Bug - Fixed Relay Browser has old content

Any relay scripts or master relay scripts being used, at all? I'm not having this happen, so there should be something that makes this happen for some installations and not for others...
I had relay overrides active. I turned the setting off, and found that I had to restart mafia for the change to take effect (is that normal?). With relay overrides turned off I still had the charpane not refreshing at the end of fights.
I just created a fresh folder and put the latest .jar into it, as well as my settings and my scripts folders. (My only scripts are bumpork, crimbo11, distentionpillfarm, doghairfarm, and 2 versions of snapshot, and nothing in the relay folder.) I don't have breakfast active.

edit to add: the setting "enable user-scripted relay browser overrides" is disabled for all my characters.

I started mafia, waited until it had finished writing stuff to the cli, and until it had launched the relay browser (this usually seems to happen last of all things).
Greasemonkey was switched off, just in case.

I scrolled the left pane down (fistcore with kung fu hustler adds enough effects to make side pane long enough for scrolling), then spent an adventure.
The side pane did reload (it was scrolled back to the top again), but it still showed old data from before that fight (I did not tatterpopper away from it, I won).
I spent another adventure, and the side reloaded, showing the data from before that fight, but from after the previous one.

Since I happened to be in the barrr today, I also tested the autoadventuring bit as described in first post. Autoadventured until I had the map, then went to relay and navigated to the quest items section. I used the map and got the booty crab, no pirate (previous adventure was a tetchy pirate, says the cli).
So this seems to be working fine now.

(Is there no option to adventure until I get X pirate insults? Trying to add "7 pirate insult" to the goals seems to be translated to "7 big books of pirate insults" ...)
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Hmm... here's something possible... what browser are you using? From the GM reference, it sounds like you're probably using Firefox. Launch mafia, open a relay window, and paste that into IE or Safari or whatever your computer's 'base' browser is, and see if it still has the same issues. Might be that the problem has to do with the way the browser handles the code instead of mafia...

Regarding the pirate insults, I'd suggest looking into scripts... most 'complete' scripts have something included, such as BCA or Ascend. Also, Rinn's Quest Scripts includes a Pirate.ash script that will do the fledge quest for you, including the insults.
Pity... was hoping that was the issue. Here are my settings on the Browser tab of Preferences, before logging in... not sure how many of these might change when logged in, but...
Y Enable user-scripted relay browser overrides
Y Cache KoL images to conserve bandwidth (dialup)
N Override certain KoL images
N Check wiki for item descriptions
N View items registered with OneTonTomato's Kilt script
N Add quick script links to menu bar
Y Add HP/MP restore links to left side pane
Y Add buff maintenance links to left side pane
Y Textualize effect links in left side pane
Y Add Disco Bandit helper to fights
N Show Combat Macro helper during fights (might change this, but it's currently off)
N Run moods during manual adventuring
N Maintain health during manual adventuring
N Maintain mana during manual adventuring
Y Integrate chat and relay browser gCLI
Y Reformat incoming chat HTML
Y Add command-line interface to right side pane
N Add Ayvuir's Simulator of Loathing
Y Add decorator [use] links when receiving items
Y Force results to load inline
Y Hide junk and overpriced items
Y Trim zap list to only show known
Y Add custom buttons to the top of fight pages
N Provide hints for Arcade games
N Show blatant spoilers for choices and puzzles
I bolded three entries that I believe many people have commented on using, which I leave off because I prefer to manually munge about with HP and the like if I'm going to manually adventure... it's a lot to type up, but at least on those three... how are yours set? Have you tried leaving them off briefly and seeing if that fixes it? Any other items marked differently?
I have moods and HP checked, but I have no mood active and HP is at mafia's post-ascension setting of not restoring. I would find having any of those active during an ascension to be problematic.
Tried disabling them and seeing if it fixes the problem? Just because you don't have an actual mood active doesn't mean it might not be trying to process it...
I've been seeing the same thing. The charpane in the relay browser just simply doesn't refresh after a fight. I've gone back to previous daily builds to test, and it started happening with r9716 (r9714 still works fine, can't test r9715 because there's no daily build listed for it)

I do usually run a charpane override script, but the symptoms are the same with and without relay overrides enabled.

In case it helps, I'm attaching 2 debug logs for comparison, one each for r9714 and r9716.

In both cases the steps I followed were identical:
1. Start a fight from the relay browser
2. Start debug log
3. Use a macro (by choosing it manually from the dropdown on the fight page) to end the fight.
4. Stop debug log

Relay overrides were disabled on both occasions, and I'm not running any moods/restoration during manual adventuring.

Edit: After some more testing:

There are some differences depending on which browser you're using.

Chrome reliably shows the correct (updated) version of the charpane, all other browsers I tested with (FF, IE, Safara, Opera) shows the incorrect version (ie. 1 turn behind). All browsers do actually request (and receives) the charpane after the fight ends, but in most cases this seems to happen before fight.php is updated on screen (ie. the charpane frame refreshes before the mainpane does). In the case of chrome, there seems to be a slight delay in loading the charpane...it usually happens about a second after the mainpane is updated.

So for all browsers except chrome, charpane.php seems to be processed before mafia had a chance to properly process the result of fight.php, resulting in old data being sent to the relay browser?

