Question on how to define a mood that contains a semi-colon


New member
Note: I am not sure if this is the proper place to ask - so if it necessary to move this question - please do.

I am attempting to farm some feathers using Bale's excellent FeatherExpress script - and I was trying to define a mood which will automatically use a gong, and then use 5 yummy death watch beetle. I can do this in mafia if I type it directly in, I just create the mood as:

Trigger on: When an effect is lost
Check For: Form of...Bird!
Command: gong bird; use 5 yummy death watch beetle

However, I cannot seem to create this exact same mood through either code, or through the CLI interface. When I try, it assumes that the semi-colon is the end of the mood and interprets "use 5 yummy death watch beetle" as a separate command - and never actually adds it to the mood. Once the mood is created, I can't figure out how to edit it on the fly.

I have tried enclosing the command section in single and double quotes, [], {} - and none of those appear to work (They create the mood - but the mood doesn't work). Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Note: I have tried a couple other options as well to get the same effect through a mood. If I set an unconditional trigger which checks if the turns left of form of bird=15, then it will trigger twice if you run into a non-combat that doesn't use a turn.

Edit - forgot to add the CLI line I am trying to use (Don't test this line if you are in bird form - or you will lose 5 death watch beetles):
cli_execute("trigger lose_effect, Form of...Bird!, gong bird;use 5 yummy death watch beetle");

yup - I've tried using a comma, and you end up with an error like this:

You don't have a skill uniquely matching "1 Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric, cast 1 Polka of plenty"

(I've been testing with those two skills so I don't waste gongs or bugs)
I guess the best workaround would be to create an alias:
alias gongdeath => gong bird;use 5 yummy death watch beetle;
and doing the following:
cli_execute("trigger lose_effect, Form of...Bird!, gongdeath");