Profit -- get an accurate meat/adv estimate for a given zone

As before, but with skipping beer lenses. Believe this has more accurate pickpocket detection than profit_fx does...

Hadn't noticed this script before, but thought I'd give it a whirl. Seems pretty neat, there's two things I noticed though.

  1. It seems to always assume the items you find in a zone will actually sell at the mall. Items from the castle in the sky, for example, are so flooded in the mall that you're better off auto selling them.
  2. Doesn't calculate the most profitable zone for me :p

For point 1, I think you could perhaps offer the option for players to list items in a map that should always be considered at their autosell value (extra points if you could detect Bale's OCD Inventory maps and opt to use those!).
As for point 2, well that's just what I thought the script was going to do at first, silly me for not reading the thread properly :) but that would still be a pretty cool thing to know, but perhaps it's out of scope in this case.
Eh. I stopped using pickpocket once I realized that rave steal was almost always better (in that it had a higher rate of acquiring lower drop-rate items).

Haven't looked at either script in years; I might try to clean up (or even rewrite) profit_fx if I have time.
Well, there's "use_autosell" which you can set to true, for using autosell values for everything instead of historical/mall prices. But no, nothing will check for mall-floodings.

Regarding pickpocket v. rave steal... if you want things like glass gnoll eyes, secret recipes, or fat wallets, you need pickpocket instead. Which is why knowing what your chance of double-pickpocket working is a good thing. :) Anything not marked as PP only though? Rave it.
Couldn't there be some smart logic setting where if mall price is minimum it assumes autosell price, otherwise assumes mall sale?
Eh... this version uses the zlib (which gets imported anyways) function sell_val(it, 3.0) to make a guess as to when you're actually dealing with autosell price. Also, by using the sell_val, we don't need to separately mark historical and mall prices.


Does this take into account the penalties from adventuring in the sea? Also the fact that 1/5 of adventures in the oasis will be the noncombat "Glug, Glug, Glug"?
1/6 for the Oasis, not 1/5, since you get 5 turns of the effect, right? Or you could use a clover for 20 turns instead...

Regarding the Sea, if you set your location to the specific zone you're checking and then check, mafia should adjust your stats for the specific penalties automatically. There are too many variables to easily adjust for everything... though the profit_fx script does make some effort to track that as well as whether or not you currently have adventuring without fishy and are therefore using twice as many adventures to farm...

But no, this script is strictly based on current... everything. Set your location first if the location has penalties.
1/6 for the Oasis, not 1/5, since you get 5 turns of the effect, right?
Pretty sure you're right, my mistake.
Regarding the Sea, if you set your location to the specific zone you're checking and then check, mafia should adjust your stats for the specific penalties automatically. There are too many variables to easily adjust for everything... though the profit_fx script does make some effort to track that as well as whether or not you currently have adventuring without fishy and are therefore using twice as many adventures to farm...

But no, this script is strictly based on current... everything. Set your location first if the location has penalties.

I created a wrapper for this script that gives me a table with expected profit for areas I can adventure in and it usually shows that zones in the sea are near or at the top but I wasn't sure if that was accounting for the various penalties. So for now I've just been ignoring them and farming the first "normal" area in the list. So for better results, it looks like I would need to set the location before running profit.ash and change outfits for sea adventuring. Looks like I've got some experimenting to do.