Feature Request Mafia utilization: Free fights now feature FREEFREEFREE in their HMTL.



I apologise if this the wrong place to post, and the wrong format.

After wracking my brain to find a way to code a songboom counter (and consequently finding a very brittle and terrible workaround) I asked CDM to incorporate some way for Mafia to know a fight did not take a turn.

This has materialized in the HTML has FREEFREEFREE, much like WINWINWIN.

Furthermore, according to Jick, all free fights end the same way. Yes, even Sssshhsssblllrrggghsssssggggrrgglsssshhssslblgl etc.

I was hoping this new feature could be incorporated into native mafia, and specifically, that we could finally have SongBoom Drop counter.

Many thanks,

I haven't been able to check thoroughly, but is the tracker aware that dying to a combat and all types of runaway do NOT progress the SongBoom counter? Does the Mafia version reflect this?
It suspect it checks for both winwinwin and freefreefree, which is should cover everything nicely. Running away (with the braindeer) or with my stomping boots didn't cause any trouble. (I haven't died yet, and I'm not really planning to)
I was just watching my rollover script scroll by and I saw the new logging message when it was fighting tentacles.

But I didn't see the new message when it was fighting Time-Spinner monsters.
I actually thought it could be a KoL thing, but thought I should report it anyway, just to document it. But...turns out I was just being stupid! I'm not sure what made me think they were free...I looked at my code and I apparently knew they cost turns when I wrote it. I guess I'm just getting too old! :P
r19043 adds BoomBox tracking and adds "This combat did not cost a turn" to logs after free fights.

Seeing this when it drops an item:

You acquire an item: Gathered Meat-Clip
Preference _boomBoxFights changed from 10 to -1

and then when you start the next combat

Preference _boomBoxFights changed from -1 to 0

Is that expected?
Yes, it does the same thing to track xo skeleton and xiblaxian wrist-puter drops.
By setting it to -1 when a drop happens and then incrementing as normal at the end of combat (not the start of the next one) you get the same effects as simply setting to 0 when a drop happens, but without having to write an exception into code that increments it with every (non-free) fight. And it means it corrects itself whenever a drop happens, if you played some turns outside of mafia for example.
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I noted this today while chasing down a facsimile dictionary:
Visit to Mountain: The Valley of Rof L'm Fao in progress...

[651] The Valley of Rof L'm Fao
Encounter: Flaming Troll
Round 0: AlbinoRhino loses initiative!
Round 1: Zoe rubs its soles together, then stomps in place restlessly. Clearly, the violence it's done so far is only making it ache for some quality stomping. (Use the "Release the Boots" skill to let it go nuts.)
Round 1: SshoYohohonobohodododododo slaps your opponent repeatedly in the face with noodly tentacles, preventing its attack. "Agh, cut that out!" it yells, annoyed.
special fight = adding machine / dictionary
Round 1: AlbinoRhino executes a macro!
Round 1: AlbinoRhino casts RETURN!
Round 2: Zoe kicks you in the butt to speed your escape. Thanks, Zoe...

This was a free fight from running away with the stomping boots. The "FREE FIGHT" indicates that my script saw the "FREEFREEFREE" text on the page. This is normally preceded by mafia's own logging of "This combat did not cost a turn". Appears to be missing from boots runaways for some reason.

On a related note, the only other difference I've seen is in the Deep Machine Tunnels. The free fights there are correctly logged by mafia but my script fails to see them. Is mafia using something other than looking for "FREEFREEFREE" in the DMT?
So, currently we only check for free fights on wins, which explains the first. Not sure why your script isn't seeing FREEFREEFREE.