I do not understand the code, particularly exactly how it's using run_combat(option) to get to anything defined in sl_combat.ash, but if I understand the wiki page on run_combat correctly, just making it always use only run_combat() should divert automation to whatever ccs kolmafia is set to? If so, I understand that this may break other parts where it's expecting to do something specific in certain combats if the replacement ccs isn't correct, but I'll deal with that as it happens.

As is likely obvious to most of you reading, I have no idea what I'm doing. Since it used MACROMETEORITE a few times on appropriate monsters, it was clearly not using my combat script (which effectively amounts to calling WHAM for all but a few specific monsters). This also means I have no idea what "An empty string can be passed to use your battle action or CCS as normal" per the wiki page means. That said, it actually managed to perform better than before, in that it neither died nor aborted any combats. If this finishes out the run in 5 days or less, I'll call it a win.
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I find it has lots of issues in combat, as did cc_ascend, so I just suck it up and run manually. Both sl_ and cc_ will reset the ccs to null and (unlike other settings) make no attempt to reset it. I'd love an option to be deliberately suboptimal and use "my" ccs and maybe even allow a recovery script but I don't know how reasonable those requests are.

I always felt it was like reinventing the wheel. WHAM and Bale's recovery script are very good.
I always felt it was like reinventing the wheel. WHAM and Bale's recovery script are very good.

I think Bale's recovery script caused the ascension script to abort often enough that it was easier to forcefully disable the recovery script. This is based on my vague memory, having never touched either script.
I recall going round and round with Bale because of UR, bccascend and aborting or not. I seem to recall a UR setting that will allow it to continue after failure. My problems with sl_ascend is that because of mafia behavior or a setting I have not tracked down, it frequently aborts because there is no meat and no other way to restore MP. If the combat and buffing could be tuned to understand that not using MP had value this would not be a pain point. But this is an observation of an opportunity for improvement and not a complaint. I acknowledge this script is maintained by volunteers and I can always choose not to use it if it doesn't do everything I want.
There is a setting to allow UR to continue even if recovery isn't possible but I don't think that's the issue with cc_ascend and sl_ascend. Some time back, on the cc_ascend thread, I went back and forth with cheesecookie on why cc_ascend kept running out of meat. I sent logs and the finger was pointed, decisively, at UR.

It seems that the cc_ascend scripts make their own assumptions about recovery, meat, and combat. UR threw those assumptions out of whack and cheesecookie decided that the simplest thing to do was to take recovery scripts out of the mix.

That said, even without UR in the mix, cc_ascend and sl_ascend still run into issues with meat and recovery.

There may be an interaction with the, built-in, KoLmafia recovery settings but I've never figured out what it might be.
baleUr_AlwaysContinue is the setting was thinking of.

sl_ and cc_ before it have always had meat and/or mp issues for me. They usually resolve themselves around level 8 or so, if my memory is correct.

The symptom is that the script aborts. I figure out where it was trying to adventure, do so manually and get mafia's message about unable to restore, press the image to continue anyway. I can (obviously) get rid of the message and the impediment to continuation by changing the thresholds for recovery but doing so often creates other problems, such as getting continually beaten up.

I believe this is preceded by some kind of recovery failure message in the gCLI but I am not 100% certain.

I suppose next run I should try with very low thresholds and recovery targets and see if the available meat is better managed for the first day or so.
@fronobulax: Your description of what happens agrees, exactly, with my experience.

Normally the problem happens a couple of times, early in a run, and then doesn't happen again in that run. Since the mafia recovery settings, and/or UR, work just fine for 99% of what I do I haven't tried twiddling mafia's recovery settings.
Just started a HC Disco Run.

It is in the kitchen.

It aborts saying it is having trouble in combat. I change to my WHAM based CCS and run the script to finish the combat from the relay browser. Every time so far, it casts Saucy Salve to recover HP and then finishes the monster with a single Clobber. This serves to reinforce my belief that the script can do better in both recovery and combat :-)
I have a couple of issues with a couple of runs.

1. HC PM - It couldn't get a Stone Wool so I had to use a wish to get it
2. SC PM - It bought stuff to eat in the mall but couldn't pull it.

Anyway to get around either
It couldn't get a Stone Wool

I'm on my third HC run that has aborted because there was no stone wool when it wanted it. Maybe there is an ITOM that helps with the drop and I don't have it or maybe the RNG Hates Me?

I'm also getting "We are getting beaten up too much, this is not good. Aborting." much more than I would expect if the script were properly handling combat and recovery.
Out of the 12 standard standard runs, I had one abort due to stone wool. It could not restart, which I consider a bigger bug. I too wished up some.

Speaking of wishes, I'm surprised those are never used (other than for pocket wishes). For the last few runs, I started wishing up lobsterfrogmans, because I saw it skip that side quest some times.

Unlike others here, I never had meat issues even on day one. Finding decent consumables was hard, due to 2019 restrictions, but that isn't the scripts fault.

In theory the new challenge path comes out Friday...
Here I am again. Always complaining. This might be a logic flaw, though.

At various times the script complained that it had to power level. I let it. Then it complained about spending too much time at the Hole in the sky. I get that, too.

Then it started the Copperhead Quest, had to get the Shen item from the Hole and refused to do so because of the number of turns already burned there. It might not be this simple but it sounds like needing to visit the Hole to get the Shen item probably should override any check for too many adventures.
I set mafia's MP recovery to 10%/30% (as opposed to 30%/50%) and am doing much better in terms of meat. Not aborting nearly as much because recovery failed.

I still find a lot of cases where it stops because it is unable to handle the monster, I change the CCS to WHAM, start the script in the relay browser, WHAM casts an HP restore once or twice and then finishes off the monster with one shot.

It's probably easier to just tweak combat but there is certainly the potential for a feature request to transfer control to a user specified CCS (instead of aborting) when a monster can't be handled (and then switch back and continue).

It wants to visit the Fantasy Realm but is getting beaten up every turn. I can think of several ways to handle this but it has been a consistent problem early in a run for me.

Is the maintainers watching this thread. Still having these issues:
1. Tells us when it has adventured too much in an area when going for Copperhead
2. Needs to use Smut Orc Keepsake Boxes
3. Don't adventure for something that can pulled or we pulled manually.
4. Don't buy food drink that already exists in inventory
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