One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

Quick (and probably dumb) question here. I just started using OCW, and the war has started, but now when I try to load the script all it says is "creating internal checkpoint...internal checkpoint created" and then nothing. I admit I am not good with programming of any I doing something wrong here?
What value in the vars would I have to have it say to have it not change familiar? Current, or Default or just leave it blank?

I figured it out, I just need to leave it blank which is why I was/am getting the can't put on that outfit error for the battlefield default, because I don't have an outfit named "current" which is what it checks for...

Ok no, that was wrong, if I leave it blank it goes back to the default options, which are NPZR for default in the battlefield, and Hound in orchard... Arrggg.
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If you want OCW to ignore your familiar settings, tell it you're doing a 100% run by setting vars["is_100_run"] to the familiar you want to use. This will supersede all familiar swapping.
Ok for some reason Mafia tries to complete the Sonofa Beach Quest, even though i have already completed it

Putting on Frat Warrior Fatigues...
Equipment changed.
Countdown: 5 seconds...
Countdown: 4 seconds...
Countdown: 3 seconds...
Countdown: 2 seconds...
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
Conditions list cleared.
Step 3: Lighthouse sidequest
Visiting the lighthouse keeper with 0 barrel of gunpowder.
Mood swing complete.
You can't wear that outfit.
You need 5 more barrel of gunpowder to continue.
Conditions list cleared.
Condition added: barrel of gunpowder (5)
barrel of gunpowder (5)
OK that worked for me last time, but for some reason it doesn't work with this one...The letter does not appear over the image, even though the text is in fact correct
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I've never had that problem, but if the solution kain linked to didn't work you could also try "set sidequestLighthouseCompleted = fratboy" in the CLI. Change "fratboy" to "hippy" depending on which outfit you completed the sidequest in.
If you want OCW to ignore your familiar settings, tell it you're doing a 100% run by setting vars["is_100_run"] to the familiar you want to use. This will supersede all familiar swapping.

Could you list the exact command I'd have to enter in the CLI I can't figure out how to do this.
OCW uses ZLib script settings, which can be examined and edited as follows:

To see the current values of all your ZLib-empowered script settings, type zlib vars in the CLI.

To change a setting, type zlib settingname = value in the CLI.

In your case, you would type zlib is_100_run = frozen gravy fairy or whatever familiar you wanted to use. When you're ready to re-enable familiar swapping for ZLib scripts, type zlib is_100_run = none.
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I think I messed something up when I tried doing this myself, but I'm getting this error when I run wossname now.

Checking step #39, 'IslandWar'.
Working on quest step IslandWar.
Resetting mind control device...
Mind control device reset.
If you run out of adventures, you'll have to restart this script.
Function 'error( string )' undefined (Wossname.ash, line 402)
Dang, I thought I'd already converted all the error() functions over to vprint(). Don't have time to do a proper update, so 1.5.8 is just a survival update to get it working again. While I was at it, I included the fixed frat warplans posted by EdFox, and it now prints a message before equipping an outfit, as discussed above.
Dang, I thought I'd already converted all the error() functions over to vprint(). Don't have time to do a proper update, so 1.5.8 is just a survival update to get it working again. While I was at it, I included the fixed frat warplans posted by EdFox, and it now prints a message before equipping an outfit, as discussed above.

It never popped up for me to update wossname, I was still using "fastest-fratonly.txt" but I've since updated wossname and it's all kosher.
I think I messed something up when I tried doing this myself, but I'm getting this error when I run wossname now.

Checking step #39, 'IslandWar'.
Working on quest step IslandWar.
Resetting mind control device...
Mind control device reset.
If you run out of adventures, you'll have to restart this script.
Function 'error( string )' undefined (Wossname.ash, line 402)

I don't think you messed anything up, i have nto touched Wossname.ash yet i get the same error when using it (and no, i don't consider using it touching it :P)
You should have a zlib setting named ocw_warplan in data\vars_<player>.txt, I guess this is were you can choose the warplan.

To change the setting, just type: zlib ocw_warplan = frat-3-delta in the gCLI, for example.
Instead of tracking down the file, you could also just type "zlib vars" in the CLI.

This will give you a list of all your ZLib settings, specifically formatted for copy/pasting into the CLI to edit settings. Nearly all of the OCW-pertinent ones start with "ocw_".