> help cargo
cargo inspect | [pocket] - get status of Cargo Cult Shorts, or pick a pocket.
The maximizer needs to be taught more about the "cargo" command - once per day, perhaps you've already picked all the pockets that provide the effect, etc.
Yes.Maximizer is still listing cargo effects when you've already opened a pocket that day.
On my list.Code:> help cargo cargo inspect | [pocket] - get status of Cargo Cult Shorts, or pick a pocket.
It would be appreciated if that was updated with all these new parameters for the cargo command.
// Pocket types we support in ASH
// Pocket Data types
typedef int [ effect ] pocket_effects; // One or two effect => duration
typedef int [ item ] pocket_items; // One or two items => count
typedef int [ stat ] pocket_stats; // One, two, or three stats => substats
typedef string [ int ] indexed_text; // index => text
typedef int pocket; // Pocket number
typedef boolean [ pocket ] pocket_set; // Unordered set of pocket numbers
typedef pocket [ int ] pocket_list; // Ordered list of pocket numbers
// Functions to query pockets
pocket_set picked_pockets(); // Pockets picked this ascension
pocket_set picked_scraps(); // Demon name syallables found this ascension
pocket_set monster_pockets(); // All pockets with monsters
pocket_set effect_pockets(); // All pockets with effects
pocket_set item_pockets(); // All pockets with items
pocket_set stats_pockets(); // All pockets with stats
pocket_list meat_pockets(); // All pockets with meat, ordered by Meat
pocket_list poem_pockets(); // All pockets with poems, ordered by half-line
pocket_list scrap_pockets(); // All pockets with demon name syllables, ordered by number
monster pocket_monster( pocket p ); // The monster in the specified pocket
pocket_effects pocket_effects( pocket p ); // The set of effects in specified pocket
pocket_items pocket_items( pocket p ); // The set of items in specified pocket
pocket_stats pocket_stats( pocket p ); // The set of stats in specified pocket
indexed_text pocket_scrap( pocket p ); // The scrap => syllable in specified pocket
indexed_text pocket_poem( pocket p ); // The index => poem half-line in specified pocket
indexed_text pocket_meat( pocket p ); // The Meat => clue in specified pocket
pocket_list potential_pockets( monster m ); // List containing single pocket containg the specified monster
pocket_list potential_pockets( effect e ); // List of pockets containg effect; inverse ordered by effect duration
pocket_list potential_pockets( item e ); // List of pockets containg item; inverse ordered by item count
pocket_list potential_pockets( stat s ); // List of pockets granting stats; inverse ordered by substats
// Functions to speculate about pockets. Return 0 if no unpicked pocket
// provides desired result. Equivalent to "cargo?" command
pocket available_pocket( monster m ); // Unpicked pocket containing monster
pocket available_pocket( effect e ); // Unpicked pocket containing effect
pocket available_pocket( item i ); // Unpicked pocket containing item
pocket available_pocket( stat s ); // Unpicked pocket containing stat
// Functions to pick pockets
boolean pick_pocket( pocket p ); // Pick specified pocket number
boolean pick_pocket( monster m ); // Pick pocket containing monster.
boolean pick_pocket( effect e ); // Pick pocket containing effect
boolean pick_pocket( item i ); // Pick pocket containing item.
boolean pick_pocket( stat s ); // Pick pocket containing stats.
pocket_set joke_pockets(); // All pockets which contain a joke
string pocket_joke( pocket p ); // The joke in the specified pocket
boolean pick_pocket( pocket p ); // Pick specified pocket number
boolean pick_pocket( monster m ); // Pick pocket containing monster.
boolean pick_pocket( effect e ); // Pick pocket containing effect
boolean pick_pocket( item i ); // Pick pocket containing item.
boolean pick_pocket( stat s ); // Pick pocket containing stats.
I haven't touched the Maximizer yet for this feature and cargo commands showing up there is simply a side effect of adding said commands to statuseffects.txt as a way to generate the effect.
[color=green]> help cargo[/color]
cargo[?] # | monster MONSTER | effect EFFECT | item ITEM | stat STAT - pick pocket from your shorts
cargo pocket # - describe contents of specified pocket
cargo count ( type TYPE | monster MONSTER | effect EFFECT | item ITEM | stat STAT ) - count matching pockets
cargo list ( type TYPE | monster MONSTER | effect EFFECT | item ITEM | stat STAT ) - list matching pockets
cargo inspect - check which pockets you've picked
cargo demon - check which demon name syllables you've collected
cargo - list which pockets you've picked so far during this ascension
pocket_set restoration_pockets(); // All pockets which contain grant full HP/MP restore
pocket_set monster_pockets(); // All pockets with monsters
pocket_set effect_pockets(); // All pockets with effects
pocket_set item_pockets(); // All pockets with items
pocket_set stats_pockets(); // All pockets with stats
pocket_list meat_pockets(); // All pockets with meat, ordered by Meat
pocket_list poem_pockets(); // All pockets with poems, ordered by half-line
pocket_list scrap_pockets(); // All pockets with demon name syllables, ordered by number
pocket_set joke_pockets(); // All pockets which contain a joke
pocket_set restoration_pockets(); // All pockets which grant full HP/MP restore
> ashref pick_pocket
boolean pick_pocket( monster )
int [effect] pick_pocket( effect )
int [item] pick_pocket( item )
int [stat] pick_pocket( stat )
boolean pick_pocket( int )
int ep = available_pocket( $effect[ The Halls of Muscularity ] );
if ( pick_pocket( ep ) ) {
int [effect] items = pocket_effects( ep );
int ip = available_pocket( $item[ star ] );
if ( pick_pocket( ip ) ) {
int [item] items = pocket_items( ip );
int sp = available_pocket( $stat[ muscle ] );
if ( pick_pocket( sp ) ) {
int [stat] stats = pocket_stats( sp );
int [stat] my_pick_pocket( stat s )
int muscle = my_basestat( $stat[ SubMuscle ] );
int mysticality = my_basestat( $stat[ SubMysticality ] );
int moxie = my_basestat( $stat[ SubMoxie ] );
int stat[] result;
if ( pick_pocket( s ) ) {
result[ $stat[ muscle ] ] = my_basestat( $stat[ SubMuscle ] ) - muscle;
result[ $stat[ mysticality ] ] = my_basestat( $stat[ SubMysticality ] ) - mysticality;
result[ $stat[ moxie ] ] = my_basestat( $stat[ SubMoxie ] ) - moxie;
return result;
[color=green]> shrug Phat Loot[/color]
Shrugging off your buff...
Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric removed.
[color=green]> cargo monster smut orc pervert[/color]
Pockets loaded: 666
Pockets categorized: 666
Casting Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric 1 times...
You acquire an effect: Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric (20)
Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric was successfully cast.
Inspecting Cargo Cultist Shorts
picking pocket 666
[8763] Cargo Cultist Shorts
Encounter: smut orc pervert
Round 0: Veracity wins initiative!
[color=green]> ashq run_combat()[/color]
Round 1: Veracity executes a macro!
Round 1: Veracity attacks!
Round 2: smut orc pervert takes 1954 damage.
Round 2: Veracity wins the fight!
After Battle: The little orphan girl frisks your fallen opponent for candy, and weirdly enough she finds some. Her dance of joy brings a smile to your face.
After Battle: You gain 37 hit points
After Battle: You gain 31 Mojo Points
You acquire an item: smut orc keepsake box
After Battle: You gain 10 Strengthliness
After Battle: You gain 6 Enchantedness
After Battle: You gain 24 Smarm
This combat did not cost a turn