New Content September IOTM - Jurassic Parka


Packaged Version: Packaged Jurassic Parka desc_item.php?whichitem=526296804 , Free pull

Bound version: Jurassic Parka desc_item.php?whichitem=815637689

Shirt, 100 Power, Modeable
Base version has following enchants:
All Attributes +10%
Slight Resistance to All Elements (+1)
Deters an opponents first attack (this appears to stack with blood bubble)
Engage dinosaur modes for more bonuses (the above are not removed)

Has an adjust Link inventory.php?action=jparka
Kachungasaur tab Maximum HP +100%, +50% Meat from Monsters, So-So Cold Resistance (+2)

Dilophosaur tab +20 Sleaze Damage, +20 Damage to Sleaze Spells, So-So Stench Resistance (+2), Spit acid
Spit jurassic acid Use the weird tube in your mouth to spit acid at your foe. FREE Yellow ray (100 turn cooldown)

Spikolodon tab +3 to Monster Level per Level (up to +33), So-So Sleaze Resistance (+2), Scare away monsters
Launch spikolodon spikes Combat Skill usable 5 times per day
Does 25? damage and sets combat rate to 0% until a noncombat is encountered
Can be used to encounter a noncombat in a different zone than where the skill was used

Ghostasaurus tab Damage Reduction: 10, Maximum MP +50, So-So Spooky Resistance (+2)

Pterodactyl tab Monsters will be less attracted to you, +50% Combat Initiative, So-So Hot Resistance (+2)

Will also provide the following combat skill (apparently only in Fall of the Dinosaurs): Engage ultra-attractive parka mode Attract some dinosaurs!
Unknown what this does exactly at this moment

Choiceadv is 1481, adventure can be left/escaped without needing to select any options
Unknown item found: packaged Jurassic Parka (10951, 526296804)
Unknown item found: Jurassic Parka (10952, 815637689)

10952    Jurassic Parka    815637689    jparka7.gif    shirt        0
Jurassic Parka    100    none
# Item Jurassic Parka: Deters an opponents first attack
# Item Jurassic Parka: Engage dinosaur modes for more bonuses
Item    Jurassic Parka    Muscle Percent: +10, Mysticality Percent: +10, Moxie Percent: +10, Spooky Resistance: +1, Stench Resistance: +1, Hot Resistance: +1, Cold Resistance: +1, Sleaze Resistance: +1
10951    packaged Jurassic Parka    526296804    jparka_box.gif    usable    t    0
Item    packaged Jurassic Parka    Free Pull
7423    Spit jurassic acid    jparka3.gif    5    0    0
7424    Launch spikolodon spikes    jparka2.gif    5    0    0
7425    Engage ultra-attractive parka mode    jparka7.gif    5    0    0
Last edited:
_spikolodonSpikeUses isn't being incremented when the skill is used.

Preference nextAdventure changed from The Ice Hole to Sloppy Seconds Diner

[884509] Sloppy Seconds Diner
Preference lastEncounter changed from angry ghost to Chocolate Bombed Wafer Blasted Custard Dipped Sundae
Encounter: Chocolate Bombed Wafer Blasted Custard Dipped Sundae
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20220901213736 to 20220901213749
Round 0: Malibu Stacey wins initiative!
Round 1: You lose 661 hit points
Round 1: Booty McBootface rubs its soles together, then stomps in place restlessly. Clearly, the violence it's done so far is only making it ache for some quality stomping. (Use the "Release the Boots" skill to let it go nuts.)
Round 1: Malibu Stacey executes a macro!
Round 1: Malibu Stacey tries to steal an item!
You gain 65 Meat.
Round 2: Malibu Stacey casts LAUNCH SPIKOLODON SPIKES!
Round 3: Sloppy Seconds Sundae takes 20 damage.
Round 3: Malibu Stacey casts RETURN!
Round 4: Booty McBootface kicks you in the butt to speed your escape. Thanks, Booty McBootface...
You lose 65 Meat.
Preference _banderRunaways changed from 4 to 5
Preference lastCopyableMonster changed from Sloppy Seconds Burger to Sloppy Seconds Sundae
This combat did not cost a turn
Preference familiarSweat changed from 30 to 31

Screenshot 2022-09-01 144159.png

> version

KoLmafia r26718
Can you send a debug log from a spikolodon spike fight?
Can you send a debug log from a spikolodon spike fight?
Made sure to turn off TourGuide before I ran it to reduce the unnecessary spam. That's from the first use of the day (I just wrapped my
adv1($location[Sloppy Seconds Diner], -1, ""); call with a debug on & debug off).
Let me know if you need anything more.
Gausie's PR was merged so Launch Spikolodon Spikes is now tracked in the appropriate property as of r26722 for anyone else interested.

Thanks for the quick fix @gausie (y)
Parka currently has these options:
parka [kachungasaur | cold | hp | meat | dilophosaur | stench | acid | ghostasaurus | spooky | mp | dr | spikolodon | sleaze | ml | spikes | pterodactyl | hot | init] - pull a dino tab on your Jurassic Parka

Can parka yr and parka spit be added, both mapping to dilophosaur?
I find myself not having it configure because the keyword is acid, even though the function is a YR.

Parka nc for pterodactyl would also be nice.
A command for "noncombat" (nc?), would also be useful I think. At least, I found myself looking for it. I think that one is pterodactyl? (Not sure and am not logged in at the moment to check.)
"nc" was deliberately not added: should it be pterodactyl, for the direct enchantment, or spikeolodon, for the skill that forces a NC? Initially I had it set instead of "spikes", but there is the confusion.

yr / spit seem reasonable.
Ah...makes sense. I hadn't considered the ambiguity there. Well, no worries. I can always add a tweak to my local build if it bothers me enough. Thanks!
Parka also needs daily prefs for ultra-attractive mode (one per type), as according to the wiki, which force that type for your next three combats (may also need a pref for that, _parkaForceMonsterCount):
Ask for features not solutions!
Parka also needs daily prefs for ultra-attractive mode (one per type), as according to the wiki, which force that type for your next three combats (may also need a pref for that, _parkaForceMonsterCount):
is there currently a preference or other way to tell from mafia that you have used the spikolodon spikes in your (last) combat and are due a noncombat? if not, is this possible to add?
I have not done this on purpose (and advise other staff to follow me in this regard), watch this space.