Shummie's Wait a Moment Pre-Adventuring Script


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Shummie’s Wait a Moment Pre-Adventuring Script
This script is designed for speed ascenders and is intended to throw up a warning to confirm adventuring when it detects that spending the next adventure would not be “optimal”.

To elaborate:
  • Have you ever misclicked and hit adventure again in the spooky forest after you’ve received all the parts of the Hidden Temple map?
  • Have you ever forgotten to equip your antique (or muculent) machete before unlocking the buildings in the Hidden City?
  • Did you forget your stone wool buff was active and adventured somewhere else?
  • Did you forget to take off your Talisman O’Nam and adventure elsewhere with it, depriving you of the sweet sweet +ML on another accessory you may have?
  • If the answer to any of the above is YES YES YES, then this script is for you!
If you are NOT concerned about preventing silly mistakes and saving a single turn here or there, then this script is NOT for you.
This particular script is designed to only throw up warnings when it detects that you may either want to adventure somewhere else, or it detects certain equipment or buffs active that you may have and want to change. It should not, and is not intended to, actually prevent you from doing what you want to do, nor will it spend any turns or resources. It will only throw up warnings and allow you to proceed if you wish to do so.

Path Support:
Currently, only Standard and Actually Ed the Undying paths are supported. Both Hardcore and Softcore is supported, but I’m sure I haven’t covered all cases yet.
This script will not trigger if you aren’t under Ronin/HC restrictions.

I currently do not have an SVN repo set up for this, but I will attempt to eventually set one up. For now, you’ll have to make do with manually downloading and copying the script into your /scripts folder.
Next, you’ll have to set this as your preadventuring script. You can do this by typing:
set betweenBattleScript=WaitAMoment.ash
into your CLI. Yes, unfortunately, this does mean that for those of you who are using zarqon’s Best Between Battle Script Ever will not be able to use this script as well.
Lastly, you may also have to go to General -> Preferences -> Relay Browser and turn on Run betweenBattleScript before manual adventures since I doubt you'll be automating adventures with this script.

This is my first real script that I’m releasing into the wild. I’m sure the code is non-optimal, and has lots of errors in it. As of yet, this script is NOT FULLY COMPLETED. But has enough functionality and conditions that the majority of simple cases are considered. I am more than happy to incorporate suggestions into this script and if I have time, I will test these in other paths eventually.
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Equipment Warnings
• If the Mega Gem is equipped, and we are not adventuring in Dr. Awkward’s Office, abort and throw up a warning.
o Untested as of 2/25/15​
• If the Talisman o’ Nam is equipped and we are not adventuring Inside the Palindome OR Dr. Awkward’s Office, abort and throw up a warning.
o Untested as of 2/25/15.
o Do we need to test Mr. Alarm’s office as well? Cannot currently do in Ed runs​
• Will warn if a Mohawk wig is equipped and we are not adventuring in the Top Floor of the Castle
o Unimplemented as of 2/25/15​
• Will warn if an amulet of extreme plot significance is equipped and not adventuring in the Ground Floor
o Unimplemented as of 2/25/15​
• Will warn if blackberry galoshes are not being worn and we are trying to adventure in the Black Forest.
o Maybe put in a warning to pull the galoshes if we are in SC? Maybe too much since pulls may be tight and it may be a conscious decision to not pull…
o Unimplemented as of 2/25/15​
• Will warn if an unstable fulminate is not worn when adventuring in the Haunted Boiler Room
o Unimplemented as of 2/25/15​
• Will warn against adventuring at any of the overgrown shrine locations if a machete is not equipped.
o Will currently warn even if we do not own a machete.
o Will also warn even if we’ve cleared the lianas but not yet put the head on the impression
o Tested as of 2/25/15 in Ed​
• Will throw up a warning if adventuring with a machete
o There are some situations where we would want to. We should probably identify this.
o Unimplemented as of 2/25/15​
• Will throw up a warning if we have a plus sign in our inventory with Teleportitis active and do not have 1,000 meat for the consultation.
o Untested as of 2/25/15​
• If adventuring with Teleportitis active, and ten-leaf clovers in the inventory, then abort and throw up a warning.
o Untested as of 2/25/15​
• Will warn if the KGE outfit is equipped and not adventuring in Barracks or Throne Room or Kitchens

