raidlog override a la Dr. Evi1

Can I ask that the script sums the numbers of each monster and shows which boss would occur (i.e. which monster you've killed more)?
Also, would it be possible to get Dreadsylvania, Slime Tube and Hobopolis in tabs of some sort? So we didn't always have to have them all there? It makes a difference in BAFH when there are a trillion adventures in the sewers.
Also, would it be possible to get Dreadsylvania, Slime Tube and Hobopolis in tabs of some sort?
That would be great. I'd like to be able to see the pretty graphical analysis of the run I'm looking at followed by the raw KoL log followed by the historical list of runs, so I can select another log, with Hobopolis and Slime tube not present - unless I choose to look at those dungeons. It would definitely cut down the wear and tear on my scroll bar...
Can I ask that the script sums the numbers of each monster and shows which boss would occur (i.e. which monster you've killed more)?

As has been said before, not until this has a more concrete formula. Evidence shows it is more complex than "more killed".

Regarding tabs... hells yes, that's genius. If I could just make pretty tabs. I'll see what I can do. EDIT: which.. dungeon... gets precedence? Just assume Newest Dungeon is Best Dungeon?
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EDIT: which.. dungeon... gets precedence? Just assume Newest Dungeon is Best Dungeon?

Start with Totals, then the dungeons presented in alphabetical order? Or chronological... But I'd probably start with a totals/everything tab as the default to not confuse people whose reading-check failed. Or who have tiny clans. :)
Start with Totals, then the dungeons presented in alphabetical order? Or chronological... But I'd probably start with a totals/everything tab as the default to not confuse people whose reading-check failed. Or who have tiny clans. :)

Like mine with 2 active members :)
(currently doing hobopolis runs to get factoids, we haven't even touched dreads much and we were a bit disappointed when we realised we wouldn't be able to get the skills without involving a third player)
So we had a run where the count did not reflect which boss showed up, so I have a new theory which may not be parseable by the log analyzer:

each critter killed has a value that relates to the current kiss level when they are killed. With no testing at all maybe it's value is equal to the kiss level

So 100 zombies killed at kiss level 2 would be equal to 200 points towards the zombie boss showing up.
So we had a run where the count did not reflect which boss showed up, so I have a new theory which may not be parseable by the log analyzer:

each critter killed has a value that relates to the current kiss level when they are killed. With no testing at all maybe it's value is equal to the kiss level

So 100 zombies killed at kiss level 2 would be equal to 200 points towards the zombie boss showing up.

While this may have something to do with it, it is still not the only factor.

Our last all-6 kiss run had more zombies downed, but Mayor Ghost was fought. So either there is some bit of random involved, or the banishing of a species may count as some points towards the other.
One very minor thing. When the person who defeats the boss has a quite long name, the graphic of the boss is not centered in the pane. Everything else looks so perfect, I thought I would just mention this.
Which boss is fought is probably a hidden counter which increases depending on kiss level monsters where killed at, and choices made in the NC.

For example: In one of our runs, we killed over 600 zombies in the village, but still got the Mayor as boss. This was a casual low kiss run (it reached 3/combat at some point). The thing is, someone got the -Zombies choice late in the area, probably after the kiss level was at 3. If the hidden counter is affected in some way by the choices (say, multiplying the kiss value for ghosts), then the counter for ghosts will be higher, making the Mayor appear.
There is spading still to be done. Someone has reported adjusting kisses and monster type before a single kill, and getting an unexpected boss type.

Our clan has hardly been banishing monster types or increasing kisses (1 for forest from getting music box bits), and have been getting the expected boss 100% of the time, including those times we've banished vampires to get skellie HM boss. However, that it is that reliable for us is irrelevant. If it did matter based on level kiss monsters were killed, there is no way this log parser can detect that.
mstieler: If you click the totals bar, it will say which was unlocked. It's also a bit unnecessary, considering there's only 1 unlockable choice per NC that has that (2 per area).
fixing the machine should already be there... maybe there's a space or something I'm missing, I'll take a look.

So, I like the tabs, I just want to add one more thing, and that's have it memorize which dungeon you last looked at and load that one first (when available). I'm pretty sure I could just submit a sideCommand url to set the property, using javascript, but I don't know the javascript function to just visit a url without changing anything about the current page. Anybody?
Hey guys, I have spent a lot of time updating my old raid log script and thought perhaps you might potentially implement your own version, comment on, make fun of, etc of what I have done. If nothing else it's good to get more people's feedback. I have a couple screenshots up in my google doc here If you wanted to take a look. The graph on the main dreadyslvania page has a lot of info on it, displays requirements when hovering, etc.

I am working on the bosses and historical loot tables next, but I would like to ensure our scripts have a similar goal and such as well.

In my pipeline of things to implement:
- Boss tables
- Historical loot tables
- Visual representation of which NC's you have done
- Auto visiting a specific NC outcome if possible
- A UI rework of the logs pages, or at a minimum adding global totals per dungeon per run.

Happy coding and dungeoning.

My forum post on the G-D forums can be found here