Hope that made sense. If not I'll try to explain myself better.


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I had only "run moods" activated, however, r9629 does not show this off-by-1-turn behaviour, no matter this setting.
Deactivating it, trying r9724 again, still shows the error.

I have encountered this error in r9702, r9710 and r9724.

Watching the panes loading (firefox) seems to display the fight result first, then the side pane. In internet explorer, they seem to appear pretty much at the same time.

Most of these settings are "no" simply because I don't know what they do ("certain images?"), and couldn't find any documentation about it. The others, because I don't need them.
N Enable user-scripted relay browser overrides
N Cache KoL images to conserve bandwidth (dialup)
N Override certain KoL images
N Check wiki for item descriptions
N View items registered with OneTonTomato's Kilt script
N Add quick script links to menu bar
N Add HP/MP restore links to left side pane
N Add buff maintenance links to left side pane
N Textualize effect links in left side pane
N Add Disco Bandit helper to fights
N Show Combat Macro helper during fights (might change this, but it's currently off)
Y Run moods during manual adventuring
N Maintain health during manual adventuring
N Maintain mana during manual adventuring
N Integrate chat and relay browser gCLI
Y Reformat incoming chat HTML
N Add command-line interface to right side pane
N Add Ayvuir's Simulator of Loathing
N Add decorator [use] links when receiving items
Y Force results to load inline
N Hide junk and overpriced items
Y Trim zap list to only show known
N Add custom buttons to the top of fight pages
Y Provide hints for Arcade games
N Show blatant spoilers for choices and puzzles
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I suspect we have multiple reports going on again here. I'm seeing the same as Chez (IE 9, Mafia 9724). Hitting refresh in the character pane after the fight does display the correct current information for me.
r9727. Firefox 3.6.11. Started up mafia and logged in. Saw breakfast and login scripts run. Noted autorestore of MP during breakfast. Manually did Daily Deeds. Last one was Summon Drinks.
> summon Drinks

Searching for "scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil"...
Search complete.
Searching for "disintegrating quill pen"...
Search complete.
Searching for "inkwell"...
Search complete.
Verifying ingredients for scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil (1)...
Using cached search results for disintegrating quill pen...
Purchasing disintegrating quill pen (1 @ 100)...
You acquire an item: disintegrating quill pen
Purchases complete.
Using cached search results for inkwell...
Purchasing inkwell (1 @ 345)...
You acquire an item: inkwell
Purchases complete.
Creating scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil (1)...
You acquire an item: scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil
Successfully created scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil (1)
Summoning Ak'gyxoth...
You acquire an item: ducha de oro
You acquire an item: slap and tickle
You acquire an item: roll in the hay
Requests complete.

[COLOR="#FF0000"]Using 1 disintegrating quill pen doesn't make anything interesting.[/COLOR]

I was surprised at that message but am including it for completeness, not relevance.

I then switched to the relay browser, changed into the Frat Warrior outfit and manually played one turn on the Battlefield. The relay browser charpane and mafia's charpane were in agreement at the beginning. At the end of the fight there was a short, but noticeable pause and the relay charpane updated. I particularly noted that the update showed that various effects had decremented. All three "during manual adventuring" options were checked although I don't think any of them actually triggered. Relay overrides are enabled although I don't believe I have anything that would trigger during combat.

I then realized that the non-outfit accessories were not the ones I wanted so I changed clothes in the relay browser did another turn and the relay charpane has failed to update after a couple minutes of inaction.

Using the browser to trigger a reload of the current page did update the charpane. If I am not totally wrong, this suggests that mafia sent the charpane page to the browser but the browser did not think it needed to be rerendered.

I disabled relay overrides, ran a combat and the charpane updated.

I'll see if this repeats with another character.
Hmm... how about we try this one:
Cache KoL images to conserve bandwidth (dialup)
If it's enabled, does that change anything? I turn it on to save server hits, so I don't need to keep hammering KoL with the same requests. :)
Eh, I think I've ALMOST hit my limit of "maybe this" except... Eh... One more possible IE check/change.
In IE menus, Tools->Options->[Browser history] Settings->Every time I visit the webpage.
Is it currently set to that, or automatic? If it's on auto, I know I've had some cases in my tech support life where IE fails to realize that the page has been changed and keeps serving up old information until a manual refresh happens...
So, I'm running into this now that I am playing a bit more manual. I do currently use the CHIT-relay override.
An interesting thing I notice is that at the end of combat the side pane is not correct, but if I enter combat (and wait a short while) the sidebar will refresh to the correct state.
Yes. Now enter a combat that will take a little longer, use a spell or skill that takes MP to cast, and watch the side pane.
It will most likely still be 1 cast "behind" the actual MP status.
Just to add to the confusion, as well as the character pane not refreshing I have noticed some weirdness when my semirare was due. The warning came up in the main pane as it should and then it refreshed and showed the guild without any interaction from me.
I've just started seeing this behavior myself. It didn't seem to be present for me until FF auto-updated to v6.0 (which is what I assumed was the source of the problem until I recreated the problem with Chrome as the relay browser).

I'll post any relevant settings, configs, etc. here on request. I've wiped the relay directory etc.

ETA: It only seems to show up at the end of a combat. Noncoms all update the charpane properly.
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