Aborting Places to Adventure
• The following locations are considered “useless” to adventure in a normal speed ascension and will throw up a warning when clicked on:
o Noob Cave
o The Knob Shaft
o Cobb’s Knob Treasury
o The Haiku Dungeon
o The Dire Warran
o The Bugbear Pen
o The Spooky Gravy Burrow
o The Misspelled Cemetary (Pre-Cyrpt and Post-Cyrpt)
o South of the Border
o The Haunted Storage Room
o The Haunted Laboratory
o The Haunted Nursery​
• Removed from Useless zones for now
o A Mob of Zeppelin Protesters
o The Haunted Conservatory​
• The Copperhead Club
o A different warning is now given for this zone.​
• Spooky Forest
o Will abort adventuring in spooky forest if The Hidden Temple is unlocked and we’ve completed the Council quest for the Larva.
o Tested as of 2/24/15 in Ed​
• The Outskirts of Cobb’s Knob
o Will prevent adventuring in the Outskirts if the encryption key has been found
o Need to add 2 additional conditions:​
• If Cobb’s Knob is unlocked, we don’t have the key anymore
• If we are a muscle class and have the guild unlock quest, then allow adventuring here
o Untested as of 2/25/15​
• Beanbat Chamber
o Will abort if we already have an enchanted bean or if the beanstalk is already open.
o Tested as of 2/26/15​
• Guano Junction
o Will abort if we already have an alternative chamber open
o Will abort if a sonar is detected
o Untested as of 2/26/15​
• The Batrat and Ratbat Burrow
o Will abort if a sonar-in-a-biscuit is detected
o Will abort if the boss bat chamber is unlocked. Utilizes the quest log to identify this. Does this work in Ed?
o Untested as of 2/26/15​
• Cobb’s Knob Barracks
o Will abort if we have the KGE outfit AND we know the password
o Will abort if we have KGE outfit but NOT wearing it And don’t know password
o Untested as of 2/26/15​
• The Dark Heart of the Woods
o Will prevent adventuring if we’ve found the box of birthday candles and we have 3 hot wings.
o Will allow adventuring if we’ve found the box of birthday candles, AND already found the dodecagram and eldritch butterknife but NOT 3 hot wings.
o Untested as of 2/25/15​
• The Dark Neck of the Woods
o Will prevent adventuring if we’ve found the dodecagram
o Do we need to add an exception here for certain paths that would like to farm hellion cubes?
o Untested as of 2/25/15​
• The Dark Elbow of the Woods
o Will prevent adventuring if we’ve found the eldritch butterknife.
o Untested as of 2/25/15​
• The Goatlet
o Will prevent adventuring if 3 wedges of goat cheese are detected
o If we don’t have 3 goat cheese, check the questlog to see if we need it. If not, abort.
o Assumes that we will have no need for glass of goat’s milk. Add path specific exceptions?
o Tested as of 2/26/15​
• Itznotyerzitz Mine
o Will prevent adventuring if a mining outfit is detected
o Having a ten-leaf clover present will allow adventuring. Kolmafia will throw up a clover protection if it’s active.
o Does this interfere w/ mining? Probably not, but untested
o Untested as of 2/26/15​
• Lair of the Ninja Snowmen
o Will prevent adventuring if a mining outfit is detected OR all 3 ninja pieces are detected.
o Ninja pieces tested as of 2/26/15
o Will also prevent adventuring if it does not detect an overall +Combat modifier.
o Untested as of 2/26/15​
• The Extreme Slope
o Will prevent adventuring if all 3 ninja pieces are detected
o Will prevent adventuring if it detects the presence of the Icy Peak unlock in the noncombat queue.
o Untested as of 2/26/15​
• The Icy Peak
o Will prevent adventuring if Groar (or the other Yeti) has been defeated.
o Tested as of 2/26/15
o Tested after turning in fur, but not before.​
• The Smut Orc Logging Camp
o Will prevent adventuring if it detects a completed bridge
o Tested as of 2/25/15 in Ed​
• A-Boo Peak
o Will prevent adventuring if the pyre is lit.
o Tested as of 2/26/15 in Ed​
• Twin Peak
o Will prevent adventuring if the pyre is lit.
o Tested as of 2/26/15 in Ed​
• Oil Peak
o Will prevent adventuring if the pyre is lit
o Will allow adventuring if Twin Peak is not yet completed and we don’t have a jar of oil or enough bubbling crude to make one.
o Warning, currently will still allow adventuring if you’ve used the jar of oil for the Twin Peak quest.
o Untested as of 2/26/15​
• The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Basement)
o Will prevent adventuring here if we’ve unlocked the Ground Floor of the Castle.
o Tested as of 2/25/15
o Will only allow adventuring after unlocking the Ground Floor if we don’t have a Wand of Nagamar (or it’s component pieces?) and a ten-leaf clover is in the inventory
o Right now, it only checks that a ten-leaf clover is in the inventory. Doesn’t check for Wand or its components yet
o Untested as of 2/25/15​
• The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor)
o Will prevent adventuring here if we’ve unlocked the Top Floor of the Castle
o Tested as of 2/25/15
o Will only allow adventuring here after unlocking the Top Floor if we need an electric boning knife
o Currently untested as of 2/25/15
o Not fully implemented yet. Right now, only checks that we’re level 13 before adventuring. Should block if we have a knife already, or if we’re already past the wall of meat. Should also not allow until we’ve reached wall of meat but not sure how to check that yet.​
• The Poop Deck
o Will prevent adventuring if the Belowdecks is unlocked
o Unimplemented as of 2/25/15​
• The Belowdecks
o Will prevent adventuring if the Talisman O’ Nam is created.
o Unimplemented as of 2/25/15​
• The Black Forest
o Will prevent adventuring in the Black Forest if we already discovered the Black Market.​
• The Hidden Bowling Alley
o Avoid adventuring here if we have acquired the scorched stone sphere.
o Also avoid if we have used the scorched stone sphere. Does KolMafia track this somewhere?
o Unimplemented as of 2/25/15​
• The Hidden Hospital
o Avoid adventuring here if we have acquired the dripping stone sphere
o Unimplemented as of 2/25/15​
• The Hidden Apartment Building
o Avoid adventuring here if we have acquired the moss-covered stone sphere
o Allow adventuring if we still need to do the Office Building though.
o Unimplemented as of 2/25/15​
• The Hidden Office Building
o Avoid adventuring here if we have acquired the stone sphere
o Unimplemented as of 2/25/15​
• Sonofa Beach
o Abort adventuring if we have 5 barrels of gunpowder already.
o Tested as of 2/25/15
o Have not yet implemented if we’ve completed quest but don’t have the barrels anymore.​
• The Hole in the Sky
o Abort adventuring if we either have Richard’s Star Key or if we have all the pieces for it.
o Added an extra condition for Ed. Ed doesn’t need to visit here.
o Untested as of 2/26/15​

