Revision 20400 adds four subcommands to the "cargo" command:
The first one gets your saved values from the cargoPocketScraps property.
The others are constant for everybody.
[color=green]> cargo scraps[/color]
Pocket #373: part #1 of a demon name
Pocket #222: part #2 of a demon name = ge_
Pocket #7: part #3 of a demon name = Go
Pocket #602: part #4 of a demon name
Pocket #172: part #5 of a demon name = Yi
Pocket #251: part #6 of a demon name = ya
Pocket #282: part #7 of a demon name
[color=green]> cargo joke[/color]
Pocket #112: Joke-Mad (20) and a joke: "Q: What is a skeleton's favorite competitive college sport? A: Skeleton crew."
Pocket #119: Joke-Mad (20) and a joke: "Q: How does a skeleton know what's about to happen? A: He feels it in his bones."
Pocket #163: Joke-Mad (20) and a joke: "Q: Why didn't the skeleton go to school? A: His heart wasn't in it."
Pocket #188: Joke-Mad (20) and a joke: "Q: Why do skeletons tell so many jokes? A: Because they're very humerus."
Pocket #209: Joke-Mad (20) and a joke: "Q: What do you call a skeleton who won't go to work? A: Lazy bones."
Pocket #260: Joke-Mad (20) and a joke: "Q: Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road? A: He didn't have the guts."
Pocket #272: Joke-Mad (20) and a joke: "Q: What did the skeleton chef say? A: Bone Apetit!"
Pocket #307: Joke-Mad (20) and a joke: "Q: What instrument does a skeleton play? A: The trombone."
Pocket #370: Joke-Mad (20) and a joke: "Q: Why don't skeletons watch horror movies? A: They don't have the stomach for it."
Pocket #387: Joke-Mad (20) and a joke: "Q: What did the skeleton bring to the picnic? A: Spare ribs."
Pocket #433: Joke-Mad (20) and a joke: "Q: What did the skeleton serve his tea in? A: Bone china."
Pocket #437: Joke-Mad (20) and a joke: "Q: Why do skeletons stay so calm? A: Because nothing gets under their skin."
Pocket #513: Joke-Mad (20) and a joke: "Q: What instruments can a skeleton NOT play? A: His organs."
[color=green]> cargo meat[/color]
Pocket #577: 118 Meat and a clue: To enrage, anger or annoy
Pocket #149: 245 Meat and a clue: A bittersweet longing for people or things from the past
Pocket #115: 351 Meat and a clue: Perilous or likely to do harm
Pocket #139: 451 Meat and a clue: Overflowing with enthusiasm
Pocket #554: 566 Meat and a clue: An instrument composed of wooden bars played with two small mallets
Pocket #504: 678 Meat and a clue: A larval insect that burrows into and feeds on the internal tissue of the principal photosynthetic organ of plants)
Pocket #54: 725 Meat and a clue: One guilty of the wrongful performance of a normally lawful act
Pocket #484: 872 Meat and a clue: A beating with a cane made of the thin pliable stems of a climbing palm
Pocket #621: 917 Meat and a clue: Being at the level of the narrowest part of the torso
[color=green]> cargo poem[/color]
Pocket #82: encrypted half-line #1 of a poem: FORPL QDL QDMOQLLV XRMZJOX ALOL
Pocket #531: encrypted half-line #2 of a poem: QDJKTD ALQ FLDMVC QDL LROX
Pocket #246: encrypted half-line #3 of a poem: LGFROUMVT JV QDRQ QKLXCRI HJO
Pocket #108: encrypted half-line #4 of a poem: R PJIRTL JH QAJ ILROX
Pocket #632: encrypted half-line #5 of a poem: VJ FZRSU SRQ SOJXXLC QDL TOLRQ XDMW'X WRQD
Pocket #245: encrypted half-line #6 of a poem: VJ CMOL SOJA SRALC MQX VRGL,
Pocket #45: encrypted half-line #7 of a poem: QDL XQROX ALOL OMTDQ, QDL DJZC ARX QMTDQ
Pocket #640: encrypted half-line #8 of a poem: QDL XLR KVSJGGJV QRGL
Pocket #623: encrypted half-line #9 of a poem: DJA HJOQKVLX XDMHQ, HJO QDKOXCRI'X TMHQ:
Pocket #444: encrypted half-line #10 of a poem: QDL QJA'OMVT GRXQ XQJOG-DLAV
Pocket #628: encrypted half-line #11 of a poem: M CJ VJQ, XRMC QDL VRPMTRQJO
Pocket #561: encrypted half-line #12 of a poem: OLSJTVMYL QDRQ GJJV
Pocket #457: encrypted half-line #13 of a poem: SJGWRXX ADMOZMVT, XRMZX KVHKOZMVT
Pocket #658: encrypted half-line #14 of a poem: GRMV CLSU XZMSU AMQD ARPLX
Pocket #502: encrypted half-line #15 of a poem: XQORVTL XLRX, MQ XLLGX, QDL SRWQRMV ADLLYLC
Pocket #375: encrypted half-line #16 of a poem: ROL RWQ QJ FL JKO TORPLX
Pocket #181: encrypted half-line #17 of a poem: QDL XUI RVC ARQLO XDROLC JVL HRSL
Pocket #520: encrypted half-line #18 of a poem: QDRQ XVLLOLC AMQD ZMTDQVMVT QLLQD
Pocket #405: encrypted half-line #19 of a poem: R ORTMVT SISZJVL GMOOJOMVT
Pocket #540: encrypted half-line #20 of a poem: QDL XAMOZMVT WJJZ FLVLRQD
Pocket #153: encrypted half-line #21 of a poem: OLLU JH JYJVL, FOMGXQJVL XQMVUMVT
Pocket #330: encrypted half-line #22 of a poem: [WJLG SKQ JHH FI XDMW XMVUMVT]
The others are constant for everybody.