I just wanted to make some comments on this script.
I am Zecious Babaloni, the creator of Items of Loathing.
First off, I'd like to thank dj_d for creating this script, I'm glad to hear that people enjoy and use my site.
I have fixed some bugs the site was having, causing some items to be mispriced, and items with special characters (such as quotes) in their name to not be listed. These bugs should all be fixed now. Please kmail me in-game if they are not.
Also, if you plan to make a script similar to dj's that will be scraping my database, I would prefer that you gather the info from the following automatically updated files:
http://items.ofloathing.org/today.txt - This file lists the items and prices from today only
http://items.ofloathing.org/export.txt - This file shows the past fourteen days worth of data.
I wiped all data back to October 26th today, due to inaccuracies caused by bugs.
export.txt does not show the past 14 records of an item, it shows the past 14 days, meaning that if/when I do a wipe like this, it will not have the full 14 days worth of data in it. Sorry for the convenience.
Thank you, everybody for your support and interest. Please kmail me in-game if there is anything I can do to help you scrape data for your scripts.