Zone Specific Reminders
• The Boss Bat’s Lair
o Will remind to cast Polka of Plenty and use a resolution: be wealthier if it finds two.
o Untested as of 2/25/15​
• The Hidden Temple
o If the stone-faced effect is active, and we are not adventuring in The Hidden Temple, abort and throw up a warning.
o Tested as of 2/25/15 in Ed
o If we are level 11 and adventuring in the Hidden Temple, and we have a stone wool available, then abort and throw up a warning
o Untested as of 2/25/15​
• The Hidden Bowling Alley
o Avoid adventuring here if the Hidden Tavern is open and, if we do NOT have any bowls of scorpion in our inventory.
o Untested as of 2/26/15​
• The Hidden Hospital
o Check that we are wearing all pieces of the surgeon outfit. Throw up a warning if we aren’t.
o The half-size scalpel may be an exception since some classes may have trouble with combat if this is equipped
o Unimplemented as of 2/25/15​
• The Hidden Office Building
o Should we track how many turns until the 2nd instance of the superlikely occurs? If we don’t have the complete binder by then, we should adventure in the Apartment until we have it.
o Unimplemented as of 2/25/15​
• The Hidden Apartment Building
o If we don’t have this part of the quest done yet, we should throw up a warning when the superlikely is about to occur so that an option to drink is given.
o Unimplemented as of 2/25/15​
• Sonofa Beach
o Will abort if it finds a handful of pine needles or reodorant in inventory and we don’t have Hippy Stench active
o Tested as of 2/25/15 in Ed.
o Maybe add in some additional items? Such as Talisman of Horus for Ed?​
• Dungeons of Doom
o Will warn if we are adventuring here without the 5,000 meat for the mimic wand.
o Is this even still necessary? Is the wand required for anything anymore?
o Untested as of 2/26/15.​
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v0.01 - First iteration, many, many more bugfixes to come...
v0.02 - Fixed KGE outfit check. Used || instead of &&. Moved Haunted Conservatory and Mob of Zeppelin Protestors out of Useless until I find a better check for these. Moved Copperhead out of Useless and throw up a separate warning.
v0.03 - Fixed quest log check for trapper goat cheese.
v0.04 - Fixed quest log check for Black Forest & moxie base stat check for blackberry galoshes
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Just to point out a couple of things about the "useless" locations:
o The Copperhead Club
o A Mob of Zeppelin Protesters
Despite what GD would have you think, Copperhead is a viable choice for speed ascension. Pirates will probably always win out on the bleeding edge, but insult/beer pong swing can easily erase the small difference between them.

