Scripting the birth of a new life.


Updated newLife to v1.9.4

  • Won't send a bricking message unless you're still sleeping on a rock.
    /em waves to stannius, "This one's for you!"
  • Always turns the wheel in the pyramid thanks to Weatherboy.
  • Small Boris bugfix.


There's a few exceptions to the rule that "Boris is a muscle class" (A Moment of Reflection, jilted mistress, and secret from the future), but those exceptions do not affect anything in this script.

'Tis all good.

"Bug" Report

Wait... Why did you put air quotes around "Bug"? Is that your way of saying that you know this isn't really a bug, but it bothers you anyway?


Feature request:

If zlib newLife_SellPorkForStuff = true, sell all pork gems, not just one. If chewing gum results are stingy, 500 meat is often insufficient to procure clovers. And even if it is sufficient, that's just more clicks to sell the other gems.


Active member
Personally I like keeping around some of the pork gems... I can turn them into more meat later in the mall, but it does make the start of an ascension so much faster if newLife sells off one or two.


Active member
I'd say "how many pork gems is to be sold", probably, but I guess it could just as easily be "how many pork gems do I want left".


Active member
I'd probably just do it as changing from the current sell: yes/no to sell: none/enough/all. Which does take some work, since...
> ash import <zlib.ash> normalized(vars["eatdrink_accordionGet"], "int")

The string "true" is not an integer; returning 0 (zlib.ash, line 65)
Returned: 0

> ash import <zlib.ash> to_int(vars["eatdrink_accordionGet"])

The string "true" is not an integer; returning 0 ()
Returned: 0

> ash import <zlib.ash> to_int(to_boolean(vars["eatdrink_accordionGet"]))

Returned: 1
So if you force it to check, it can convert to an int automatically... just takes comparing to_int(to_boolean(value)) with to_int(value) if to_int(value) < 2. Since...
> ash to_int(to_boolean(1))

Returned: 1

> ash to_int(to_boolean(0))

Returned: 0

> ash to_boolean(1)

Returned: true

> ash to_boolean(0)

Returned: false

> ash to_boolean(2)

Returned: true

> ash to_int(to_boolean(2))

Returned: 1
Or, y'know, you could just tell people to set it again if they don't want the default. That works too. :D


Updated newLife to v1.9.5

  • Ignore "Out in the Garden" when you're in the Gallery. YAY!
  • Ensure Boris hat if it is a free pull
  • Don't buy detuned radio in Boris because meat is really important on turn 1.

This is almost certainly my last update until May 15 when I'll have to update for a new Challenge Path.
Last edited:


Active member
Slight... emm... feature. The newLife 1.9.5 sets choice89 (gallery) to 5, but it's actually 6 for ignoring the adventure.


Updated newLife to v1.9.5.1

  • Ignore "Out in the Garden" when you're in the Gallery. For real!

This is is even more almost certainly my last update until May 15 when I'll have to update for a new Challenge Path.


I was wrong about not making another update. At this late date I Weatherboy suggested a new feature which I find myself about to enjoy. If you are one of the few people who have 30 Boris points at level 1, then you might as well just let newLife purchase all the skills.

Updated newLife to v1.9.6

  • If you have 30 Boris points it will purchase all your Boris skills for you. Since Boris hated clicking his mouse.


Not sure why but I had to change "gum on a string" to "chewing gum on a string" in three places to get latest version to run. Would this be because of the case statement on line 27?


It couldn't be because of the case statement since $item[gum on a string].to_string() will disambiguate to "chewing gum on a string". What error were you getting?