muffy the werewulf slap
New member
i was hoping someone could tell me what to write to get the Future script to remember to use an empty bottle every 10 turns, also where should i put it in the script?
import <canadv.ash>
string questlog = visit_url("questlog.php?which=2");
boolean go_future() {
if (contains_text(questlog,"<b>Future</b>")) return vprint("You have already completed the Future quest.",2);
if (!can_adv($location[megalopolis],true)) return false;
set_property("choiceAdventure365","2"); // buy a multi-pass
set_property("choiceAdventure364","2"); // Supreme Being glossary
while (my_adventures() > 0 && have_item($item[ruby rod]) == 0)
obtain(1,"ruby rod",$location[megalopolis]);
equip($item[ruby rod]);
while (my_adventures() > 0 && item_amount($item[essence of heat]) + item_amount($item[essence of kink]) +
item_amount($item[essence of cold]) + item_amount($item[essence of stench])+item_amount($item[essence of fright]) < 5) {
obtain(1,"essence of heat",$location[megalopolis]);
obtain(1,"essence of kink",$location[megalopolis]);
obtain(1,"essence of cold",$location[megalopolis]);
obtain(1,"essence of stench",$location[megalopolis]);
obtain(1,"essence of fright",$location[megalopolis]);
while (my_adventures() > 0 && item_amount($item[essence of cute]) == 0)
obtain(1,"essence of cute",$location[megalopolis]);
while (my_adventures() > 0 && item_amount($item[ruby rod]) > 0)
return (item_amount($item[ruby rod]) == 0);
ok, but i'm still a bit stuck, am i supposed to use your script instead of Rinn's then?
import <QuestLib.ash>;
void FutureQuest()
if (!contains_text(visit_url("questlog.php?which=2"),"Hyboria? I don't even..."))
print("You must complete Hyboria? I don't even...before starting Future");
if (!contains_text(visit_url("questlog.php?which=2"),"Future"))
if (available_amount($item[ruby rod]) == 0)
equip($slot[acc1], $item[ring of conflict]);
cli_execute("conditions clear");
add_item_condition(1, $item[ruby rod]);
while(my_adventures() > 0 && item_amount($item[ruby rod]) < 1)
adventure(request_noncombat(my_adventures()), $location[Seaside Megalopolis]);
if (available_amount($item[ruby rod]) == 0)
abort("Didn't acquire the ruby rod.");
int heat = available_amount($item[essence of heat]);
int kink = available_amount($item[essence of kink]);
int cold = available_amount($item[essence of cold]);
int stench = available_amount($item[essence of stench]);
int fright = available_amount($item[essence of fright]);
if (heat + kink + cold + stench + fright < 5)
cli_execute("conditions clear");
if (heat == 0)
add_item_condition(1, $item[essence of heat]);
if (kink == 0)
add_item_condition(1, $item[essence of kink]);
if (cold == 0)
add_item_condition(1, $item[essence of cold]);
if (stench == 0)
add_item_condition(1, $item[essence of stench]);
if (fright == 0)
add_item_condition(1, $item[essence of fright]);
equip($slot[weapon], $item[ruby rod]);
equip($slot[acc1], $item[monster bait]);
while(my_adventures() > 0 && (item_amount($item[essence of heat]) < 1 || item_amount($item[essence of kink]) < 1 ||
item_amount($item[essence of cold]) < 1 || item_amount($item[essence of stench]) < 1 ||
item_amount($item[essence of fright]) < 1))
adventure(request_combat(my_adventures()), $location[Seaside Megalopolis]);
heat = available_amount($item[essence of heat]);
kink = available_amount($item[essence of kink]);
cold = available_amount($item[essence of cold]);
stench = available_amount($item[essence of stench]);
fright = available_amount($item[essence of fright]);
if (heat + kink + cold + stench + fright < 5)
abort("Didn't get all the essences.");
if (available_amount($item[essence of cute]) == 0)
equip($slot[acc1], $item[ring of conflict]);
cli_execute("conditions clear");
add_item_condition(1, $item[essence of cute]);
while(my_adventures() > 0 && (item_amount($item[essence of cute]) < 1))
adventure(request_noncombat(my_adventures()), $location[Seaside Megalopolis]);
if (available_amount($item[essence of cute]) == 0)
abort("Didn't get the essence of cute.");
equip($slot[acc1], $item[ring of conflict]);
cli_execute("conditions clear");
while (!contains_text(visit_url("questlog.php?which=2"),"Future"))
adventure(request_noncombat(1), $location[Seaside Megalopolis]);
print("already done?");
void main()
if (contains_text(visit_url("questlog.php?which=1"),"You've discovered the Boss Bat's chamber"))
if (my_ascensions() > 0 && !in_bad_moon())
if (user_confirm("Try for the Boss Bat britches?"))
import <miner.ash>
if (contains_text(visit_url("trapper.php"), "chrome ore"))
ore = $item[chrome ore];
chrome = 3 - item_amount($item[chrome ore]);
else if (contains_text(visit_url("trapper.php"), "asbestos ore"))
ore = $item[asbestos ore];
asbestos = 3 - item_amount($item[asbestos ore]);
else if (contains_text(visit_url("trapper.php"), "linoleum ore"))
ore = $item[linoleum ore];
linoleum = 3 - item_amount($item[linoleum ore]);
if ((available_amount(ore) < 3) && (have_outfit("mining gear")))
outfit("mining gear");
cli_execute("outfit checkpoint");
if (visit_url("lair3.php").contains_text("hedgemaze.gif"))
while (my_adventures() > 0 && !hedgemaze())
adventure(request_monsterlevel(1), $location[Sorceress' Hedge Maze]);
if (visit_url("lair3.php").contains_text("hedgemaze.gif"))
while (my_adventures() > 0 && !hedgemaze())
adventure(request_monsterlevel(1), $location[Sorceress' Hedge Maze]);
if (!visit_url("lair.php").contains_text("#Map2") && !visit_url("lair.php").contains_text("#Map3") && !visit_url("lair.php").contains_text("#Map4"))
while (my_adventures() > 0 && !hedgemaze())
adventure(request_monsterlevel(1), $location[Sorceress' Hedge Maze]);
if(!contains_text(visit_url("lair3.php"), "lair4.php"))
if (visit_url("lair.php").contains_text("#Map\""))