o The Haunted Conservatory
Dakota can actually be a better choice than the forest if you're short of sources of -NC and don't need to spend every DD day on keys. One very relevant example would be low-skill Ed.
Just to point out a couple of things about the "useless" locations:

Despite what GD would have you think, Copperhead is a viable choice for speed ascension. Pirates will probably always win out on the bleeding edge, but insult/beer pong swing can easily erase the small difference between them.

Thanks. I'll move the Zeppelin off and put a warning before adventuring in Copperhead since a stray click will I believe start the quest? I actually haven't done the new quests since they've been revamped due to taking a bit of a break from the game.

Dakota can actually be a better choice than the forest if you're short of sources of -NC and don't need to spend every DD day on keys. One very relevant example would be low-skill Ed.

Similar, I have no clue what this path is =D. I'll have to look into it, but if that's the case, then I can probably special case something here to avoid adventuring here until the time is appropriate.

Thanks for the quick comments!
A stray click on Copperhead will give you that awful poisoned effect which you can't get rid of until you finish the quest ;) And the problem is that clearing out the zeppelin mobs still takes a lot of resources (most straightforward way in softcore is pull 4 clovers and 4 lynyrd gear pieces to finish in 4 turns). Certainly doesn't help that Ed can get up to three insults per fight, so you might as well max out on 8/8 insults in that path, at least.

Dakota is the alternate Temple unlock. Low-skill Ed probably doesn't find this a very good option, since the sewing needle in itself takes a guaranteed 9 turns (4 monsters, 4 elemental tests), in hardcore. Any softcore pulls could as easily go toward -combat, which helps in many more places.
Just as a note: you can combine between battle scripts by creating a custom import set. For example, my entire BBS is the following:
import <BestBetweenBattle.ash>;
import <flavourScript.ash>;

void main() {
This means you don't need to avoid using BBB just because you want warnings as well...
Just as a note: you can combine between battle scripts by creating a custom import set. For example, my entire BBS is the following:
import <BestBetweenBattle.ash>;
import <flavourScript.ash>;

void main() {
This means you don't need to avoid using BBB just because you want warnings as well...

Good point! Should I restructure the code in some way to make it so that people can use either option without having to do anything special?
Not really, since you can call the main function directly if wanted, but a duplicate of the main-function for those that want to just call it as an imported script might be helpful.
Well you don't have a main() function right now, so importing would be a problem.

If you put the entire script in a wrapper function, then call it from main() that'd be helpful:
void WaitAMoment() {
     <your script in here>
void main() {
Well you don't have a main() function right now, so importing would be a problem.

If you put the entire script in a wrapper function, then call it from main() that'd be helpful:
void WaitAMoment() {
     <your script in here>
void main() {

Thanks. Not sure if anyone's even using it yet and I'm traveling for work this week so I'll see when I can get a chance to rejigger the code somewhat!