Request/Query: Mall Manager


Is it possible to configure Mafia to match rather than undercut when using auto-reprice? If not, can this be made possible?


There is no such configuration.

If not, can this be made possible?
I'm not sure if you're asking for a new feature or a script. If you're looking for a new feature, you can try suggesting it HERE. If you're asking for a script, all that can be managed is to match the 5th purchasable item. I like that method because it skips over a lot of the 1/day limited prices. An example of how to do that is HERE.


My main goal was avoiding making a request for a feature that already existed, while silumtaneously avoiding actually submitting a request to which there exists philosophical objections. Editing my current Daily Cleanup script to put things in at mall_price() would be trivial, though perhaps a little server-hammery.

As for mall_price(), I think I misunderstand the way it works. Does it always report the 5th item, or is that just once per session? I believe it updates when an item is bought, but does it update to the price just bought, or the new 5th item? Further, how does the mall_price() update interact with relay browser purchases?


mall_price() reports the price of the 5th item as of the time the search was performed. It will only trigger one search per item in each session, further requests will return the same value. The one exception is that a successful purchase of the item from within mafia will update the saved price to the 5th item that's still available after the purchase.

No relay browser activity will have any effect on the saved price, due to difficulties in determining whether any Mall activity reflects the going price of an item. For example, if you went directly to a store on your Favorites list and bought something, the price you paid is meaningless - it could have been the cheapest in the Mall, or the most expensive.